The Most Dangerous Coffee Shop- A Role Play

The quick transportation from one place to a very different place was a brutal assault on Blair's senses. Screaming abulences and cop cars would have drowned out the blaring car horns or snarling engines to others, but she heard all of it. The different scents were also another harsh assault, of tar and animals, people and food and just overall the strong scents that big cities had.
It was very different from dry Arizona. While most of the time she smelled the desert and faint scents of Tucson, she smelled the ocean, the salty scent carried on the faint wind, and food and strong city scents.
And for no reason at all, she smiled widely, eyes glowing not from the wolf, but from the overall excitement that California gave her. She looked at Elias, laughing softly as she held onto Kit's collar to stop the over excited collie from running off. "Thanks. And I'll do my best, but I can't make any promises."
Elias was amused with her answer, “Very well” he chuckled, pointing his staff at the three of them. Take then turned, facing Elias. He grabbed the small infinite bag from his pocket and gave it to him, “There’s a diary book thing in there.. I need you to find the Damian guy that’s mentioned in it... for Blair” Take explained, dropping the bag in Elias’ palm.
Elias gave him a nod, “I’ll try, but now, I’ll save you guys the time of getting to the apartment” and with that, he sent them off, they no longer stood on the hill overlooking the city. They teleported into the small living room of Take’s apartment. His overall apartment was very well kept, except for his room being the place he allowed messiness. They stood in front of a large sofa, and behind them was a 34 inch TV. The kitchen was a few steps away, with a dining table with a few chairs (that were uneccessary, but it made Take feel like more people lived there) along side it and a glass sliding door that went to the balcony outside. Take’s shoes sunk into the softness of the carpet, and he quickly took them off, eager to shower and change into some new clothes. He threw the shoes over by the front door, and pulled his shirt over his head and left it hanging around his neck like a scarf, stopping there. “You can put your things in my room, right now I just have bottled water, eggs, juice, and sausage in the fridge right now, so we can get something to eat..” he advised before he went into the hall that led into his room, grabbing new clothes and disappearing into the bathroom that was across from it.
Elias was amused with her answer, “Very well” he chuckled, pointing his staff at the three of them. Take then turned, facing Elias. He grabbed the small infinite bag from his pocket and gave it to him, “There’s a diary book thing in there.. I need you to find the Damian guy that’s mentioned in it... for Blair” Take explained, dropping the bag in Elias’ palm.
Elias gave him a nod, “I’ll try, but now, I’ll save you guys the time of getting to the apartment” and with that, he sent them off, they no longer stood on the hill overlooking the city. They teleported into the small living room of Take’s apartment. His overall apartment was very well kept, except for his room being the place he allowed messiness. They stood in front of a large sofa, and behind them was a 34 inch TV. The kitchen was a few steps away, with a dining table with a few chairs (that were uneccessary, but it made Take feel like more people lived there) along side it and a glass sliding door that went to the balcony outside. Take’s shoes sunk into the softness of the carpet, and he quickly took them off, eager to shower and change into some new clothes. He threw the shoes over by the front door, and pulled his shirt over his head and left it hanging around his neck like a scarf, stopping there. “You can put your things in my room, right now I just have bottled water, eggs, juice, and sausage in the fridge right now, so we can get something to eat..” he advised before he went into the hall that led into his room, grabbing new clothes and disappearing into the bathroom that was across from it.
After Blair had deposited her bag into his room and had cleaned her filthy hands in the sink, careful not to get her bandages wet, she sat cross legged on the floor, looking out of the glass door leading to the balcony, Kit laying on her lap. She listened silent to the patter of water from Take's shower, and the rumbling of traffic outside, and typed Kipp's number into her phone.
Heya, Kipp. It's Blair. Hope you made it home alright.
And she sent it, leaving it at that, content where she sat while she waited, patiently for once, for Take.
After Blair had deposited her bag into his room and had cleaned her filthy hands in the sink, careful not to get her bandages wet, she sat cross legged on the floor, looking out of the glass door leading to the balcony, Kit laying on her lap. She listened silent to the patter of water from Take's shower, and the rumbling of traffic outside, and typed Kipp's number into her phone.
Heya, Kipp. It's Blair. Hope you made it home alright.
And she sent it, leaving it at that, content where she sat while she waited, patiently for once, for Take.
(Oh, his dad gon be so mad. )
After Blair had deposited her bag into his room and had cleaned her filthy hands in the sink, careful not to get her bandages wet, she sat cross legged on the floor, looking out of the glass door leading to the balcony, Kit laying on her lap. She listened silent to the patter of water from Take's shower, and the rumbling of traffic outside, and typed Kipp's number into her phone.
Heya, Kipp. It's Blair. Hope you made it home alright.
And she sent it, leaving it at that, content where she sat while she waited, patiently for once, for Take.
Once Take had finished showering, he came out of the bathroom fully dressed in clean clothes which were similar to the ones he wore before. His hair was fluffy and smelled like strawberries again. He took his torn, dirty clothes and tossed them in the hamper, but had saved the phone numbers and knives, placing them on the desk in his room. The knives would be the only items that reminded him of the whole journey. He took his phone and texted both Kipp and Blair.
This is Take
He pocketed his phone, wallet, and apartment keys that he left behind the morning he was ‘kidnapped’ and went back out to Blair, seeing that she was sitting on the floor next to the sliding glass door with Kit in her lap.
“Let’s go get some LA tacos” he grinned, heading out the front door. He figured once they finished eating, they’d just walk around the city for a while, and visit a park to let Kit run around and enjoy herself (if she came along). But of course they would have to pick up a small bag of dog food for her.
Once Take had finished showering, he came out of the bathroom fully dressed in clean clothes which were similar to the ones he wore before. His hair was fluffy and smelled like strawberries again. He took his torn, dirty clothes and tossed them in the hamper, but had saved the phone numbers and knives, placing them on the desk in his room. The knives would be the only items that reminded him of the whole journey. He took his phone and texted both Kipp and Blair.
This is Take
He pocketed his phone, wallet, and apartment keys that he left behind the morning he was ‘kidnapped’ and went back out to Blair, seeing that she was sitting on the floor next to the sliding glass door with Kit in her lap.
“Let’s go get some LA tacos” he grinned, heading out the front door. He figured once they finished eating, they’d just walk around the city for a while, and visit a park to let Kit run around and enjoy herself (if she came along). But of course they would have to pick up a small bag of dog food for her.
"Good, because I'm starving," Blair announced, lifting Kit off of her and hopping to her feet. She gave the dog a quick pet, and quickly grabbed Kit's leash from her bag and clipped it to her collar and followed Take. She didn't trust Kit alone in a brand new place, and it would be quite a shame if she destroyed any of Take's belongings. She felt her phone buzz, checking it quickly, and grinned when she saw Take's message. She stuffed it in her pocket, hurrying down the steps to catch up with him quickly.


