THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Love all the pictures.

Do other people have problems, I don't know if you really want to call it a problem, with other pets or animals entering the chicken coop? Our big chickens are in a coop in the corner of the barn that boarders the corral. On a few occasions we have gone to let the chickens out in the morning only to discover a calf that got locked in the coop the night before. One day while i was cleaning the coop I had to keep shewing a cow out of the coop. The cats like to be in the coop to. I think the cats have been locked in the coop at night too - maybe I need a light in the coop. My dog follows me to the coops and sits with his nose to the screen so he can see the chicks. The chicks have been known to peck his nose.

I removed 4 eggs from the bator tonight in preparation for lockdown tomorrow. I started with 44, took two out, now 4 I'm down to 38 for lockdown tomorrow. We got to see some of them move.
Hey... My eggs are due Friday and I had a duck pip last night! I haven't checked on it yet, but I'm worried. A few days ago I had 16 viable duck eggs. Then I tossed 3 quitters. So I candled 13 last night, I could only see movement in 3!!!!! No way! Worst hatch rate prize might be mine....:(
Hey... My eggs are due Friday and I had a duck pip last night! I haven't checked on it yet, but I'm worried. A few days ago I had 16 viable duck eggs. Then I tossed 3 quitters. So I candled 13 last night, I could only see movement in 3!!!!! No way! Worst hatch rate prize might be mine....:(

This is only my second time but I didn't see much movement at lockdown time. I figure they don't have room to move much. I thought I'd have a bunch of dead eggs my first time but most of them hatched.

I thought I heard the chicks chirping last night :confused:
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Quote: Sorry, I can only do it when a medium is available for inspiration. The ability comes and goes. I used to talk to my kids in Seuss rhyme just to be silly while getting them to comply with what I needed done. THey are older and more amiable now, so my skills have faded to just moments here and there!!
Friday is lockdown for my 7 Orpingtons and my 6 Ameracauna lock down on the 17.
Getting so excited ! I candled them and I can see them moving around. This is my
first hatch so it's very kool to watch them develop.

And on another note , the eggs I thought I cooked
4 days ago..... I can see 3 cream legbar and 2 Appen Spitz
developing. So happy I didn't kill them all.
I'm so glad for you!! Cream legbars--so pretty!

Quote: I've been hearing chirping since I set the eggs. Every time I turn eggs I hear a chirp, but a just set egg can't chirp! Go figure!
I still see NOTHING in my eggs...not even air cells. well I can sorta see an air cell. I should have weighed them. weighing works but is a pain and im finding air cells is a bit more accurate. without being able to see air cells and not knowing the weight loss, and not being able to see any development I feel totally blind and worry about it. Actually I worry less in that I just kinda leave it alone completely but deep down I worry about failure.

On another note...the peacock presale eggs I bought back in feb. that I forgot I just found out today are due to arrive today! so excited...soooo excited. I only bought 2, so with them being shipped its kinda risky. I can't decide if I need to fire up the other incubator since the eggs im incubating now are smaller pullet eggs so if the peacock eggs are much bigger then will the still air mean that these will be incubated at too high a temp since they are closer to the heat source?
I've been hearing chirping since I set the eggs. Every time I turn eggs I hear a chirp, but a just set egg can't chirp! Go figure!
On my last time incubating, I got to the early hours of lockdown day and heard a chirp. The incubator was right beside my bed and it was the middle of the night and I lay there smiling because I was hearing chirping. After awhile, I realized the chirp was too regular. Like, exactly every 60 seconds. And then I got up to let the dogs out and when I opened the back door, heard a really LOUD chirp. It turns out, the people who live behind me have a smoke alarm installed on the outside of their building and the batteries were running low.......
I just candled the duck eggs (day...12? I believe) As of now, there are 8 viable eggs - ALL 8 I can see the itty duck embryo the size of my nail swimming around and blinking its eye at me. Too cool
So far, 8 out of 12 isn't horrible for my first time, and I will be happy with at least a 50% hatch rate.

I threw an egg from on of my white TSC ducks in a few days ago just for the heck of it to see if it was fertile. So far, nothing, but I'm going to keep an eye on the girls to see if they go broody again because she lost her entire clutch of eggs the last round and now that I have an incubator I could help her out a bit.
On my last time incubating, I got to the early hours of lockdown day and heard a chirp.  The incubator was right beside my bed and it was the middle of the night and I lay there smiling because I was hearing chirping.  After awhile, I realized the chirp was too regular.  Like, exactly every 60 seconds.  And then I got up to let the dogs out and when I opened the back door, heard a really LOUD chirp.  It turns out, the people who live behind me have a smoke alarm installed on the outside of their building and the batteries were running low.......:oops:

That is dang funny lol :yuckyuck

My styrobator squeaks when I lean on it and at first I thought it was chirping. Also my DH teases me sometimes when I lean over to listen he can make a perfect cheep cheep sound and I fall for it everytime. He usually feels sorry for me when I get so excited and finally confesses. Stinker!

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