The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

"Who is this? What do you know about Kipp?" He demanded his voice was tinted with a mix of anxiousness, and anger.
“I apologise sir I should have introduced myself, my name is Fred. I know KIpp and he should be on his way home any second now. If you could get him to give me a call when he gets home. Thank you.” Fred explained
“I apologise sir I should have introduced myself, my name is Fred. I know KIpp and he should be on his way home any second now. If you could get him to give me a call when he gets home. Thank you.” Fred explained
"He'd better be home any second if he knows what's good for him." He growled and hung up.
(Gosh, now I have the awkwardness of playing multiple characters )
Other police arrived so there was room to transport all the children.
Cam felt vaguely criminal as she sat in the police car and was driven to the station. But it was also kind of interesting. She wondered how long it would take.
She was asked questions and the officers alerted her parents of the situation.
The goodbyes were short and sweet and she asked her newfound friends to stay in contact.
They offered her a phone call home. “No,” she said. “Tell them I’ll explain it all at home.”
She knew she had been recorded, they all had. They were all on the news.
But it all passed like a blur. Soon she was going home. Soon she’d be home.
Cam slept most of the way there, exhausted by the jet lag and all of the walking they did.
That night, she discovered that they were in familiar streets. Her eyes widened. There was Birch Street and there was Cherry lane. The designer of her neighborhood must have thought himself really funny.
Slowly passed the regal elms and silver maples, the houses all the same shape and size, but some were brick or stone while others had plain vinyl facádes.
And then... Oak Street. She smiled as the flowers came into view, every color of the rainbow, spilling out of the edges of their property, every shape and size. There were no oaks to be seen on Oak street, but there was a variety of maples, barely tinged with the reds and oranges that were to come.
“Is this your home?” the officer asked.
“Yes,” Cam said. The man parked the car and unlocked the door as she gleefully ran to her doorstep as the man knocked on the red door that Cam had defended even though her mother thought it was ‘ugly.’
Her weary parents opened it and looked down at their daughter, joy filling their faces. Cam clung to her mother like a child as the man was saying “...situation was already explained to you. I’m just here to give you your daughter back.”
He waved and went back to the vehicle, the officer of which she would never know the name.
“We were so worried about you.” Her mother was a plump woman with pale skin and straight brown hair, a couple inches taller than Cam. They were sitting on the blue sofa that curled around the living room, Cam in a wall of protection between her parents, her confused little brother staring at her from the left arm of it. Cam just hugged her mother and she lay back. “I’m okay Mom. I’m just happy to be home.”
Her dad was where she had gotten her shortness, only 5’5”, where she had gotten her braids, (his were dreads tied back and dyed alternately blond and brown) eyes, and skin. She and her little brother got almost all of their traits from him. Except the plant abilities. Those came from her grandfather, on her mother’s side. She never knew her other grandfather. Maybe that’s where she got her dad’s side of it.
She looked into her dad’s face, expected to see his crooked-toothed smile, but it had been erased by the wrinkles of worry lining his face. “Honey, you were kidnapped,” he said.
“I’m fine,” she promised, but it was going to be hard to convince them.
She promptly sat up and clicked on her phone that still sat on the charger.
Texts from her friend Alli and another unknown number showed up on the locked screen She opened the text that was characterized by its anonymity and was greeted by a picture of the group. A disembodied hand giving bunny ears to Clary who gave Charlie bunny ears in return. and a buzzing, happy Annie shoving Blair into pink-haired Take, who held up the phone. A cat and a tiny man at the bottom, barely eking into the photo. Haddie, who looked like she’d lost a fight with an electrical outlet and Kipp who appeared to be displaying the lingering effects of poison. Soft orange Colby. And Cam, grinning. The blue sky and buzzing flies were visible in the background.
They all looked happy. She smiled and typed Thx, Colby~Cam
She sat back between her parents and showed them the picture.
“Alright, I’ll tell you what happened, but it’s gonna be a long story, so get comfortable.” She felt safe nestled between them, a wall of refuge around her.
“It all began when I got whisked away to the most dangerous coffee shop in all the world...”