After tacos, which Blair had decided were some of the best she'd ever had, and a look around some of the city, they went to a park, letting Kit play and run around, getting to of her border collie energy which Blair was unsure how she still had it after everything.
She glanced at Take from where she sat on the bench, a small smile on her face. Birds flittered across the unbelievably blue sky; sunlight streaming down across the grass and Kit dashing around and the other people in the park.
And she couldn't have been happier at that moment. Maybe her decision to come had been a horrible, selfish one that wouldn't have the best of outcomes, or maybe it would all turn out okay, and they would find Damien. Either way, she didn't care.
They would find a way through it, together, no matter what their relationship was. She looked down, grinning. Who would have thought this would happen? Getting kidnapped by a short man and his cat, fighting deadly trees and exploring druid tunnels and fighting giant bugs, and then this?
She leaned back, watching as Kit leapt in the air in attempt to catch a butterfly, and failed. Then, after a brief glance towards Take, she shifted closer to him, and rested her head against his shoulder.
This is the best bad decision I've ever made. Who knows, maybe it won't turn out as bad as I'm convinced it will. The most dangerous coffee shop in all the world didn't turn out so badly in the end...maybe this won't either.
Kipp raised his eyes up from the car door he was holding open, to stare at the dark haired boy. He instantly recognized him as one of the people who he'd been zapped around the planet with, but couldn't for the life of him remember if they'd ever actually spoken, or what his name was. "Hi. Uhhhh..." He squinted at him trying to put a name to his face. "S-sure." He held the door open and waited for him to get into the back seat.
(Kipp tilted his head questioningly at the unresponsive teen, and grabbed his arm, dragging him the few steps forward and tossed him into the back seat of the car. He was already in enough trouble. Standing on the side of the road chatting wasn't going to earn him any brownie points.)

"Where do you live?" He asked, climbing into the front seat next to his his older brother, who was staring at him with all the burning anger he could muster.
Charlie slipped into Kipp's car. He looked down for a second, then his eyes shot up to look Kipp in the face. "We never really talked. I'm Charlie." He stuck out a hand for a handshake, and when Kipp obliged, he gave him the necessary fist bump. "I live about 40 minutes from here-" He went on to give him instructions.
Charlie slipped into Kipp's car. He looked down for a second, then his eyes shot up to look Kipp in the face. "We never really talked. I'm Charlie." He stuck out a hand for a handshake, and when Kipp obliged, he gave him the necessary fist bump. "I live about 40 minutes from here-" He went on to give him instructions.
"Uhh..." He was going to say his name, but realized Charlie already knew it, so instead nodded and shook his hand. It was a bit weird, when they were about to go their separate ways. The added fist bump after the hand shake was just plain uncomfortable, but Kipp did it anyway. "I'm sure Chris can get you home." He said quietly, dreading the idea of his brother tormenting the kid.
Chris gave the two of them a scowl as they climbed into the car.

