The Moonshiner's Leghorns

What are going to do with all those hatches, that's my concern.
He keeps what he wants to use in the future, and sells the rest. Think of him as a Leghorn mad scientist. He has more colors and varieties than probably anyone in this country. Maybe even the world.

I rag on him constantly, but he takes good care of his birds. I have to wait every day for him to finish chores to talk to him - so I know exactly how much time he devotes to them. He works hard for the money to support and care for them, then he goes home and works hard to take care of them. They are his passion. I may cringe at how much money he puts into them, but at the end of the day... It makes me happy to see that passion and devotion he has for them. I love it all. ❤
He keeps what he wants to use in the future, and sells the rest. Think of him as a Leghorn mad scientist. He has more colors and varieties than probably anyone in this country. Maybe even the world.

I rag on him constantly, but he takes good care of his birds. I have to wait every day for him to finish chores to talk to him - so I know exactly how much time he devotes to them. He works hard for the money to support and care for them, then he goes home and works hard to take care of them. They are his passion. I may cringe at how much money he puts into them, but at the end of the day... It makes me happy to see that passion and devotion he has for them. I love it all. ❤
I got the feeling he was very devoted, you have to be with that many chickens. And after the end of the day he can still joke and laugh.
I found these items there all free and repurposeable into a incubator.
@Conan @WallyG74

  • 1 stick butter, softened
  • 1 eight oz cream cheese brick, softened
  • 1 c. white sugar
  • 1/2 c. brown sugar
  • 1 t. vanilla
  • 1 t. baking soda
  • dash of salt (I cup my hand and fill the indentation in the center of my palm)
  • 2 c. flour
  • 10 oz chocolate chips (I use dark or semi-sweet)
Preheat oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. In mixing bowl, cream together butter, cream cheese, vanilla, and both sugars. Add in flour, salt, and baking soda and beat until just combined. Fold in chocolate chips. Scoop out a piece of dough and roll into about a 1 inch ball. Place on cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. Bake 9-10 minutes or until they are soft set and edges of bottoms are starting to brown. Remove from oven and let sit on try for around 10 minutes. Remove from tray to finish cooling.
Thank you!!
Aw my gosh, that is adorable! I need to make one of these.
@Overo Mare I see a whole line of Moonshiner merch: Feeders, hats, shirts...
Yess! I mean I'd probably go broke.. but still, this needs to happen.
That was my reaction too.
Convection? WTH is that? I thought it was a type of oven.
Speaking of ovens. True story. I once sold some eggs (shut up everyone, It was when I was a teen) to a woman.
jon stewart wish GIF

But first, egg sales. 😐
Yes, please!
Mm, isn't that a bit much. 😄
Absolutely not.

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