The Migratory/Ornamental Waterfowl INFO Thread

oh feel better soon Shawn. Some how I have managed to not get Strep throat in 24 yrs now. Before that I got it every summer in June or July for 10 yrs. 104 temps and feeling like the bed was doing back flips. I truly feel for you. Hope I didn't just jinx myself!!!!!
I said dont quote me on that. I am not sure. I was way to excited to pay attention when i got mine. It maybe mine that are. But i do remeber ladonna saying that his birds didnt brood last they both must be older
Ok then thats right then. Like i said I wsnt very sure of his age but i thought he and Ladonna said that one was older then the other. And that makes sense now that the one with the band would be older and I got him.
Thanks Donna they gave me cipro to take for ten days. I havent had it for 3o years
Im not too bad right now .Hopefully I caught it early. Time will tell.

Hey, how much would you say a (dead) mandarin drake would go for?
I have already started to mount it myself but wondered. Just realized my drake had what looked to be the beginning of bumble foot, also has anyone ever attempted to mount a mandarin before, or skinned one? The reason i ask is that it almost looked like he had "ingrown feathers" i haven't mounted or for that matter skinned many ducks (use to pheasants)
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Where were the in grown feathers, wings, breast or all over. Deceased Mandarin drakes depending on feather condition can be worth up to 50.00 if they are in excellent feather condition.

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