The Moonshiner's Leghorns

Everyone says white lobes but I'd say the majority of mine have yellow. Always have. Kind of like the yellow shanks they start bright then fade over their laying cycle. The boys fade somewhat too.
Mine have been free ranging so maybe that's something too. I get feed from a mill that makes their own. I can definitely see lots of corn particles in it so maybe that also plays in to it.
They're white under the yellow. I believe it's a hormone thing.
Everyone says white lobes but I'd say the majority of mine have yellow. Always have. Kind of like the yellow shanks they start bright then fade over their laying cycle. The boys fade somewhat too.
Mine have been free ranging so maybe that's something too. I get feed from a mill that makes their own. I can definitely see lots of corn particles in it so maybe that also plays in to it.
Interesting. I know we had a few when I was little, but I don't remember anything about them other than that they were crazy. lol I much preferred my Buff-laced Polish, New Hampshire Red, and the Anacona Rooster to most of the hens dad had.

I think my Buttercups have white earlobes. I'll have to double check. Every one else should have red, though so I can't tell if corn does much. They only get it as a treat in their scratch. And then whatever the corn content is in their pellets.

Finally got everyone sorted again. If it'll stop raining I can fis one more thing and have pure birds hatching next month again.
The mill feed is making all their livers fail.
This one's spirit is leaving its body in this pic.

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