The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

Take nodded, following beside her and Kit. It’s around nine in the morning here.. right? These time zones are confusing. “Have you lived in Arizona your whole life?” he asked randomly.

Elias nearly fell back from Alanna’s sudden appearance, it scared the living daylights out of him, his heart was beating rapidly, as if he were going to suffer a heart attack. He stepped back carefully, a sense of nervousness in his voice, “..A-Ala..nna..? M-my child..? Is.. that.. r-really you?” his overgrown eyebrows arched up in surprise and almost disbelief that this ghostly girl was his daughter. His hand reached out to her, quivering from overwhelming emotions.
Blair shook her head. "No. I've only lived here for two years. My parents have moved a ton, I think we've lived in...five different states in my lifetime." She glanced at him, shrugging. "Arizona is my favorite, though. I dunno what it is, it just feels like home to me." She took a right down a side street, the street she lived on. "What about you? Have you lived in California for your whole life?"


Alanna's eyes were wide as she looked at her father, feeling awful for scaring him. She hadn't meant to, she just couldn't let him leave.
"Y-yes...yes, it's me," she murmured, her voice trembling, reaching out her hand to grab his. But it passed right through him like air. "It's really me."
Blair shook her head. "No. I've only lived here for two years. My parents have moved a ton, I think we've lived in...five different states in my lifetime." She glanced at him, shrugging. "Arizona is my favorite, though. I dunno what it is, it just feels like home to me." She took a right down a side street, the street she lived on. "What about you? Have you lived in California for your whole life?"


Alanna's eyes were wide as she looked at her father, feeling awful for scaring him. She hadn't meant to, she just couldn't let him leave.
"Y-yes...yes, it's me," she murmured, her voice trembling, reaching out her hand to grab his. But it passed right through him like air. "It's really me."
“Huh.. must’ve sucked.. you couldn’t get too comfortable no matter where you went.” As they turned onto another street, Take kicked a loose rock, sending it flying into some cacti on someones front yard. “Yeah pretty much, but I’ve lived all over the state. Mostly because of foster care and having to move to different group homes, It was a total drag.” Take muttered, hating the experiences he had that developed his sort of PTSD and fear of people coming up behind him.

Elias emotionally got onto one knee, still holding onto his staff tightly. He felt the tears roll down his cheeks at Alannas assurance that it really was her. He was saddened to see that he was unable to touch her face, and she was unable to do the same. He longed to embrace his daughter again in the afterlife, but he never thought she would come to him like this. He wiped his tears away, they were blurring his vision horribly, “B-But.. how a-are you here? W-hy?” he choked out.
Kipp knew where he was, but it was a good 7 miles or more (12km) to home. He sighed and looked around, the library was still closed so he wasn't going to be able to use their phone to call for a ride. He sat down on the bus stop bench trying to decide how he would get home. Flying is an option and it would be faster than walking, but landing would hurt. Or I could just stay here and sleep for a bit. That wouldn't be so bad. He looked down at the crisscrossing wire pattern of the bench. It didn't look particularly comfortable. But he'd probably get more sleep here than at home. Kipp glanced around one more time to see if there was anyone around who would care. The only movement though was the flags blowing in the gentle breeze. Kipp crawled across the bench and flopped down on his stomach, quickly falling asleep.
(It's over. The journeying part anyway. They all inserted their stones in the stone in the castle, and were transported back to the coffee shop, destroying all the massive bugs and the mother stone.
Now, Kyle has called the police to come get the kids because they were 'kidnapped' but some of them escaped with the druid Elias (Take, Clary, Kipp, Fred and Blair, if I'm correct))
(+ update: Clary, Kipp, and Fred are all home. There’s a police officer at the coffee shop now)
“Huh.. must’ve sucked.. you couldn’t get too comfortable no matter where you went.” As they turned onto another street, Take kicked a loose rock, sending it flying into some cacti on someones front yard. “Yeah pretty much, but I’ve lived all over the state. Mostly because of foster care and having to move to different group homes, It was a total drag.” Take muttered, hating the experiences he had that developed his sort of PTSD and fear of people coming up behind him.

Elias emotionally got onto one knee, still holding onto his staff tightly. He felt the tears roll down his cheeks at Alannas assurance that it really was her. He was saddened to see that he was unable to touch her face, and she was unable to do the same. He longed to embrace his daughter again in the afterlife, but he never thought she would come to him like this. He wiped his tears away, they were blurring his vision horribly, “B-But.. how a-are you here? W-hy?” he choked out.
"Nope. After a while I kind of just got used to the fact that I couldn't get too comfortable." Blair responded. She was walking slower then she normally would, shortening her normally long stride, dreading what would happen when she set foot into her house. It wasn't her mother she was worried about, it was the fact that Isabelle what there.
She looked up at him at his last words, guilt instantly flooding her. Here she was, worried over a few harsh words and jabs from her family and friends, while Take had no family. Sure he had Elias, but there was a difference. "Must have been," she whispered in response, looking back at her feet and Kit trotting happily between them. "It must have really sucked."


