The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

How did we all get here? Cam wondered. And why does everyone here look like they’ve seen a ghost? Well, obviously, this place was a little spooky.
And where was Haddie?
Had she shifted into something like super small? Another mouse? A locust? She’d be able to truly gorge herself then, with millions of locust friends.
She didn’t really want to be apart from the group, but she wasn’t contributing to conversation right now anyways.
She glanced around her, looking towards the trees, wandering towards them. Haddie?
She didn’t have any kind of dead relatives or tearjerker backstory, but the forest had something else in mind for her.
Take started to listen in to what was happening after his thoughts faded away. His fang caught on his thumb, breaking skin and starting to bleed. His didn’t let out a yell or anything, he just cursed under his breath.
He turned back towards the others and grimaced down at Kyle. His face twisted and disturbed, “Yeah, I wish I had relatives who looked like me. I wish I had relatives at all” he mocked coldly as his scarlet blood dropped from his thumb.
Cam and Haddie had vanished from Blair's sight, though she knew they couldn't be far off. Kyle and Rylie sat a little ways away, not really paying attention to her or Take.
She paced in her place, every part of her agitated and anxious, her mind kept playing back the events of being trapped in the branch wall, yet she couldn't think straight at the same time.
She swore under her breath, drawing her hands over her face. They needed too go and find the others, but at the same time she didn't want to leave the safe area they were in.
"This stupid forest!" She turned to Take, about ready to rip her hair out. "I can't think straight! It's driving me— Are you alright?" She broke off suddenly, realizing his face was twisted and the look in his eyes scared her just the slightest bit.
Cam and Haddie had vanished from Blair's sight, though she knew they couldn't be far off. Kyle and Rylie sat a little ways away, not really paying attention to her or Take.
She paced in her place, every part of her agitated and anxious, her mind kept playing back the events of being trapped in the branch wall, yet she couldn't think straight at the same time.
She swore under her breath, drawing her hands over her face. They needed too go and find the others, but at the same time she didn't want to leave the safe area they were in.
"This stupid forest!" She turned to Take, about ready to rip her hair out. "I can't think straight! It's driving me— Are you alright?" She broke off suddenly, realizing his face was twisted and the look in his eyes scared her just the slightest bit.
Take’s cat-like pupils had constricted as he stared at Kyle. Once Blair’s voice interfered, his face went back to normal, as if he blanked out. He glanced at Blair, his pupils expanding back to their normal size.

He raised his eyebrows, almost confused, “Yeah, I’m fine now” he said quietly. His thumb started to heal slowly, only leaving the blood that had surfaced, behind.
Take’s cat-like pupils had constricted as he stared at Kyle. Once Blair’s voice interfered, his face went back to normal, as if he blanked out. He glanced at Blair, his pupils expanding back to their normal size.

He raised his eyebrows, almost confused, “Yeah, I’m fine now” he said quietly. His thumb started to heal slowly, only leaving the blood that had surfaced, behind.
Blair looked at him dead-on, clearly not convinced. She sighed anyway, looking away towards where Haddie and Cam had vanished. "Alright, then." She muttered.
After a few moments of silence, her eyes flickered back to him. "I...was wondering. Did you have any...odd encounters in the forest before I found you guys? I know it's...weird to ask, but I was...sort of trapped in the trees, and saw something...odd. I was wondering if someone else saw anything as well." Her voice was most nonchalant, but it threatened to break on her a few times, and she couldn't quite look him in the eye.
Blair looked at him dead-on, clearly not convinced. She sighed anyway, looking away towards where Haddie and Cam had vanished. "Alright, then." She muttered.
After a few moments of silence, her eyes flickered back to him. "I...was wondering. Did you have any...odd encounters in the forest before I found you guys? I know it's...weird to ask, but I was...sort of trapped in the trees, and saw something...odd. I was wondering if someone else saw anything as well." Her voice was most nonchalant, but it threatened to break on her a few times, and she couldn't quite look him in the eye.
Take hesitated a bit before responding. He lowered his gaze to the ground.

She had an experience too.

His voice cracked as he began, “Yeah. I saw myself in there. But it was me when I was a kid.” his tone was soft, “It was weird.. because it felt like that little me was actually there” he added, locking eyes with Blair.
Take hesitated a bit before responding. He lowered his gaze to the ground.

She had an experience too.

His voice cracked as he began, “Yeah. I saw myself in there. But it was me when I was a kid.” his tone was soft, “It was weird.. because it felt like that little me was actually there” he added, locking eyes with Blair.
"You saw yourself?" Blair tilted her head, both bemused and intrigued. ", it feels like the person really is there, you can see them and hear them and even smell them, but...then they're just..." She wrapped her arms around herself, meeting his gaze. "Gone. they were never there. But I knew she was there! Because it was her, older her, oh goodness...she looks almost exactly the same and how can you—"
She broke off, tearing her gaze from his sharply. "I don't understand," she murmured, her voice cracking slightly. "What this forest is doing. It's's like it's testing us or something."

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