THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

My little hen never leaves her eggs so I lifted her up for a quick pick of her little adopted family----
can not wait to see what they are when they hatch

I am so excited about these eggs

(have not tried to candle them---do you use a regular flashlight???)
THis is exciting to see. I would go out laet at night after dark to candle by first broody , a BO. I learned to be careful about lifting the hen as she may have eggs tucked up under her, and when lifted these eggs fall and crack. I learned to slide a hand under her to retreive an egg for viewing instead. I'm a slow learner--two eggs lost before I changed methods. Of course now a days, I don't check the broody eggs, she know what she is doing AND I have eggsin the incubatore to fuss with!!

Thanks for sharing the lovely picture!
I did something SO stoopid. And I knew better.
I bought a new incubator. Had it up and running
for 12 hrs. The thermometer it came with said. 99.5
I ment to double check with my trusted thermometer
But it was late and I wanted to go to bed.
I put my new eggs, cream legbar, mottled jave, and
Appen Spitz in it and fell asleep. This morning I take
my trusted thermometer outa my brinsea that has my
moms day eggs in it and put it in the new bator to
double check. Well 105F. Yup. I cooked my eggs.
I put a third thermometer in it reads the same as good
old trusty. The temp is now 99.5. But they are already
Dead arnt they???

I'm so mad at myself. I knew better.

I'm gonna go cry now.
I got to witness a real chick fight.. I was a few pecks and growling. What started it? When I went out side earlier my steps were wet and I feel down 5 steps. I hurt my foot and came back in to prop it up for a little bit. So later I finally made it to the building and opened up the door and the hens couldn't get in fast enough. It was kinda like when there is a line at the ladies room. Hen #1 got in on the nest, then hen #2 and #3 tried as well. Hen one was pecking the others and the growling started. Hen #4 decided to try another nest. My son watched and after a little bit he said that maybe we should break them up. So now I can say I have witnessed a true chick fight.
. . . a true chick fight!
I did something SO stoopid. And I knew better. I bought a new incubator. Had it up and running for 12 hrs. The thermometer it came with said. 99.5 I ment to double check with my trusted thermometer But it was late and I wanted to go to bed. I put my new eggs, cream legbar, mottled jave, and Appen Spitz in it and fell asleep. This morning I take my trusted thermometer outa my brinsea that has my moms day eggs in it and put it in the new bator to double check. Well 105F. Yup. I cooked my eggs. I put a third thermometer in it reads the same as good old trusty. The temp is now 99.5. But they are already Dead arnt they??? I'm so mad at myself. I knew better. I'm gonna go cry now.
It doesn't sound good but....I would give them 7 days now they are at the right temperature. When you put them in, they were at a lower temperature and it takes some time for them all to get up to temp. So for the first few hours they may not have even reached 99.5. Then they would have started to heat up but without knowing how long it took to heat up and how long they were at such a high temp, I would at least leave them a week and see what happens. Who knows? Maybe you have hot and cool spots in the incubator and an egg in a cooler spot might have survived.
I did something SO stoopid. And I knew better.
I bought a new incubator. Had it up and running
for 12 hrs. The thermometer it came with said. 99.5
I ment to double check with my trusted thermometer
But it was late and I wanted to go to bed.
I put my new eggs, cream legbar, mottled jave, and
Appen Spitz in it and fell asleep. This morning I take
my trusted thermometer outa my brinsea that has my
moms day eggs in it and put it in the new bator to
double check. Well 105F. Yup. I cooked my eggs.
I put a third thermometer in it reads the same as good
old trusty. The temp is now 99.5. But they are already
Dead arnt they???
I'm so mad at myself. I knew better.
I'm gonna go cry now.
Oh no that is so sad..... Keep them in you never know

Of course I leave in my blanks wishing they'll develop so I'm not really one to give advice
I did something SO stoopid. And I knew better.
I bought a new incubator. Had it up and running
for 12 hrs. The thermometer it came with said. 99.5
I ment to double check with my trusted thermometer
But it was late and I wanted to go to bed.
I put my new eggs, cream legbar, mottled jave, and
Appen Spitz in it and fell asleep. This morning I take
my trusted thermometer outa my brinsea that has my
moms day eggs in it and put it in the new bator to
double check. Well 105F. Yup. I cooked my eggs.
I put a third thermometer in it reads the same as good
old trusty. The temp is now 99.5. But they are already
Dead arnt they???
I'm so mad at myself. I knew better.
I'm gonna go cry now.
Last hatch i had it spike to 108-109 several times for an extended period of time and down to 94 I think...and I still had hatches! I wouldn't worry at all.
THis is exciting to see. I would go out laet at night after dark to candle by first broody , a BO. I learned to be careful about lifting the hen as she may have eggs tucked up under her, and when lifted these eggs fall and crack. I learned to slide a hand under her to retreive an egg for viewing instead. I'm a slow learner--two eggs lost before I changed methods. Of course now a days, I don't check the broody eggs, she know what she is doing AND I have eggsin the incubatore to fuss with!!

Thanks for sharing the lovely picture!

Slide your hand under her!, I have a broody RIR with eggs and I can't get my hand near her- she pecks hard!

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