The Moonshiner's Leghorns

Raccoon update...
Caught the two that first night. Nothing the second but a opossum the 3rd. Nothing the last couple so might of been all for now.
Very odd like the last four times I've caught raccoons it was immediately followed up with a opossum then nothing.
I wonder if the opossum was scavenging after the raccoons were finished eating each night
Raccoon update...
Caught the two that first night. Nothing the second but a opossum the 3rd. Nothing the last couple so might of been all for now.
Very odd like the last four times I've caught raccoons it was immediately followed up with a opossum then nothing.
I still haven't caught a thing with my two traps. But with the birds locked up in the barn at night, I haven't lost anything either. I wonder if it wasn't an owl or something flying in and getting them.
I still haven't caught a thing with my two traps. But with the birds locked up in the barn at night, I haven't lost anything either. I wonder if it wasn't an owl or something flying in and getting them.
Glad the birds are safe but I'm not suprised using live traps.
I've used them my whole life and they catch stuff but I'm gonna say they only work about 25% at best compared to any type of foothold.
Our live traps only caught one racoon, and we think it's because we didn't set the foothold enough to actually have them work, so it was overly confident when it went into the live trap for the rest of the marshmallows. Before this year, the only things we caught with them were chickens and a magpie
Glad the birds are safe but I'm not suprised using live traps.
I've used them my whole life and they catch stuff but I'm gonna say they only work about 25% at best compared to any type of foothold.
Well, I shouldn't say nothing. I caught a chicken. But nothing has touched the eggs, feed, or the dead chick I put in them. Except the stupid chicken.
No chickens yet? Keep at it you'll get there.

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