The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

Blair didn't dare look up at him as the door opened, watching as it squeaked slightly and revealed an empty hallway. As she stepped inside carefully, Kit at her heels, it appeared the entire bottom floor was empty, but upstairs she heard voices, talking and laughing.
She glanced behind her at Take as the door closed with a click. She approached the end of the hall, in front of her a flight of stairs, to her right the living room and to her left a dining room. That's when she heard heavy footsteps above, and quickly descending the stairs.
She looked up, and standing there was her brother, with a mop of dark hair and chocolate colored eyes. He looked nothing like her, much heavier and tanned quite darkly with a round nose and wide eyes. She recoiled quickly, nearly bumping into Take. "Chris, I—"
"Mom!!" Her brothers loud voice, echoing harshly in the large empty space of the stairwell, making her wince. He didn't even look twice at her, his stare behind her instead. "It's Blair! She's back and she's got some freaky looking dude with her!"
From above, Blair heard a chorus of voices, Isabelle speaking hurriedly in French, and Isabelle's younger sister's questioning voice and the high-pitched, grating yell of her mother that made Blair flinch and cover her ears, eyes flashing a feral gold for a few seconds.
"Blair Helena Connor!"
This is a really big house..
Take calmly put a hand against Blair’s back, in attempt to comfort her. He stared at Blair’s stout brother, raising a brow, Is he Blair’s brother..? They don’t look related..
“Yo” was all he said to him as he waited for Blair’s mother, ignoring the fact that he just got called ‘freaky looking’. Other than the yelling, Takes ears focused on the faint language that he didn’t understand.
This is a really big house..
Take calmly put a hand against Blair’s back, in attempt to comfort her. He stared at Blair’s stout brother, raising a brow, Is he Blair’s brother..? They don’t look related..
“Yo” was all he said to him as he waited for Blair’s mother, ignoring the fact that he just got called ‘freaky looking’. Other than the yelling, Takes ears focused on the faint language that he didn’t understand.
Blair wanted to lean into the warmth of him, but she couldn't, not when there was people coming down the stairs. First came a short girl, maybe seven or eight, with dusty brown hair and green-hazel eyes, who shouted Blair's name and flung her arms around her waist. 'Blair! Where were you? Isabelle's been looking all over for you! Who is that man?' The girl spoke in broken English and mostly French.
'Been busy, sweetheart. This is just a friend of mine.' Blair murmured in a hushed voice, as her mother came storming down the stairs.
"Where have you been?" Her mother barked harshly, coming to a halt in front of her. Unlike her brother, Blair was nearly a spitting image of her mother, sharp cheekbones and strong jawline aside. But they had the same eye shape and nose, and thick, dark hair.
"Mom, calm down. If you can be quite, I'll expl—"
"Don't you dare take that tone with me, young lady—"
"Mom, can we please address the fact that there is a strange man in the house?" Chris butted in, pointing at Take. "Sure Blair's been missing but he's a little scary looking." His tone was much calmer then his mothers, though.
Blair's mothers eyes snapped up, for the first time seeming to notice Take. Instantly her dark eyes widened, and she took a step back instantly. She clutched at the cross necklace around her neck, glancing from Blair to Take. "W-what is that...that thing?! Is that another one of y-your...your kind? Another freak?" The words were spat out with both fear and disgust.
Blair wanted to lean into the warmth of him, but she couldn't, not when there was people coming down the stairs. First came a short girl, maybe seven or eight, with dusty brown hair and green-hazel eyes, who shouted Blair's name and flung her arms around her waist. 'Blair! Where were you? Isabelle's been looking all over for you! Who is that man?' The girl spoke in broken English and mostly French.
'Been busy, sweetheart. This is just a friend of mine.' Blair murmured in a hushed voice, as her mother came storming down the stairs.
"Where have you been?" Her mother barked harshly, coming to a halt in front of her. Unlike her brother, Blair was nearly a spitting image of her mother, sharp cheekbones and strong jawline aside. But they had the same eye shape and nose, and thick, dark hair.
"Mom, calm down. If you can be quite, I'll expl—"
"Don't you dare take that tone with me, young lady—"
"Mom, can we please address the fact that there is a strange man in the house?" Chris butted in, pointing at Take. "Sure Blair's been missing but he's a little scary looking." His tone was much calmer then his mothers, though.