(Gosh, now I have the awkwardness of playing multiple characters )
Other police arrived so there was room to transport all the children.
Cam felt vaguely criminal as she sat in the police car and was driven to the station. But it was also kind of interesting. She wondered how long it would take.
She was asked questions and the officers alerted her parents of the situation.
The goodbyes were short and sweet and she asked her newfound friends to stay in contact.
They offered her a phone call home. “No,” she said. “Tell them I’ll explain it all at home.”
She knew she had been recorded, they all had. They were all on the news.
But it all passed like a blur. Soon she was going home. Soon she’d be home.
Cam slept most of the way there, exhausted by the jet lag and all of the walking they did.
That night, she discovered that they were in familiar streets. Her eyes widened. There was Birch Street and there was Cherry lane. The designer of her neighborhood must have thought himself really funny.
Slowly passed the regal elms and silver maples, the houses all the same shape and size, but some were brick or stone while others had plain vinyl facádes.
And then... Oak Street. She smiled as the flowers came into view, every color of the rainbow, spilling out of the edges of their property, every shape and size. There were no oaks to be seen on Oak street, but there was a variety of maples, barely tinged with the reds and oranges that were to come.
“Is this your home?” the officer asked.
“Yes,” Cam said. The man parked the car and unlocked the door as she gleefully ran to her doorstep as the man knocked on the red door that Cam had defended even though her mother thought it was ‘ugly.’
Her weary parents opened it and looked down at their daughter, joy filling their faces. Cam clung to her mother like a child as the man was saying “...situation was already explained to you. I’m just here to give you your daughter back.”
He waved and went back to the vehicle, the officer of which she would never know the name.
“We were so worried about you.” Her mother was a plump woman with pale skin and straight brown hair, a couple inches taller than Cam. They were sitting on the blue sofa that curled around the living room, Cam in a wall of protection between her parents, her confused little brother staring at her from the left arm of it. Cam just hugged her mother and she lay back. “I’m okay Mom. I’m just happy to be home.”
Her dad was where she had gotten her shortness, only 5’5”, where she had gotten her braids, (his were dreads tied back and dyed alternately blond and brown) eyes, and skin. She and her little brother got almost all of their traits from him. Except the plant abilities. Those came from her grandfather, on her mother’s side. She never knew her other grandfather. Maybe that’s where she got her dad’s side of it.
She looked into her dad’s face, expected to see his crooked-toothed smile, but it had been erased by the wrinkles of worry lining his face. “Honey, you were kidnapped,” he said.
“I’m fine,” she promised, but it was going to be hard to convince them.
She promptly sat up and clicked on her phone that still sat on the charger.
Texts from her friend Alli and another unknown number showed up on the locked screen She opened the text that was characterized by its anonymity and was greeted by a picture of the group. A disembodied hand giving bunny ears to Clary who gave Charlie bunny ears in return. and a buzzing, happy Annie shoving Blair into pink-haired Take, who held up the phone. A cat and a tiny man at the bottom, barely eking into the photo. Haddie, who looked like she’d lost a fight with an electrical outlet and Kipp who appeared to be displaying the lingering effects of poison. Soft orange Colby. And Cam, grinning. The blue sky and buzzing flies were visible in the background.
They all looked happy. She smiled and typed Thx, Colby~Cam
She sat back between her parents and showed them the picture.
“Alright, I’ll tell you what happened, but it’s gonna be a long story, so get comfortable.” She felt safe nestled between them, a wall of refuge around her.
“It all began when I got whisked away to the most dangerous coffee shop in all the world...”
(Oh my word that has the feelings of finality to it. ToT The adventure is really done.)
Take backed away as Blair and her mother conversed, silently watching. He shot a look at Blairs brother after his abrupt exclamation “You’re not helping dude..” he muttered, leaning against the banister.
Blair watched as her mother stumbled for words after what she had said. And Blair just turned. Under the terrified, confused and uncertain stares of everyone, Isabelle's parents and her father standing in the kitchen as well, she just lifted her head high, watching them. She pivoted suddenly, and silently walked up the stairs past Take.
