THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Any news Jane??? I'm hoping you have some chicks!
Please let us know
GRRRRRR!!! I'm freaking out here!! No chicks. No pips... No nothing....

We're on the edge..... broken backs and everything. humidity is fine, temp fine, and not a movement in sight. Day 22. ugh. At what point do we give up? If it were up to DH we'd wait till November.
GRRRRRR!!!  I'm freaking out here!!  No chicks.  No pips... No nothing....

We're on the edge..... broken backs and everything.  humidity is fine, temp fine, and not a movement in sight.  Day 22.  ugh.  At what point do we give up?  If it were up to DH we'd wait till November. 

Oh no ..... Hopefully your incubator is running a bit low ?? And maybe soon you'll have a pip! I had a batch of silkies where they all looked good going into lockdown and nothing hatched .... No idea what happened. These were all local eggs?? Do you have more in the incubator??

Go out do something fun hopefully the chicks are just taking their win sweet time.
Oh no ..... Hopefully your incubator is running a bit low ?? And maybe soon you'll have a pip! I had a batch of silkies where they all looked good going into lockdown and nothing hatched .... No idea what happened. These were all local eggs?? Do you have more in the incubator??
Go out do something fun hopefully the chicks are just taking their win sweet time.

How large were the air cells? THey usually need to be quite big. I'm trying to help you figure out why did not pip yet. My turkeys are one day late, the previous batch was on time. Go figure.
Thanks everyone.... I'm doing the best I can. These were local eggs and air cells were quite big. We may have been just under day 18 air wise but certainly waaaay big. I'm not certain what's going on either, and with this hatch being the first one ever to make it to lockdown, at least we've come this far.

Just went out to a late lunch, trip to Lowes and now I'm gonna head out for an evening meeting with friends. Hopefully when I return I'll have some pips...or even peeps from inside? Oh I'll take ANYTHING AT THIS POINT.
They get here when they are ready!! I have 6 turkey eggs p ipped and just sitting there. THey pipped a day late,and when they hatch tomorrow they will be 2 days late. I'll recheck the day count. Seems like the first day can have a huge effect on the hatch time of day set and how quickly the eggs came up to temperature.
The more and more I look at this chick the more and more I see that it wasnt supposed to hatch. It wasnt zipping and wondered why. Well now I know. The leg is not only place wrong his inside never were aborbed properly and one of his eyes doesnt even open that I saw. I dont know what happened during incubation that caused this.

Anyone else?

Is this chick still alive? I would splint it and keep him in either a cut off disposable cup (so his feet are on the ground) or in a tiny bowl with hay... that way he is forced to sit up and start pushing off with his legs. Of done this on a few chicks... works very well.

Here's picture of my most recent one... I found her at TSC flopped on her belly and getting walked on by the other chicks (yes I bought her lol).

Normally I use those fuzzy craft pipe cleaners but I didn't have any on hand so I cut a straw and used pieces of scotch tape... Her leg is REALLY forced around since she is twisted from the hip.

Sitting in her cup... I had to tape it to the box she was in to keep her from flipping it over after she learned to push.

Also make sure the food and water dish are reachable (I added the water dish right after this photo :)

You'll have to upright them several times... and eventually they get strong enough to keep their legs under their body. Then they will push out of the cup.. and you'll get tired of putting them back in... and then take the cup away... and feel bad when they are flopped out like a beached whale with their legs behind them... but in time they learn to get their legs up under and then to walk. Takes a few days... splints need to be adjust (larger around the leg) every 24 hours so that they don't get cuts from growing into it.

And if they aren't eating... they need to be hand fed with a syringe every couple of hours. That part isn't fun either...

Anyway, if your chick is still making it and you want to try something this is worth a shot! Good luck.

P.S.- The leghorn chick above is now several months old and doing great! I named her Twisty- she lives outside but gets petted and held every day... and she thinks she's a parrot XD
I was worried about the eggs (duck) because it is day 30 and the egg I checked hadn't internally pip yet. Great news! I opened the bator to spritz the eggs with some hot water since I have been having trouble getting the humidity up for the past 2 days, and on of the eggs started rocking, and then peeping at me! FINALLY. I have sat with my ear to the lid for days now. And right before the man had to leave for work. How exciting. Now it's time to get the brooder ready!

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