Blair's mothers eyes snapped up, for the first time seeming to notice Take. Instantly her dark eyes widened, and she took a step back instantly. She clutched at the cross necklace around her neck, glancing from Blair to Take. "W-what is that...that thing?! Is that another one of y-your...your kind? Another freak?" The words were spat out with both fear and disgust.
Take immediately noticed the cross necklace around Blairs mothers neck as she came down the stairs furiously.
Ah crap..
He scowled angrily at the nonsense she was spouting out that targeted him, but what actually made him mad was that she lumped Blair in with it.
Hey lady! I don’t appreciate you calling Blair a freak! She’s your daughter!” He shouted, his hold on Blair’s shirt tightened unconsciously, taking a step towards her mother, “You can go ahead and call me what you want, but I’m not taking that crap you’re telling your daughter” he growled, his teeth clenching and eyebrows furrowed together.
Kyle looked up the moment the police car entered the lot. Rylie lifted his head in weak acknowledgement before falling back asleep. I would have expected a larger regard after a kidnapping. One policeman?
The bewildered man looked at him, the children, the cat... He obviously didn't see what he had expected.
A teenage prankster giggling in the booth of a functional coffee shop maybe... Terrified, hopeless children and a wise adult who had just discovered them maybe.
But what he saw was teenagers calmly chatting and eating soup, a cat fast asleep on the floor, and a tiny man standing next to a landline phone and waving cheerfully. In addition, a few wilted flowers lay abandoned in one of the booths, a strange mixture of common September flowers and flowers of spring. The shop appeared to be installed.
He raised a brow and squinted at the children. They matched their descriptions perfectly, a strange collection of oddities. One wasn’t even a child at all, and was covered in soft, red fur. The last time he had seen an anthropomorphic fox was on Splash Mountain in Disney world. They existed but were certainly a rarity.
He began counting them, whispering the numbers out loud.
”Hello Officer!” the little man chirped. ”Some of the teens have already left out of free will but you will discover that these are indeed the missing children.”
The officer finished counting. We're gonna need more cars. ”What’s your name, sir?”
”Kyle Beck, sir. I am the one who called to alert you of the discovery of the children.”
”Officer Riddle. I am aware that they came from different locations and were kept here. Is the offender on these premises?”
”No sir,” Kyle replied. ”I have it on good authority that Laurel is heading toward Texas right now.” But he knew Laurel was not headed towards Texas. He was going to disappear, never to be seen again. Even Kyle did not know where Laurel was.
”Good authority?” the officer asked, eyeing the diminutive man with skepticism. Authority over what exactly?
Kyle shrugged. It had always sounded cool. Never mind what it meant. He brought his fingers to his lips and let out a shrill whistle, barely audible. Rylie immediately perked up. Kyle vaulted to the cat’s back and recognition sparked in Riddle’s eye. Oh. He's that kitten rider. I'm surprised I didn't recognize him sooner.
Kyle was well known in his home town for his antics, while the rest of the little people population preferred to go unnoticed.
”Thanks for the landing bud,” Kyle said, patting Rylie’s back before sliding down his side.
Rylie immediately became disinterested and fell back alsleep.
“The children were kept here,” he said, creeping to a closet which had a strange stairwell to a dark basement in it.
The officer flicked on a handy light and tromped down the stairs, discovering a rather boring room poorly lit by a naked CFL. Their was a strange cobalt colored dust all over the bumpy concrete. He pocketed a sample of it in a little baggie, before hopping back up the stairs.
“Anyways, Kyle continued. “These children are really tired and just want to get home to their families. Put a good word in for them, their disappearances weren’t their fault.”
The officer studied Kyle’s blue eyes. Tiny people were actually known for their conniving ways, could lie smoothly due to their innocent looks, but his story seemed convincing enough.
“Ok, I’ll call reinforcements to get the children home. And we will find that Laurel.” He lifted his com to his lips and began speaking into it.
Cam eyed Kyle with the seeds of distrust sprouting in her stomach. How could he turn on Laurel like that? She’d never liked him but that was like Kyle’s own employer. Kyle simply winked at her and whispered. “They’ll never find him. All part of the plan.”
Ellie snorted “good to know you actually have a plan”
"You know you can't sleep there." A mans voice said, pulling Kipp from his dream.

