THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

I could offer up a prize, if anyone is intereted. Either jb coturnix eggs or california white eggs (if I dont behead the roo between now and then) lol

oh that would be great!!!
what contest do you want the eggs to go to? or do you have one in mind? go to post # 1 and let me know!!!!
My dh just bought me one of those old redwood bators, ii's 70 years Old and still works perfectly.
It has 4/6 trays with it that hold 100 eggs each. Dh wanted to know if he should build the other 2 shelves, lol. No I told him I'd be fine with the 4.
So this week I have been getting eggs shipped here. I have 4 dozen with 2 swaps on the way and another dozen from e- bay and then I will put in some of my own.
Java girl I can sponsor a contest and 6 give awY 6+ Serama eggs, oh heck I'll do another one for 6+ MF d'uccle eggs to you pick the contests.
Also dh got me some sq silkies this week from the same guy he go the bator from. Soon I'll have silkie eggs.


I'd love one of those things.

I'm already hatching like a madwoman, as usual, but have a bunch of eggs to set as soon as I clean out some of my incubators. I'll join in this one, too! If anyone needs eggs, I have a gazillion from this week- leave it to the biddies to lay like factory hens while I'm out of town.

I have Isabel/Porcelain/Gold-Laced/Lavender Project Orps, Silkied Ameraucanas, banty Cochins, South American/Pacific Islanders, and Isabel/Porcelain/Mille Fleur/Mottled d'Uccles. I'm probably forgetting something so look at my Buy-it-Nows if you're interested. I'm ready to make a deal with all of these eggs!!!

I'll be setting about a hundred, I think, mostly my Chocolate projects and my Orps.

Getting cold and windy out, and looks like we'll get some of the rain we need!
Ooo, ooo can I join?
I set turkey eggs on the 18th, but they take a little longer than chickens, so that evens out right? right? :p

They're Pencilled Palms, and the eggs are gorgeous!

I can offer them as a random prize drawing if you want. At the end of the hatchalong everyone that joined has their name in a hat and have one of my five kids pick a name???

Well the eggs I'm setting this weekend just arrived. . . at my front door. . . Even though the box is clearly marked "hold for pickup" with my number.
Come on little hatchers
pleeeeze recover!
I'm in! Setting 24 shipped eggs. This will be my second attempt at hatching, first time I got 3 chicks from 15 eggs so I am setting a lot more eggs this time - idk what I will do if they all hatch.
Hi! I'm in! I just set some LOVELY eggs from ChooksChick today. Silkied Ameraucaunas, with a gold laced Orpington, and a... GASP.... chocolate Orpington! Hooray!
I set a lot of Silkie eggs today, but waiting on some more tomorrow. I am hoping that those make it tomorrow. She didn't have any extra silkies' to throw in, but had some bantam's..Millies..cochins. For the extras. Should be cute. I like bantams too. The expected delivery says come on eggies. Well, come on P.O.!!

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