The Moonshiner's Leghorn Thread Peanut Gallery

Tiger is a *little* chubby but definitely not fat. However because she’s a very small cat overall she’s still lighter than most.
Luna is small too hah

Ooo! That face! Floofy. And the white paws.
First one looks buzzed.
Second one is pretty but ya not as.
Third one looks like that cat that everyone has.

Yeah, Shiloh’s pretty blue eyes are kind of crossed.
Tiger looks like the cat everyone has but the cutest version of it. She has a round face and round eyes but with nice cheekbones and a little nose. Her fur is nice and thick too and she has really small, sleek features. Her skin is loose like it is two sizes too big, though now it’s more like one size too big because she’s chubbier, and she’s built really athletic and tucked up. Because her skin is so loose, sometimes her dorsal stripe hangs down her side instead of her backbone. She’s a very active, playful, squirmy, and hungry cat (she’ll eat anything), like a kitten who’s had kids and is now 6 years old.
I described her so much because she honestly looks like she should be her own cat breed because she’s got such a distinctive face, but she isn’t, and heck I like describing things. None of her sons inherited her cuteness.
But look, she's a classic tabby so she has that rareness going for her.

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