The Moonshiner's Leghorns

Let me go through it. Its really a simple one.
Cuckoo is the same gene as barred so barred works the same.
Only difference is cuckoo is barred on a fast feathering bird. The feathers grow faster so the barring isn't as clean and crisp looking.
So I'll just use the term barred since most people know what barring is.

Barring is just a gene. It can be put on lots of colors/patterns.
I wanted to add the barring to the silver duckwing pattern.
Of course that takes a silver duckwing bird and then a bird with barring.
Barring is sex linked (I think most understand how that works) so I put a barred rooster over silver duckwing hen.
Both patterns are silver based (in my project) so everything is going to be silver so no dealing with gold.
Barred is on extended black and duckwing is on wild type.
The F1 offspring are silver based with one copy of extended black and one copy of duckwing. The females are barred and males have one copy of barring.
Now I just crossed the offspring together.
Each parent has the opportunity to pass on the extended black or the duckwing.
The males have one barred gene and one nonbarred gene. So they have two choices of what gets passed on there. Barred or non.
The females have barring but they can only have one or the other if they have barring they're barred if not then they're not barred. They pass barring to all their sons but don't pass a gene to their daughters since its sex linked.
So the offspring have a 25% chance of getting two extended black genes. 25% chance at getting two duckwing genes or 50% of getting one of each.
So pullets can be black, black with barring, duckwing or duckwing with barring.
Cockerels can be single factor barred , double factor barred, single factored barred or double factor barred.
Now of course the blacks and the barred are going to be split between the ones that are true with two extended black genes and the ones that appear black but carry one wild type gene.
Make sense? Anyone that got lost let me know and we'll backtrack and get it straightened out.
Makes sense. I sure wish that our cuckoo d'Anvers are silver based. You get leakage in ours. And our black d'Anvers because of a totally unnecessary quail crossing in the background of a couple of my blacks with better type. It's coming back to get me. I guess if I had another black rooster the hen (which is related to the rooster but shows no leakage) could have been bred with so red leakage didn't show up. I did have another black I was breeding with the male showing leakage.
Now back to the chick....
View attachment 1463418
You can see some chipmunk stripes so you know he has wild type. There's a head spot so you know there's barring.
With as diluted as it looks you'd figure double factor barring.
I was hoping for double factored duckwing.
The same chick today....
View attachment 1463426 View attachment 1463430
As you can see he is double factor barred but clearly no duckwing pattern showing.
He is extended black/ duckwing DF cuckoo
Cute cockerel.
Now back to the chick....
View attachment 1463418
You can see some chipmunk stripes so you know he has wild type. There's a head spot so you know there's barring.
With as diluted as it looks you'd figure double factor barring.
I was hoping for double factored duckwing.
The same chick today....
View attachment 1463426 View attachment 1463430
As you can see he is double factor barred but clearly no duckwing pattern showing.
He is extended black/ duckwing DF cuckoo
Are you planning on making this variety autosexing by breeding for chicks with more separate colors between the sexes?
Well I access to high quality Barred Rocks, Columbian Rocks, Blue Rocks, Buff Rocks, Partridge Rocks, Black Rocks, Silver Penciled and White Rocks. I am looking to come up with Buff Columbian, Mille Fluer, Blue Partridge, Delaware Columbian, Black Tailed Red, Chocolate, Double Laced, and Buff Cuckoo. But the skies a limit when it comes to varieties as you know
Mille Fluer Plymouth Rocks! But you need mottling to get that. What would you outcross it with to get it? I know you have d'Uccles, but I wouldn't recommend using a bird that has feathers on it's legs.
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Are you planning on making this variety sexlinked by breeding for chicks with more separate colors between the sexes?

Mille Fluer Plymouth Rocks! But you need mottling to get that. What would you outcross it with to get it? I know you have d'Uccles, but I wouldn't recommend using a bird that has feathers on it's legs.
I don't think it is even possible to breed Rocks with D'Uccles. Plus, I have Red Necked D'Uccles, not Mille Fluer. I was thinking of out-crossing Buff Rocks with Mille Fluer Cochins or Orpingtons. I may even do a Speckled Sussex and Buff Rock crossing. Cochin would be easier since Rocks already have cochin in them and cochins have yellow shanks
Additionally, my Plymouth Rock breeder friend up the road has created the first Speckled Rock. He has been working on it for 10 years now and they are looking awesome!
Cool! Have you seen Aubrey Webbs d'Anvers collection yet? I'm only focusing on blue, black, splash, and cuckoo because I want to breed to standard. Maybe someday I will try mille fluer.

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