THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Here's my little silkie chick!

"Did I do that?!"
I have 3 pips in my OE's !!

The 32 chicks were looking a little crowded so I quickly made a new brooder and when I moved them in to their new p lace, the running and hollering started. "I'm lost. I'm lost." It's now 20 minutes later and they have quieted down a little bit! LOL
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The sleeping chick is adorable! What generation is your showgirl? I just hatched my first one just over a week ago... I don't know if 1st gen counts as a real showgirl but I'm so excited that's what I'm going to call them anyway... I keep seeing eggs from nice ones for sale... might cheat and get some eggs a few generations ahead of mine..

Not sure on the generation. Shipped eggs! Cute though, my first one ever. Hope it's a girl..of course. :)
I have 3 pips in my OE's !!

The 32 chicks were looking a little crowded so I quickly made a new brooder and when I moved them in to their new p lace, the running and hollering started. "I'm lost. I'm lost." It's now 20 minutes later and they have quieted down a little bit! LOL

32 chicks?
They are simply beautiful!
I love your pictures.

Thank you so much everyone for the compliments. I decided to try one as my Avatar for a while. They are so fun, never thought I would ever want these, until I hatched them! Of course! lol..
More out! I'm up to uh... *runs to count* 9 out! 4 silkies (one out of a showgirl egg, looked big when it hatched and I can't tell it apart now), 4 showgirls and 1 throwback
UGH. I've had my girls in that pen out of the "main flock" with a silkie roo for at least 6 weeks before this egg was gathered and still the other rooster made his mark... lol. Oh well, still a cute little thing... 3 more pipped. The others need to go go go!

Good observation on noting which side is hatching before the other--my incubators are not even either and I try to move the eggs around as I hand turn.

TIme to re stack after this hatch is finished or after it's cleared out ! ? With or without the turner moving ? I'm very curious . . . .

I think next time I will shift them around... we'll see if I have no-hatchers on that side...

After this hatch is finished I have eggs waiting to eat or incubate... I've only been hatching my showgirl (1 bird), silkie (1 bird) and now polish (3 birds... mostly polish I think, that pen has another little rooster... haven't hatched any yet) eggs... so it could be worse, I've got about 9 other hens XD I think I'll stack as soon as I get these guys hatched (and do some cleanup)... I was only going to incubate my showgirl and silkie eggs, but my silkie went broody... and I haven't hatched a polish yet... (I think that's how this "chicken math" I hear about gets started!). I do leave my turner on with stacked eggs, basically with the eggs sticking between the spaces of the other eggs. Sometimes it rolls them on their sides so I have to put them pointy end down again, but it doesn't work too bad if you keep an eye on it... Large eggs on large eggs you can't do around the heater or center though, won't fit (I have a little giant incubator).

Go for it--always good to bring in fresh blood to reduce inbreeding issues. I have olives from 3 different breeders. FBCM from 3 different breeders, BO from 3 different lines, you get the idea!

Or just to cheat a little bit and get ahead on the whole 5 toe black skinned showgirl thing XD I thought it would be cool to do it all on my own... but then I hear things like "16th generation showgirl", calculate how long that would take me... consider things like random deaths and weather that could just take away important parts of my flock... cheating is sounding good right now...

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