THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

I have read to only use pencil when marking eggs that it is better for the chicks don't know if its true but thats what i do since I read it ..
you can use pencils, sharpie pens, water color pens (not advised for any eggs you plan to mist), pastel pencils, colored pencils, ink pens (not my preferred tool but others have used them and like them), crayons, non toxic paint... lol.. the list goes on

someone on here completely covered several eggs with sharpies... the eggs hatched fine
they even took pictures of the insides of the egg shell to show that the sharpies didn't bleed through
What is the mama...she is gorgeous!
Her mother was a Speckled Sussex, her father was a Splash Silkie. I was not planning on chicks but she hid her clutch and I found them a week after I thought my hen was gone for good. It was late October. My avatar pic is the mommy with the chicks.
She is my only "baby" still here (most were Roos that I gave away). She is kinda crooked, not sure what happened to her. She is sweet but just like her Mommy VERY BROODY.
yes, I had to repost that contest as no one had put up any pics for the chicks. go back to page one and you will see the rules for this contest!!!! the winner gets eggs!

Wait, ok don't there a cutest chick picture contest? I want to know!
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I can finally join in on the hatching fun! My eggs set on the 25th started to hatch today! I had my first pip yesterday and this morning was actually STARTLED when I turned the bator around to check the back for the pipped egg and there was a live chick jumping around! Wooot!

We have two D'anvers out and awaiting more. :) I had 11 make it to lockdown! I hope they all hatch for me!

The low humidity durring incubation (30-35ish) and very high durring hatching (75ish) is working like magic! I wish I had done this with my other batch that ALL died or didnt make it to even a piping stage.

Beautiful pics everyone and very lovely babies! Can't wait to add my own pics when they are all done hatching! :)

I have eggs coming tomorrow... Might have to join the fathersday hatch-a-long.

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