THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Yeah!!! So happy you have figured out the nuances of hatching and are having a successful hatch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A little support goes a long way--hope to see you on the Fathers day Hatch.
Oh I cannot wait until Sunday (Day 21) it has been far to long since I have watched a little fluffy butt pop out!
Ok, here are a couple of pictures for the contest..of my baby Silkie, and baby Showgirl...used the same flowers...oh well... :)

Picture 1

Picture 2..of my showgirl...the only one I got to hatch..
One is asleep, and one is wide awake!
I posted previously that I'd hatched 9 out of 18. One of the babies looks like it has a bad keeps it lifted, but the chick seems to be doing well.

I'd placed 4 eggs under two broodies (2 eggs each) and they were gone the next shell, no nothing and I know that at least one of the eggs had a viable chick in it cuz I heard it peeping before I placed it under her! I placed those two broodies in with a new rooster and they are no longer broody!
Ok by the time I typed that #4 who was half zipped when I walked in to post popped out! That has to be the fastest hatch ever!

And I missed it by seconds..... Anyways there is a little bit of unabsorbed yolk in the bottom of this shell.... It's weird as the others were clean... Wonder what makes that happen? I guess variations in egg genetics? If the sound of his lungs is any indication of health, this one is feisty!
And blue or black
Yippeeeeee! So exciting.
My chicks are just hatching I'll post chicks pixs once i have some!!!
AA... so I'm so excited to hear that your eggs are doing well! What happened to the broody? I'm so new and really do want to learn, you've always been so kind to teach what you know. Pictures pictures pictures!!!

btw, we candled last night and only see one moving and one questionable move in our barnyard mix that the hubby roasted on accident. I was really really hopeful that it didn't kill them, but I'm sorry to say that it's not gonna happen.

Have some shipped marans, another batch of (replacement) orps, cochins, ameraucanas one week behind and they're right on track!! the marans are from Bargain... lovely lovely!!!
Yippeeeeee! So exciting.
I know right??? I am up to 5 chicks in the bator and I took 2 others that had pipped down to my broody!!! I checked on her an hour later and I could hear cheeping and she was raising up and fluffing her feathers so I am assuming that is a good sign.... not sure they hatched yet but hoping by morning .... My little Popcorn is going to be a mama !!!
AA... so I'm so excited to hear that your eggs are doing well! What happened to the broody? I'm so new and really do want to learn, you've always been so kind to teach what you know. Pictures pictures pictures!!!

btw, we candled last night and only see one moving and one questionable move in our barnyard mix that the hubby roasted on accident. I was really really hopeful that it didn't kill them, but I'm sorry to say that it's not gonna happen.

Have some shipped marans, another batch of (replacement) orps, cochins, ameraucanas one week behind and they're right on track!! the marans are from Bargain... lovely lovely!!!
Ha I just posted about Popcorn.... I often don't see movement in my eggs.... I am a hopeless romantic and optimist so I leave my eggs in the bator... That is why I am staring at 2 lovely dark dark marans eggs in my bator that got left overnight by popcorn and are surely dead.... but I'm holding out hope that they didn't die .... I know not gonna happen but I hate throwing away eggs its so depressing.... So unless they stink or are 100% clear they stay. I have had some hatch that I was sure had been quitters so see what do I know!!!!

What humidity are you at for the first 1-18 days??? I planned on doing 30-35% for 1-18 but ended up mid 20s as I read that Marans have a thick shell and don't loose water as quickly.... I have 3 left that haven't done anything..... well 5 if you count the 2 abandoned ... but well thats not incubation error thats broody hen error
It is only day 20 so still time for them to hatch ... One looks funny so don't think that will hatch but the other 2 looked good.....

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