"Huh?" He said groggily opening one eye to look up at him.

"You can't sleep there." He repeated an irritated tone in his voice. "Find some other place or I'm calling the cops." Kipp push himself up glaring at the guy. He looked him over trying to judge how much of a jerk he was going to be. His baggy blue dress shirt, was buttoned all the way to the top, despite the fact that it made ithis large head look like it might pop off from the tightness of the collar. He stood with his fists on his wide hips and stared down at Kipp with a disgusted sneer.

"Fine, I'll go." He growled getting up to start limping home. Even if this guy had a phone he probably wouldn't be willing to call his dad. And Kipp didn't exactly feel like giving his personal information to some random jerk either. He headed north toward the highway, he knew there was a restaurant near by. They would probably let him use their phone.

He stopped as he came to the intersection, his legs had finally gone back to feeling like normal, but the two welts on his leg were throbbing with heat and pain. Walking all the way home wasn't a great idea.

"Hey," He said quietly to a woman that had just crossed the 6 lane highway, and was walking past him. "Could I use your phone? I need to call my parents." She continued past him ignoring not only his request, but also his existence. Or not. He looked around trying to find any business that might be open early on a Saturday. There really weren't a lot of buildings around other than the university behind him. Though there was a gym on the other side of the road not too far away. A gym might actually be open.