"W-where are you going, young lady?!" Her mother spluttered below her.
Blair paused, hand on the railing. "Anywhere that's not here, mother." Her replied simply, keeping her tone as cold as her stare, unnerving and unwelcoming, before she turned her back on her mothers indignant responses.
She stormed past the room she knew Isabelle had to be hiding it, into her own, slamming the door so viciously it shook the house.
She changed into new clothes as quick as possible before Take might possibly open the door, throwing on the first thing she could grab, black legging and a gray tank top that had been in her dresser, tossing her shredded and blood spattered clothes into the corner, and quickly pulling on sneakers.
Glancing momentarily at her reflection, glancing at her still bandaged wrists and the multiple little cuts across her shoulders and face, she turned away quickly, stuffing random clothes and necessities into a large bag as quickly as possible.
Where she would go, she hadn't a clue. Did she have the money to actually afford to stay on the run or rent a hotel room for more then a night or two? No, she certainly did not. Did she want to leave this house? No. Of course not. She loved her parents dearly, and cared for her father when he had been so kind and reassuring once she had been bitten, and even if her mother had a fear and maybe even disgust for her, she still loved her.
Just for a few nights. Just until I can figure out what to do.
Blair watched as her mother stumbled for words after what she had said. And Blair just turned. Under the terrified, confused and uncertain stares of everyone, Isabelle's parents and her father standing in the kitchen as well, she just lifted her head high, watching them. She pivoted suddenly, and silently walked up the stairs past Take.
"W-where are you going, young lady?!" Her mother spluttered below her.
Blair paused, hand on the railing. "Anywhere that's not here, mother." Her replied simply, keeping her tone as cold as her stare, unnerving and unwelcoming, before she turned her back on her mothers indignant responses.
She stormed past the room she knew Isabelle had to be hiding it, into her own, slamming the door so viciously it shook the house.
She changed into new clothes as quick as possible before Take might possibly open the door, throwing on the first thing she could grab, black legging and a gray tank top that had been in her dresser, tossing her shredded and blood spattered clothes into the corner, and quickly pulling on sneakers.
Glancing momentarily at her reflection, glancing at her still bandaged wrists and the multiple little cuts across her shoulders and face, she turned away quickly, stuffing random clothes and necessities into a large bag as quickly as possible.
Where she would go, she hadn't a clue. Did she have the money to actually afford to stay on the run or rent a hotel room for more then a night or two? No, she certainly did not. Did she want to leave this house? No. Of course not. She loved her parents dearly, and cared for her father when he had been so kind and reassuring once she had been bitten, and even if her mother had a fear and maybe even disgust for her, she still loved her.
Just for a few nights. Just until I can figure out what to do.
Take watched as Blair ascended the stairs informing her mother that she was leaving and disappeared to her room. He was left standing with her mom, brother, and the little girl before he turned and headed towards the kitchen. He wasn’t surprised or worried about what Blair was doing, because he would’ve done the same, and he actually has before. But simply he never told anyone he was leaving and just snuck out from a group home with his belongings one night. He gazed around, searching for a home phone. He paid no attention to the three adults, reaching for the cordless phone once he finally spotted it. Dialing Elias’s number, it took a couple long rings to him to finally answer.
“Elias, I need you to come back”
Take frowned, “No it’s the guy you fixed the garden for... my plants are dying. Of course it’s me old man!”
“Alright alright, I’ll be there in a few”
Take put the phone back on the receiver, giving the three adults a small awkward grin and headed towards the front door.

Beforehand, Elias had teleported him and Alanna back to the temple in Los Angeles, their home. He showed Alanna her old room, and it had been untouched for the sake of remembering her. But most importantly, the great big tree that stood in the center of it all, and how much it had grown over the years. Elias’ phone had been vibrating in his pocket for a couple seconds before he realized someone was calling him. “Pardon me” he said to Alanna as he answered the call. After it was finished, he led her outside the front entrance, where she could see the city of Los Angeles from the hill they were on “I’ll be back okay? I’m going to go pick up Take.”

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