"You couldn't call?" Chris asked, shooting an annoyed glare at the kid in the back seat. "Dad's. pissed. You dropped off the face of the planet. With out a word to anyone." Chris spoke quietly, his teeth clenched together for every word.

Kipp fixed his eyes on the corner of the dash, studying the web like texture in the squishy grey plastic. His mouth pressed together into a thin line, while he gripped the edge of his shirt tightly.

Chris' eyebrows twitched together, his eyes burning angrily at Kipp. He sighed loudly at his younger brothers silence and slammed his hand down hard on the blinker. Looking over his shoulder to merge back on to the road.

"I'll take you home after I drop him off." He growled at Charlie.
Kipp wanted to break the silence for Charlies benefit, but didn't know what to say. Especially with his brother there. So he just sat nervously picking at a small tear in the fabric the seat. It wasn't a particularly long drive but it felt like it took forever.

When they finally did get home, Chris didn't even pull in the driveway he just stopped on the side of the road.
"Get out. And don't even think about taking off again, I'm going to watch you go inside."

"Whatever." Kipp sighed pushing his door open. He turned to look back at Charlie before leaving, and handed him a scrap of paper towel with his number scribbled on it. "In case, you need me for something, or, just want to chat." He said, shrugging and giving him an apologetic look. "I have to go." He finished quietly pursing his lips before he stepped out and shut the door behind him. He hoped Chris would be nice to the kid, he probably would be. Everyone seemed to love Chris.

Kipp crossed the street and waved to the car as he opened the door, and then went inside.

His father stood just inside the door his arms folded across his chest and a scowl on his unshaved face.

"Where have you been." He demanded. His stance unwavering. Direct.

Kipp looked up, hands clenched in to fists, watching him warily.
"I was just, out." He answered, doing his best to stare down his father.

"Out? Out. Right. Of course, with, Clary. And, Fred. And Blair. Who are they?! You know not once!" He raised a finger, shaking his fist up and down. "NOT once, have I heard from any of your friends since we moved here. And now, all of a sudden you have friends galore calling one after the other. What are you up to? Huh?! Are you doing drugs? Are you, you know, 'partying'" He asked raising his hands in the air to make quotation marks. "I'd really like to know. Really. So tell me Kipper, where've you been? And don't think I don't know when you're lying. I know you've been lying about where you've been, I just let it slide. I thought there's no way MY son, would EVER get in to something bad. But obviously, I was wrong. So. Tell me. WITHOUT lying. Where were you?" He stopped his tirade of questions, and planted his fists on his hips staring down at Kipp with contempt.

"I'm not on drugs dad!" Kipp yelled defensively.

"Then where WERE you!" He yelled back, shoving Kipp hard against the door and holding him there. Kipp crumpled against the door, trying not to shake.

"No where. I was no where." He whispered his gaze fixed on an old pair of shoes in the corner. His dad gritted his teeth, raising a balled fist and slamming it into the door next to him. Kipp shuddered, sinking down against the hard wood. "I'm sorry." He breathed, "I won't do it again."

"THAT'S RIGHT YOU WON'T DO IT AGAIN." His dad roared. "NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT." He grabbed a fistful of Kipp's shirt and threw him toward his room. Kipp caught himself against a wall and scrambled to his room, closing the door behind himself, and collapsing on the messy bed. He grabbed his pillow and buried his face in it. His chest hurt, his heart was racing and beating hard against his ribs. At least he didn't hit you this time. It's done. It's over. It's fine.
Charlie wanted to talk to Kipper. He really did. But he'd gotten a combined five hours of sleep in the last three days, and the adrenaline was finally ebbing, and his head hurt like mad. So he just sat there, staring hard at the back of the seat in front of him, trying not to let the fuzziness overtake his vision, and trying to ignore the pounding of his head. When the car stopped and heard Kipp say something, Charlie finally looked up. "Uh- what-" he took the offered paper, for a moment not realizing what it was. By the time he did, Kipp had already closed the door. Dang. I really didn't talk to him at all. He stared at the scrap of paper for a moment before sticking it in his pocket. As the car lurched into motion again and drove towards Charlie's house, he could feel himself falling asleep. You can't just do this.. in some random person's car.. You could get stabbed. Or get your kidney stolen. He scolded himself, a slight smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. I have a lot of knives though.. I could totally beat this punk up.. This time he really grinned, but it was short-lived as he started to think about what he'd tell his dad. And his mom. They were divorced, but his mom had probably been informed of his disappearance by now. Dang it. Maybe Maya could think of something.., was his last thought before the world faded lazily to black.