Tears fell from emerald colored eyes as Alanna knelt in front of her father, the salty tears never actually making a mark as they hit the sidewalk. "I'm s-s-sorry, Father," she choked out. "They found me in the tunnels, brought me with them. T-Take said h-he still knew you, and...and I-I had to find you. I h-had to see you a-again." She wanted to hug him, so much, but she knew it would be nothing. She would just pass right through him like she was nothing but air.
"Nope. After a while I kind of just got used to the fact that I couldn't get too comfortable." Blair responded. She was walking slower then she normally would, shortening her normally long stride, dreading what would happen when she set foot into her house. It wasn't her mother she was worried about, it was the fact that Isabelle what there.
She looked up at him at his last words, guilt instantly flooding her. Here she was, worried over a few harsh words and jabs from her family and friends, while Take had no family. Sure he had Elias, but there was a difference. "Must have been," she whispered in response, looking back at her feet and Kit trotting happily between them. "It must have really sucked."


Tears fell from emerald colored eyes as Alanna knelt in front of her father, the salty tears never actually making a mark as they hit the sidewalk. "I'm s-s-sorry, Father," she choked out. "They found me in the tunnels, brought me with them. T-Take said h-he still knew you, and...and I-I had to find you. I h-had to see you a-again." She wanted to hug him, so much, but she knew it would be nothing. She would just pass right through him like she was nothing but air.
“Yeah, I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with it anymore” he admitted. Take realized he was outpacing her and stopped, looking back at Blair. He grabbed her hand and swung it a little, “Hey, it’ll be okay, you don’t have anything to worry about” assuming she slowed and became worried about her family and their response. He released her hand and gave a toothy smile.

Elias gazed at his daughter in a warm and comforting way, “It’s alright my little one.. no need to apologize. Let’s go home okay?” his lips formed a smile, sincerity in his voice now instead of nervousness and shock. He got back on his feet, “I’m glad.. you came, my brave girl” his eyes were red and puffy from the tears as he stared down into her emerald green eyes. He took his staff and whirled him and Alanna back home.
“Yeah, I’m just glad I don’t have to deal with it anymore” he admitted. Take realized he was outpacing her and stopped, looking back at Blair. He grabbed her hand and swung it a little, “Hey, it’ll be okay, you don’t have anything to worry about” assuming she slowed and became worried about her family and their response. He released her hand and gave a toothy smile.

Elias gazed at his daughter in a warm and comforting way, “It’s alright my little one.. no need to apologize. Let’s go home okay?” his lips formed a smile, sincerity in his voice now instead of nervousness and shock. He got back on his feet, “I’m glad.. you came, my brave girl” his eyes were red and puffy from the tears as he stared down into her emerald green eyes. He took his staff and whirled him and Alanna back home.
Blair paused, looking up at him, startled. "I-....I know. I'm just...being stupid. There's just someone whose gonna be there that I really don't want to see, that's all." She shrugged, returning his smile faintly. The moment he let go of her hand, she started walking again, her pace quicker until they came to the front of her house. She didn't hesitate, though, approaching the blue-gray colored house, passing the cars parking in the driveway and up the front steps.
Only when she got to the door, fingers already hovering over the cold metal handle, did she hesitate, realizing once again what she was doing. A year and a half. A year and a half since I've actually seen her, and I know for certain she's inside this house. Damn it, what am I doing?


Alanna looked up at him, hope flaring in her chest. "Home?" She murmured, standing just moments before they were transported. She looked around quickly, a massive grin spreading across her tear-stained face, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the place. She hadn't expected this, hadn't expected that she would be brought to home, the place she had longed to see for so long, and with her father again, and was struck speechless for several moments.
Blair paused, looking up at him, startled. "I-....I know. I'm just...being stupid. There's just someone whose gonna be there that I really don't want to see, that's all." She shrugged, returning his smile faintly. The moment he let go of her hand, she started walking again, her pace quicker until they came to the front of her house. She didn't hesitate, though, approaching the blue-gray colored house, passing the cars parking in the driveway and up the front steps.
Only when she got to the door, fingers already hovering over the cold metal handle, did she hesitate, realizing once again what she was doing. A year and a half. A year and a half since I've actually seen her, and I know for certain she's inside this house. Damn it, what am I doing?


Alanna looked up at him, hope flaring in her chest. "Home?" She murmured, standing just moments before they were transported. She looked around quickly, a massive grin spreading across her tear-stained face, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the place. She hadn't expected this, hadn't expected that she would be brought to home, the place she had longed to see for so long, and with her father again, and was struck speechless for several moments.
Take replied with a ‘hm’ in understanding, following right behind her as she lead him and Kit up to her home. He noticed the cars parked out in the driveway, Guess they have a lot of people over..
He stood beside her as they got to the door, and saw how she hesitated to open it, standing there with her hand hovering over the handle. He sighed and put her hand on it with his, turning the handle and pushing it inwards, opening the door widely.

