The Misadventures of Ms. Tiny the Terror and friends

Thats funny. You better get to MI soon cuz you really need those diapers! LOL. She's not going to be content to stay in the room soon!
Dh has already said get some diapers already !!! lol she think the bed is one big potty although most of the time she does confine potty breaks to her "nest" she has an old jacket i stacked up like a nest in the corner of the bed .... and when she is in her swing all day i just have to clean it out twice a day .... i said i need to get her classified as a therapy animal and just take her everywhere with me .. i mean she really does help with my anxiety

No matter how well you feed Tiny she is a snack thief. I do not know how she does not make herself incredibly sick with the amount of snacks she steals!! And she does the happy dance after everyone - which I will have to get recorded to show everyone. Last night , first thing, she attacked my grapes. It was hilarious because she would pick one up with a little piece from it and then when she couldn't get it open she would bring it back to me to split open so she could actually eat it . She ate three of four this way. Then she tried to get in and bathe in my coffee , which I quickly pulled away and hid because I just do not think it would be good for her. Last, but not least, she dumped my whole bowl of animal crackers and took off running with not one but two somehow held in her itsy bitsy beak. When she could not peck into them she bought them both back, one at a time and just looked at me. SO of course I crumbled them up for her one at a time. Well with all the fussing and carrying on Daffy the D'uccle got curious and began making noises from his box...Tiny, being the polite lady she can be, began toting little pieces over to his box and dropping them in through the wire... I tried to get a picture and of course the phone was dead !!!
Too bad it is hard to explain to her that he is not her rooster and she should not be flirting with someone that is going to be bigger than her. Although. I am beginning to wonder how much bigger he will be because he has not grown much in almost a month( i know this is not a really long time) ... Would be cute if i could keep them together with no harm to Tiny ....
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She is more like a little child than a chicken!

She sounds like a handful. Have fun with her!
Silver... I do not think you will have to worry about him being to big for her at all. If he were a full standard size, I'd worry. A bigger silkie maybe... BUT Fritz the Jerk is quite a bit bigger that Blackie... Heck, Blackie is smaller than the 8 week old silkie/NH chicks and fritz is bigger than them. Did you ever see the size difference between Roger and Leila? Here, I'll show you...

Both full grown...
hmm maybe she can keep daffy then ... just depends on how bigt he does get .. he is a young bantam d'uccle .... he really is not all that much bigger than her now and they are close in age as far as i know .. she may even be a little older .... ill post a picture of them together when he gets out of quarantine ...
Tiny says NO !!! lol

Tiny has been slipping food to Daffy the d'uccle all this time and talking at him through the wire on top of his box for weeks

Well tonight I left him out with her (not quite the end of quarantine but very close and they have been exposed to each other somewhat this whole time anyway) while I cleaned out his quarantine box. Tiny did not like THIS at ALL !!! When poor Daffy came out of the box with my help Tiny flew at him, neck hackles all fluffed out and then ..she pecked him ... and he squawked and hid under a box...

Tiny started doing a circle dance with her neck all fluffy and every time he moved she squawked louder and peeped a tirade as if how dare he come into her bed lol
When I bought Daffy's box back in I set him up with food and water and placed him gently back inside. Before I could get the top back on in hops Tiny for another peck on the head ... i tapped her bottom and pulled her out of there and put his lid on .

Then after all this , I feed Tiny some crackers. and what does she do- up to the top of Daffy's cage and dropping pieces in ... Tiny makes no sense lol

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