-The Mythics RP-

Excuse Me Genie GIF
Oh yeah!
I was thinking more like people who weren’t directly apart of the crew, but yes, Lichen is a scout.
I’m trying to think of how we can get Tay, Jin, and CreepyFishLady together with the pirate horde without having to build a time machine. Maybe the sun hasn’t reached where the tavern is yet? 😅
perHAPS...uh, idk, maybe everyone but Galen can go searching for more crewmembers in the tavern cuz Galen has to go get stuff. so they can meet back after Tay and stuff is acquired?
perHAPS...uh, idk, maybe everyone but Galen can go searching for more crewmembers in the tavern cuz Galen has to go get stuff. so they can meet back after Tay and stuff is acquired?
And leave the ship unattended so creepy wolf guy can find a good hiding spot to get Ember. Sometime while they're gone, those who don't appear to be all there...
uuuhhhh, a means of suspense and possible future fight scene?🤷‍♀️
Possibly. On a side note, in a pirate ridden Cove, I don't think leaving the beautiful Quicksilver would end well in this was really happening. Any pirate looking to change ships would find her as a handsome prize. Anyways, as far as scouts, two would be fine if they were staying together. If the crew was bigger, then more (groups of 2-3) would be good. (I said 'two' so if something bad happened such as a fight, there'd be someone to either help or be a witness.)
“Did you see their uniforms?” Alayna said coldly. She had her fingers pressed against the bridge of her nose and her eyes scrunched shut. Her back was to Wilroc.
She blew an angry breath through her nose before talking again. “They’re a part of the Rebel army.” She turned around to face the man, staring at his face for a moment.
She then jerked her head deftly to the side and strode away towards the back door.
“I want to kill them,” she said in a dangerous tone. A tone that she knew would let other know she was dead serious. Her breathing quickened at those words, and she braced her arms against the countertop, staring past the wood as she spaced into her dark thoughts.
"I know." Wilroc said. "But we have to slow down and think. Rushing off and getting killed will benefit neither us or the pack."

"It's getting dark," he continued. "We can go scout tonight. New moon means we'll be nearly invisible." Will glanced across the room to meet Layna's eyes. "It's okay. We can fix this."
Aerie watched Shem turn away from the door in silence. His face twisted into confusion at the horse rider’s query.
He didn’t have an option on the matter.. he was just supposed to what he was told. It didn’t really matter what he thought; so he didn’t think much independently. What’s the point when other people’s opinions always override yours?
He shook his head, befuddled by the question. “Huh?” He replied back dumbly, still wondering why the man was questioning him so closely.

Hmmmm. Kinda wanna continue to Undermine for ✨ angst ✨
I kinda would enjoy some future Shem + Aerie stuff though. They’re like opposites.. sorta. 😂
(Oh cool! )

Shem wondered how long this creature had been like this, maybe more then he’d already let on. “Look lad, I could try and get you out if-…” Shem started, but he was cut off as the footfalls of soldiers echoed along the corridor. Crap!
“I’ll come back, kid. I’ll tell the harpy’s about you.” He said hurriedly, a look of panic rising up in his eyes. He left the door and quietly escaped out the back entrance to the dungeon, turning the corner just as the soldiers entered.
“‘Ello, you scaly rat. Time for dinna. The king says his pet needs more protein.” A rail thin guard said nastily as he dumped a bucket of meat scraps on the floor, kicking it under the door and into the cell with his muddied boot. It looked like the innards of some unfortunate forest creature, the pile was riddled with bones and the leafy tops of vegetables from the kitchen.
Shem felt a burning hatred swelling, running his fingers along his bow before stopping. If he acted now the centaurs would never be free. he’d get his revenge on the kings evil men when the time was right. Without looking back he stole into the shadows (of whatever time it is 😂) and back to the North quadrant to tell Tuun what he’d seen.
And leave the ship unattended so creepy wolf guy can find a good hiding spot to get Ember. Sometime while they're gone, those who don't appear to be all there...
Lol oooh can’t wait.

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