(Imma stop it there with Elias and Alanna :p)
Kyle looked up the moment the police car entered the lot. Rylie lifted his head in weak acknowledgement before falling back asleep. I would have expected a larger regard after a kidnapping. One policeman?
The bewildered man looked at him, the children, the cat... He obviously didn't see what he had expected.
A teenage prankster giggling in the booth of a functional coffee shop maybe... Terrified, hopeless children and a wise adult who had just discovered them maybe.
But what he saw was teenagers calmly chatting and eating soup, a cat fast asleep on the floor, and a tiny man standing next to a landline phone and waving cheerfully. In addition, a few wilted flowers lay abandoned in one of the booths, a strange mixture of common September flowers and flowers of spring. The shop appeared to be installed.
He raised a brow and squinted at the children. They matched their descriptions perfectly, a strange collection of oddities. One wasn’t even a child at all, and was covered in soft, red fur. The last time he had seen an anthropomorphic fox was on Splash Mountain in Disney world. They existed but were certainly a rarity.
He began counting them, whispering the numbers out loud.
”Hello Officer!” the little man chirped. ”Some of the teens have already left out of free will but you will discover that these are indeed the missing children.”
The officer finished counting. We're gonna need more cars. ”What’s your name, sir?”
”Kyle Beck, sir. I am the one who called to alert you of the discovery of the children.”
”Officer Riddle. I am aware that they came from different locations and were kept here. Is the offender on these premises?”
”No sir,” Kyle replied. ”I have it on good authority that Laurel is heading toward Texas right now.” But he knew Laurel was not headed towards Texas. He was going to disappear, never to be seen again. Even Kyle did not know where Laurel was.
”Good authority?” the officer asked, eyeing the diminutive man with skepticism. Authority over what exactly?
Kyle shrugged. It had always sounded cool. Never mind what it meant. He brought his fingers to his lips and let out a shrill whistle, barely audible. Rylie immediately perked up. Kyle vaulted to the cat’s back and recognition sparked in Riddle’s eye. Oh. He's that kitten rider. I'm surprised I didn't recognize him sooner.
Kyle was well known in his home town for his antics, while the rest of the little people population preferred to go unnoticed.
”Thanks for the landing bud,” Kyle said, patting Rylie’s back before sliding down his side.
Rylie immediately became disinterested and fell back alsleep.
“The children were kept here,” he said, creeping to a closet which had a strange stairwell to a dark basement in it.
The officer flicked on a handy light and tromped down the stairs, discovering a rather boring room poorly lit by a naked CFL. Their was a strange cobalt colored dust all over the bumpy concrete. He pocketed a sample of it in a little baggie, before hopping back up the stairs.
“Anyways, Kyle continued. “These children are really tired and just want to get home to their families. Put a good word in for them, their disappearances weren’t their fault.”
The officer studied Kyle’s blue eyes. Tiny people were actually known for their conniving ways, could lie smoothly due to their innocent looks, but his story seemed convincing enough.
“Ok, I’ll call reinforcements to get the children home. And we will find that Laurel.” He lifted his com to his lips and began speaking into it.
Cam eyed Kyle with the seeds of distrust sprouting in her stomach. How could he turn on Laurel like that? She’d never liked him but that was like Kyle’s own employer. Kyle simply winked at her and whispered. “They’ll never find him. All part of the plan.”
Take replied with a ‘hm’ in understanding, following right behind her as she lead him and Kit up to her home. He noticed the cars parked out in the driveway, Guess they have a lot of people over..
He stood beside her as they got to the door, and saw how she hesitated to open it, standing there with her hand hovering over the handle. He sighed and put her hand on it with his, turning the handle and pushing it inwards, opening the door widely.

(Imma stop it there with Elias and Alanna :p)
Blair didn't dare look up at him as the door opened, watching as it squeaked slightly and revealed an empty hallway. As she stepped inside carefully, Kit at her heels, it appeared the entire bottom floor was empty, but upstairs she heard voices, talking and laughing.
She glanced behind her at Take as the door closed with a click. She approached the end of the hall, in front of her a flight of stairs, to her right the living room and to her left a dining room. That's when she heard heavy footsteps above, and quickly descending the stairs.
She looked up, and standing there was her brother, with a mop of dark hair and chocolate colored eyes. He looked nothing like her, much heavier and tanned quite darkly with a round nose and wide eyes. She recoiled quickly, nearly bumping into Take. "Chris, I—"
"Mom!!" Her brothers loud voice, echoing harshly in the large empty space of the stairwell, making her wince. He didn't even look twice at her, his stare behind her instead. "It's Blair! She's back and she's got some freaky looking dude with her!"
From above, Blair heard a chorus of voices, Isabelle speaking hurriedly in French, and Isabelle's younger sister's questioning voice and the high-pitched, grating yell of her mother that made Blair flinch and cover her ears, eyes flashing a feral gold for a few seconds.
"Blair Helena Connor!"

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