The Moonshiner's Leghorn Thread Peanut Gallery

I think my stepmother used to put clear nail polish on them too.

That's also great for your skin!
Ahh, poison ivy. None on the mountaintop I'm on now, but my farm down south was covered in it. I never had a goat touch the stuff (none of mine have read the books, not only do they not eat poison ivy, they eat lots and lots of grass) but pigs will slurp up the vines like spaghetti. I moved pig panels and feeders around until the place was clear. Anyone who's overrun, give it a try. And whether it works or not, you get bacon.

And ok, I know this is from pages ago, but I'm catching up and...
Because I can't think of a single rat anywhere around here that has ever tested positive for any disease.
... People test rats where you are???

On the chicken front, I am deeply depressed - my Buff Cornish rooster died. I wish I could find that breed anywhere but Ideal. Not that they're a bad hatchery, just so very far from me and definitely hatchery quality birds. Speaking of Buffs, gorgeous geese @ColtHandorf !! I really want Buffs, but my daughter wants Africans, then someone showed me there are actually Buff Africans, I'd just have to win the lottery.

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