THE MOTHER'S DAY HATCH-A-LONG!!!! The last day to join in and set eggs with us is April 28th.

Hey everyone..... I have boots on my wee BCM and it seems that s(he) is getting a bit better about the actual toes flattening out but the trouble is that he/she doesn't stand UP. Kinda waddles like a penguin... but down on the lower abdomen, ya know? seems to be getting a little bit better, but maybe it's just my optimistic thinking. Didn't bind the two legs together (not yet). As it is I'm hand feeding Stanley (I was watching the Kings win at the time) and I was hoping for as little intervention as possible. Poly Vi Sol also......

Any other suggestions?
Hey everyone..... I have boots on my wee BCM and it seems that s(he) is getting a bit better about the actual toes flattening out but the trouble is that he/she doesn't stand UP.  Kinda waddles like a penguin... but down on the  lower abdomen, ya know? seems to be getting a little bit better, but maybe it's just my optimistic thinking.  Didn't bind the two legs together (not yet).  As it is I'm hand feeding Stanley (I was watching the Kings win at the time) and I was hoping for as little intervention as possible.  Poly Vi Sol also......

Any other suggestions? 

I've read that placing them in a small teacup can help. Keeps their legs together.... Helps them learn to stand. Good luck.
I've read that placing them in a small teacup can help. Keeps their legs together.... Helps them learn to stand. Good luck.
Amanda, you're always such a great help~! Thanks so much.
I did that for a bit and it helped a little. Now doing some Physical Therapy. Haaaaa! Took the boots off today and she's walking around better, but having a tough time with energy I think. I dunno... what the heck do I know?
Sorry I have not been able to let you know about the mothers day best and worst hatch rate!! I had been very sick and then I had to go though all 174 pages of the hatch-a-long
as not everyone PM me the hatch rate! OK so chicks4fun and mayberrygirl are tied!!!!!! so they are the winners for the best hatch rate!!!!! PM crazypetlady your info and she will talk to you on when to ship the eggs!!!! RebelinNY and Bigfamily4me are tied for the worst hatch rate. so they are the winners!!!! PM me your info and I will talk to you on when to ship the eggs!!!! now for the cute chick pic contest, I have set up the contest voting and here is the link for the contest so go vote!!! if you like, you can make a comment on the chick pics to keep this thread going!! http://we need your votes to pick out the winner for the cute chick pic !!!!
Sorry I have not been able to let you know about the mothers day best and worst hatch rate!!  I had been very sick and then I had to go though all 174 pages of the hatch-a-long :th  as not everyone PM me the hatch rate!   OK so  chicks4fun and mayberrygirl are tied!!!!!!  so they are the winners for the best hatch rate!!!!!  PM crazypetlady your info and she will talk to you on when to ship the eggs!!!!  RebelinNY and Bigfamily4me are tied for the worst hatch rate. so they are the winners!!!!  PM me your info and I will talk to you on when to ship the eggs!!!!  now for the cute chick pic contest, I have set up the contest voting and here is the link for the contest so go vote!!!  if you like, you can make a comment on the chick pics to keep this thread going!!  http://we need your votes to pick out the winner for the cute chick pic !!!!

I'm sorry you were so sick Java girl. I hope you are feeling better now.

CONGRATULATIONS to Chicks 4 fun, mayberrygirl, REBELINNY and Bigfamily4 me.

Thanks java girl for all the hard work you put I to this.
And again... sorry for all the illness and poorly feeling. Many congratulations to everyone who won. What was the hatch rate for the worst hatch rate??? Just curious..... I had 0% for this one and am so new that I probably didn't do the rules right..... Haaaaa, story of my life!

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