As he stood deciding how he'd cross the road a sliver 2 door car pulled up next to him. Kipp tried to hide his grimace with a smile the window rolling down on the passenger side to reveal his brother leaning over from the drivers seat.
"Get in." Chris demanded, reaching over and opening the passenger side door.
Take immediately noticed the cross necklace around Blairs mothers neck as she came down the stairs furiously.
Ah crap..
He scowled angrily at the nonsense she was spouting out that targeted him, but what actually made him mad was that she lumped Blair in with it.
Hey lady! I don’t appreciate you calling Blair a freak! She’s your daughter!” He shouted, his hold on Blair’s shirt tightened unconsciously, taking a step towards her mother, “You can go ahead and call me what you want, but I’m not taking that crap you’re telling your daughter” he growled, his teeth clenching and eyebrows furrowed together.
"And who are you to tell me how to treat my daughter?" Blair's mother hissed, her hand tight around the silver cross necklace. Fear was burning in her eyes, and Blair could smell it. Copper and metallic. Confusion vibrated from Alissa who was clinging to her side still, and annoyance from her brother.
"Mom, seriously. Let me just explain what happened, alright? Stop yelling at Take and keep your mouth shut for two seconds—"
"Shut up, Blair! You're the one who vanished from sight in front of me with some s-s-satanic ritual, and came in here with another creature! I won't accept it in this household!"
"Satanic ritual?! I was essentially kidnapped by a tiny little man and forced to fight giant bugs!"
This time, it was her brother who spoke. He scoffed, eyeing Blair and Take up and down. "Sis, I hate to say it, but I think the insanity is getting to you. You sound a little crazy. Forced to fight giant bugs? Kidnapped by a tiny man? Seriously?"
"And who are you to tell me how to treat my daughter?" Blair's mother hissed, her hand tight around the silver cross necklace. Fear was burning in her eyes, and Blair could smell it. Copper and metallic. Confusion vibrated from Alissa who was clinging to her side still, and annoyance from her brother.
"Mom, seriously. Let me just explain what happened, alright? Stop yelling at Take and keep your mouth shut for two seconds—"
"Shut up, Blair! You're the one who vanished from sight in front of me with some s-s-satanic ritual, and came in here with another creature! I won't accept it in this household!"
"Satanic ritual?! I was essentially kidnapped by a tiny little man and forced to fight giant bugs!"
This time, it was her brother who spoke. He scoffed, eyeing Blair and Take up and down. "Sis, I hate to say it, but I think the insanity is getting to you. You sound a little crazy. Forced to fight giant bugs? Kidnapped by a tiny man? Seriously?"
"Someone who actually cares about her" Take snapped, "Aren't moms supposed to be caring and loving to their kids? and listen to what they actually have to say without having a full out argument? Can't you just have Blair explain herself?" his hold on Blairs shirt released, stepping closer to Blairs mother and brother, "I know it sounds really crazy, and we can't prove it without you guys being skeptical, but it really happened." his voice was calmer now, taking a deep sigh to do so. He didn't want to hurt them, but the way his anger was escalating earlier, he could've.
Take took the phone without a word, eyeing the camera app carefully and making sure it was flipped. Okay.. now I gotta make sure everyone gets in it.
He lifted the phone up in one hand, sideways for landscape mode. He glanced back, “Everyone here?”
Clary wrapped her arm around Charlie’s shoulders, bringing him over to where they were taking pictures. She smiled, sticking two of her fingers up and giving Charlie bunny ears.
Charlie smirked and focused on his arm, making it invisible so only his floating hand was visible. He then stuck out two of his fingers for bunny ears and positioned his floating hand right above Clary's head. He grinned, contemplating making his body and head invisible too, but deciding against it.
Take turned his focus back to the phone, his eyes staring in intimidation at the camera, but it was warm and kind of soothing. Not at all cold or threatening. His bottom tooth poking out in a way that it wanted to be in the picture as well. His thumb hovered over the button of the phone until everyone seemed ready, and then went ahead and pressed it, taking a couple pictures just in case.
(Pretending that everyone slotted their stone.)
The stone glowed brighter and brighter, eventually throbbing like the mother stone had.
A blue light emerged and wrapped around the group, causing the clouds of flies to turn to ashes that billowed around them. Kyle was hit by the familiar warm sensation as the light whisked them away.
He was immediately hit by the musty, smothering darkness of the coffee shop basement, and the hard concrete floor was in stark contrast to the whorled mosaic in the tower. The enormous, looming stone that had been glowing brightly was now dead and silent, crumbling into a pile of fine, cobalt-colored gravel. The curse is broken.
And Will Laurel was gone. Just as we planned.
Charlie stared at the others with a vacant expression. Most of them were looking at him expectantly. "Oh, right," he said, after seeing Haddie put her crystal into the big crystal out of the corner of his eye. He hadn't heard the instructions Kyle gave. Wish he would repeat stuff. Charlie thought, kicking at the flies until he found an empty indent to stick his blue stone into.
“Great, I can totally afford a flight back to Reno,” Clary grumbled, heading up the stairs. She scooped up a bowl of broccoli soup and sat down at an unoccupied table.
Clary choked on her soup. “I’m sorry, what now?” Her eyes narrowed. “And tell them what?”
Elias gave them a nod in gratitude, then yawned, still trying to wake up as he rubbed an eye. “Alright.. does anyone need to be taken home? In the next minute or two we’ll be gone” he announced before making his way to the basement.
Charlie followed the others down the basement. He'd rather get in trouble with his parents then get into some deal with the police. He told Elias where he lived and braced himself as he was teleported to California.
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"Someone who actually cares about her" Take snapped, "Aren't moms supposed to be caring and loving to their kids? and listen to what they actually have to say without having a full out argument? Can't you just have Blair explain herself?" his hold on Blairs shirt released, stepping closer to Blairs mother and brother, "I know it sounds really crazy, and we can't prove it without you guys being skeptical, but it really happened." his voice was calmer now, taking a deep sigh to do so. He didn't want to hurt them, but the way his anger was escalating earlier, he could've.
"I do love her, you stupid freak. I—"
"You do, mom?" This was Blair's turn to interrupt now. She unpeeled Alissa from her side, stepping forward. Her tone was soft and questioning. "Do you love me? If you loved me, wouldn't you accept me for who I am? What I am?"
"I would accept you if you didn't force us to spend so much money to get a healer for you every month! If you didn't hurt poor Isabelle!"
"I never meant to hurt Isabelle!" Blair's eyes flared a wicked golden as she stepped closer to her mother, in front of Take. She was balancing on the balls of her feet, poised in like a curled snake. Calm down. Calm down. Calm down.
"Do you think I would purposely hurt someone I loved? Purposely hurt someone I would do anything for? I never meant to hurt her." Her mother clearly still didn't catch on to the fact that there had been something more between Isabelle and Blair then just friends, even if it was blatantly in front of her. And it just made Blair even angrier for some reason, shivering as the wolf struggled to front. "Stay away," she huffed under her breath, ignoring her brothers shout of 'she has gone mad!'
"I can't do this. I can't do this. You blame me, okay. Fine. I don't blame you for blaming me, mum. I get it. I understand this fight has been a long time coming, and it's not just about me going missing anymore." She opened her eyes — when had she closed them, she wondered? — and they were still golden, and she appeared to be struggling. "Maybe I'll just leave. Would that make things better, mum? You win the fight and it's all better, right?"
Charlie smirked and focused on his arm, making it invisible so only his floating hand was visible. He then stuck out two of his fingers for bunny ears and positioned his floating hand right above Clary's head.

Charlie stared at the others with a vacant expression. Most of them were looking at him expectantly. "Oh, right," he said, after seeing Haddie put her crystal into the big crystal out of the corner of his eye. He hadn't heard the instructions Kyle gave. Wish he would repeat stuff. Charlie thought, kicking at the flies until he found an empty indent to stick his blue stone into.

Charlie followed the others down the basement. He'd rather get in trouble with his parents then get into some deal with the police. He told Elias where he lived and braced himself as he was teleported to California.
(*braced, not barfed. Stupid autocorrect. :rolleyes:)

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