THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Here's my entrance to the contest. My backyard chicken and my 8 year old frustrated farmer kiddo Zoe. One of them is clearly enjoying this more than the other one......

Please please... vote for Peckington and Z!
I placed my broody hen into the just made chicken tractor, where she continues enjoying the broody process. (to each their own) Mean while, back in the communal nest boxes, peace reigned for all of 36 hours, when two more hens went broody.
So I am getting NO eggs, and the other hens, the few who are laying, have no where to lay, except under bushes and in the grass.

Stacking is not for me! I'll never do that again. Couple of eggs cracked in the process of tilting, causing one to leak out, and I didn't catch it until the odor came about! Stinky!
Ended up washing the bator in diluted tea tree oil then dipping the eggs in the tea tree oil solution to kill the bacteria and remove the stench so I could be sure there weren't any rotten eggs left in the incubator. Typically I HATE the smell of tea tree oil... last night it was a blessing!

Hmmm, bet I could dig up a few pictures of my kiddos with chicks. Found a goose with boy picture...

does this picture even qualify for the contest? The rules say chick or chicken, and a goose isn't either of those. It is ok if it doesn't qualify.
I would say it does! Good catch on this one. :)
My tiny silkie is sitting on 4 eggs. Just candled them and it appears all 4 are viable! Expected hatch date is May 18th - 19th!

My rooster is a Splash Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. The eggs are (I believe)...

A leghorn x SBLRW, a SLW x SBLRW, a green egger Blue EE x SBLRW, a Red Sex Link x SBLRW.

If we have a successful hatch these will be my first chicks!

DS and his first chick

Who says chickens don't make you smile

Unofficial broody. I found my dog laying in the pen with the chickies today and they were crawling all over her. She looooves chickens.
I put these pictures up earlier in the thread but here they are again.

This is my daughter with her medical bag. She wanted to try to find out why the chickens were not laying eggs yet. They all turned out to be roosters, but she thought for sure she would "fix" them and get them to lay eggs. She was born with a heart condition and after having heart surgery last year she decided to be a doctor. We are new to chicken raising and has since changed her mind and wants to be a "chicken" doctor.

This is my sweet boy Bert and one not so sure chicken.

And this is my dog Bella, who is looking for a snack!

Oh no that is so sad.... I'm sorry. Wish you were closer I'd give you some of my started eggs to put under her :(
Thanks, I'm bummed. I know it happens but I haven't had a successful hatch yet and I was so close this time. I don't have a bator yet since we are just getting into chickens but I was thrilled when my hen went broody. I feel so bad for her.
I enjoy looking at all the pictures. My son is 24yo and has autism. He doesn't get outside much. Since I have gotten the chickens he seems to like going out and seeing what they are doing. I have a hen that likes to roost on my front porch. My son likes going out in the evening and hold her. She flaps her wings
and is not happy at all but he says that he likes the wind from her doing that. He just laughs about it. It just amazes me how he interacts with them.
I enjoy looking at all the pictures. My son is 24yo and has autism. He doesn't get outside much. Since I have gotten the chickens he seems to like going out and seeing what they are doing. I have a hen that likes to roost on my front porch. My son likes going out in the evening and hold her. She flaps her wings :cd and is not happy at all but he says that he likes the wind from her doing that. He just laughs about it. It just amazes me how he interacts with them.

That is so sweet. I'd love to see a picture :)

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