Charlie jerked awake as the car stopped. He looked around wildly, then carefully undid his seatbelt and opened the car door, looking sheepishly at Chris. Hopefully he didn't notice I was asleep. "Thanks," he mumbled, trudging over to the sidewalk in front of his house and turning around to watch the car disappear into the distance. It was starting to get dark by now (actually, I have no idea what time it was when they teleported, but whatever) and the cool dusk wind blew over him, making him put his hands in his pockets. As he did so, Charlie was reminded of the scrap of paper written hastily in pen. He brought it out, thinking of the adventure he'd just had. That was the craziest thing to ever happen to me.. But it was also pretty dope. He grinned, putting the paper away and turning towards his house.
It was truly the greatest kidnapping I've ever been in.
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Kyle had been questioned and released, and Laurel was pursued.
But they’ll never find him. Laurel would disappear, never to be seen again. The coffee shop would close. The bank would swoop in and snatch it.
I’ll never seen this place again.
Kyle stroked Rylie’s fur, legs dangling off the ledge of the counter, sitting beside the pots of cooling soup. As far as he knew, the chicken noodle soup hadn’t even been touched. He’d have to offer the officers some when they came back.
As Kyle chewed on small piece of one of Laurel’s famous donuts, he realized it would be the last he’d ever have, so he relished the chocolate frosting on his lips. Bouncing from the excess energy, his legs kicked the glowing display case of artificial sweets below him.
I could take care of this place for him. I could run the coffee shop. But no. He couldn’t. Not after its history. Kyle didn’t even drink coffee, the caffeine wasn’t exactly good for little people in any quantity.
No. Just like Laurel, this place was gone.
Kyle stared into the night that loomed just beyond the doors, kept at bay only by the ancient light bulb on the ceiling. It was now long after the shop would have closed. Kyle processed all that had been, as though the night outside the door made it easier to ponder the ways of the world. Will I ever meet those kids again?
The thought hung in the air, papable. All those brave faces, with the rare determination to do what was right. He’d hate to never see them again. It had to be possible, somehow, to come back together. It couldn’t be entirely coincidental that they had met. They were extrinsically linked. They had to be.
The answer was all around him, like dust motes in the air, not always visible but always there. Sometimes it took a little light to see them. The light flickered in Kyle mind like sudden sunbeam, illuminating the answer.
Then Kyle sat there, unmoving for a rare, uncomfortable moment, thinking of everything and nothing at all. During this fleeting moment, he realized the need to move on.
Only old men reminisce. New ones move on and make history to reminisce about.
“Welp, Rylie,” he said. Rylie looked down, eyes a glowering amber. Almost carrying some wisdom. He had been brooding and staring into the distance. Maybe he was thinking about this old place too.
“It’s time we go home.”
Kyle leapt to Rylie’s back and the cat jumped from the counter, streaking to the door like greased lightning. He shoved it open with his furry head.
Rylie crept into the night, overwhelmed by the cars and their lights rushing by. But it wasn’t anything compared to what he had already faced.
He fearlessly barreled across the road and emerged safely on the other side. Kyle and Rylie, both panting. Encouraging words whispered from Kyle’s lips.
“Good boy, Rylie.” Goodbye Main Street. Goodbye coffee shop.
A striped shadow, Rylie prowled to the edge of town, where a door stood. The speed and excitement blew away any lingering doubts and cleared Kyle’s mind. People might say differently, but there is clearly nothing faster than a cat.
Kyle home consisted of a single self-storage room, but even that was nearly empty. All it contained was a rug, a sink, a cat food and water dish, and a large plastic doll house.
Kyle got a little agoraphobic if he didn’t have a small room to sleep in.
Kyle rarely ever slept in his uncomfortable doll bed anymore. There were more favorable options nowadays.
Rylie curled up on the rug, falling into a deep sleep, a precious cinnamon roll of adorable.
Kyle wormed his way onto the cat’s belly and sunk into the soft, plushy fur, the warmth enveloping him.
Kyle dreamed, falling asleep in a world that he felt was a little safer. Because now he knew that people would do what was right, no matter the circumstances. Even if those circumstances didn’t benefit them. He dreamed about a little coffee shop and the brave young souls who he’d had the honor to meet, the brave young souls he hoped to meet again someday.


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