The Moonshiner and friend's stories, legends and tall tales.

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These guys?


Unfortunately I have a few that are looking pretty weak.
It's that easy huh? You think funny stuff just pops into my head?
All new all original all off the top of my head so don't expect much
"Then you might be from the Ozarks"
If you've ever given birth on the same couch as your dog has then you might be from the Ozarks.
If your baby's daddy is also one or more of your sisters baby's daddy then you might be from the Ozarks.
If you've ever taken tires off your home to use on your wife's car then you might be from the Ozarks.
If you've ever eaten your girl friends "pie" with a dip in then you might be from the Ozarks.
If she let you then she might also be from the ozarks
If you've ever had a perfectly good lawnmower and had to buy a new one just to mow your yard to find the first one then you might be from the Ozarks
If your version of mini storage is a line of broke down mini vans with sh*t piled in them then you might be from the Ozarks
If you have used any broke down vehicle or old appliance as a dog house then you might be from the ozarks
If you have a tool shed and your wife has a menstruation shed then you might be from the ozarks
If you've ever repurposed roadkill then you might be from the ozarks
Just had to bring up the "C" word didn't ya?
Hate those damn things. Scarier then when your cousin misses her period.
I saw a story on some desert yotes on the tellybox the other day.
SOBs are gettin crafty. Usin anvils, boom sticks and rockets now a days.

Thanks for the warning!:thumbsup I'll be sure to warn all my girls about suspicious piles of bird feed in the middle of the road.
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