THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Beautiful kittens and mom looks like she is taking confinement well. The last time we took in a wild unwed mother cat she yowled for days before finally settling in to raise the kittens.
Oh she's a good mama, but she needs to be fixed and released so I can get the kittens tamed. Right now I'm greeted by 6 hissy cats when I open the pen to take care of them. Once I get the kitties picked up they settle down but they're not happy. I'm dreading the day I have to get that momma into a crate to go to the vet.
One step at a time though right?

Ok is there a thing like a 12 step program for me?
I just counted all my chickens.
I included the big to small ones. I didn't count the ones in the bator. I didn't realize how many I have!! I need help!!
Unless this is the chicken math that everyone talks about. I have something wrong with me I guess.

Oh, it's nearly impossible to count chickens unless they are in the egg or in the freezer. You must have double counted some.

BBS is Blue / Black / Splash abreveations :) A lot of people breed their B/B/S together. *I think... *

The short description of this is Black + Black = Black and Splash + Splash = Splash but Blue + Blue = Blue, Black and Splash. You can have a Black flock, but if you are breeding for Blue you'll have BBS. You can have a Splash flock too, but most breed Standards don't recognize them.

crazypetlady, no its a barnyard mutt that hatched on day 28 I think. It was really sticky. I was letting my dog clean and dry her! LOL But my one little serama make frequent trips to the house where she drives my dog crazy.

That is SO sweet
Thank you for the words of encouragement. They are turkey eggs, which I have heard have thicker shells than chicken eggs. I'll candle again today, but I'm going to hold onto the eggs until they start to stink, if I have to.
I don't know what color the shells are... what kind of light are you using?
I've had a few blue/green eggs that fooled me for several days.. (they had really thick shells for some reason) lol.. even wrote CLEAR on two of them only to find veins on day 10.. got new batteries for my LED light and now they can't hide from me!

lol.. I can't stress enough the value of FRESH batteries!

here's hoping you have more good eggs that are just being stubborn
Thank you for the words of encouragement. They are turkey eggs, which I have heard have thicker shells than chicken eggs. I'll candle again today, but I'm going to hold onto the eggs until they start to stink, if I have to.

I never bother to check turkey eggs for development until day 10.. and even then I'll hang onto any questionable ones for at least another week
THe shipped eggs arrived today. I'm not going to put pressure on myself to do the contests. SOmetimes being too competitive causes more angst than fun. So I am just going to enjoy this hatch a long.

So tired after being up to 1 working with the homemade incubator, called Henny Penny, but it wa worth it. It finally settled at the warmer temps of100-101 rather than the 98 which is just too low for a good hatch arriving on time.

Of course I have to arrange for all these new eggs to fit in , so I'm fiddling with it again. **sigh**
THe shipped eggs arrived today. I'm not going to put pressure on myself to do the contests. SOmetimes being too competitive causes more angst than fun. So I am just going to enjoy this hatch a long.

So tired after being up to 1 working with the homemade incubator, called Henny Penny, but it wa worth it. It finally settled at the warmer temps of100-101 rather than the 98 which is just too low for a good hatch arriving on time.

Of course I have to arrange for all these new eggs to fit in , so I'm fiddling with it again. **sigh**

I rarely do any of the contests... lol.. actually i think I have only ever done 3

I just figure if I'm hatching out birds anyway... why not join a hatch-a-long!
Update on the serama eggs- one pipped and died unfortunatly, but another managed to hatch just fine. I'm still waiting on one more egg. I hope I'm not stuck with only one serama chick because the only other chicks I have are my 3 week old bantam cochins. They'd probably crush a serama in a second. My second clutch is due next week and going well though so far. Hopefully they'll all make it out okay! I'll take some pics of the serama baby once he's dried off :)
How do you do it? You only have 12 eggs in there, I see room for a lot more.

Well, you see, I have another bator full with Silkies eggs a turner. I had them set before the day most were setting for this hatch a long..and, I just hatched a bunch of BBS Ameraucanas yesterday..all came out blue and splash! So you see, well, no you didn't see, I am not as self controlled as you thought!
And oh..there are 13 eggs in there! Probably not for long though, those 4 on the bottom right are questionable.
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