THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

I finally got around to taking a pic of the eggs in my incubator. 10 RP turkey eggs and 2 Muscovy duck eggs. They've been cooking now for about 46 hours.
Well, I candled my eggs today to see if anything was going on...They're green and rather thick shelled, so it's hard to see exactly what's going on in there. HOWEVER. The yolk has become pretty dark, and I think I may see a tiny bit of veining and a blob in the middle of it. It's been several years since my last hatch, and I always had silkies or Japanese bantams (much lighter eggs, lol) I also candled a fresh egg from my remaining easter egger hen, and it was comparatively easy to see through. I am cautiously optimistic. I'll candle them again at day 7 or 10 and see if anything has changed.

Additionally, I just had the scare of my life. @_@ I was cleaning my current group of chick's brooder in the garage, and was letting my adult flock range in the backyard...I heard my rooster make the weirdest noise ever (It honestly reminded me of a peacock's honking) and I walked up the backyard to see what was going on. A fox was stalking them!!! He saw me and bolted, but holy crap!! I immediately locked everyone up for the rest of the day and I'm going to be looking into ways to make sure my coop and run is absolutely fox proof...@_@ I think I know what spooked Hazel last week when she hopped the fence...:(
Wow, everyone's egg babies and broody hens look SO adorble... yes... eggs look adorable! This thread moves FAST!

I just got my last batch of eggs in the mail today. Setting them tonight after they've rested a bit then into the bator with the ones I set on the 20th @ 12am.

They are all D'anver eggs. (30 eggs!
) - Mille fleur, Porcelain, Blue quail, Quail, and one single Silver quail. Woo :) Hope they hatch! I am dying to candle and start my turner up on the 27th! Its really really really hard to wait for it. UGH. (I'll add an updated incubator pic tonight).

At day 5, what should the egg look like if candled? Should their be an air cell yet?
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Is it bad to candle them every night?? (Cuz that is what I have been doing!)
I've totally done this in the past and it had no effect on my hatches. :D I figure if a hen gets up to eat and such for a small amount of time, the eggs popping out of the incubator for a minute or two aren't going to hurt them.
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The count is in! I now have 19 wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucana eggs (they were supposed to send 10 but I got 9 extras!) and 4 serama eggs! I have another 1/2 dozen already cooking...chicks by this weekend!

The count is in! I now have 19 wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucana eggs (they were supposed to send 10 but I got 9 extras!) and 4 serama eggs! I have another 1/2 dozen already cooking...chicks by this weekend!

Wow, those are pretty eggs. Did you have them shipped to you? I really shouldn't be asking this, I really really really do not need more eggs, but would you share where you got them?
The count is in! I now have 19 wheaten/blue wheaten ameraucana eggs (they were supposed to send 10 but I got 9 extras!) and 4 serama eggs! I have another 1/2 dozen already cooking...chicks by this weekend!

SO PRETTY. I might have to order some pure ameraucana eggs one of these days...

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