-The Mythics RP-

She hadn't meant for him to apologize.
She'd meant for him to loose it. Or maybe she'd wanted him to slip back into the handicapped state of depression.
He'd done neither and now she hated him more.
"My poster's been up for weeks and you didn't even notice it on your own. What's with that? Aren't you oblivious, following me like a dog, Jintao. I pity you."
Jintao played with the dagger that was in his pocket. He flipped it over a couple of times before letting out a long sigh. He thought about the scout Nautalis claimed to had taken care of. "Maybe I want to be oblivious," he said after awhile. "If I'm oblivious," his tone rose a little as he remembered the predicament he was in. "Then I can't get caught in a lie because I'm trying to help someone."
(Werewolves do maintain their consciousness though, so we won't have to worry about her shredding anyone. Unless she wants to, lol.)

Ember had yet to see her sixth sense fail her.
Vhayna's warning repeated loudly in her mind, timely to the scattered, and now horrified onlookers, the air thickening with fear as the bone-chilling howl echoed through the misted dawn sky.
"During the day the souls around here are a little less drunk and more likely to notice a Mythic."
Notice is one word for it.

"Stay here," she ordered Coal, once again not bothering to see if he would obey. The Harpy bolted down the short stretch of cobbled street to the open path where the rather terrified Werewolf stood.
Most of the bystanders had taken off, racing into the cover of buildings or around street corners to escape. The few that didn't dropped behind crates or barrels, guns drawn and locked on the massive wolf.
Ember ripped off her leather gloves, letting her cloak drop to the ground behind her as she ran, stopping sharply in front of the Werewolf, wings flung wide like a giant, feathery shield. She knew it wouldn't stop lead, but if it threw off their aim even a little, a little was enough of an advantage for her.
Flames burst across her hands, lapping up her forearms as she drew an arm up sharply and backhanded a wave of swirling flames into the air toward the two closest gun barrels. The edges of the canvas tarp rested atop the collection of palettes ignited, smoking and flickering for only seconds before the entire pile was spewing fire.
Ember yanked a hand upward, the blaze reacting with the movement and jerking out toward the street, lashing and snapping at the armed humans.
Ember jerked her head toward the Werewolf, meeting her Sage-green eyes.
"Follow me if you want to live."
Her wings snapped down and back, launching her back in the direction of the docks and between the buildings.

(I'll have Ember fly Lupin toward the docks, they'll probably stop nearby to gain cover and talk or something before sneaking back to the Quicksilver.)
Coal stared in horror as the woman transformed before his eyes.

Coal did not obey. He stomped after Ember, dropping his cloak and gloves. Every inch of his arms and torso erupted into flame. Not subtle at all.
To be fair, the werewolf started it. Coal wasn’t exactly sure why they were protecting a dangerous werewolf from the humans, but it could never be said that Coal would quail where his sister went boldly forth. Plus, what did she expect him to do, stand there?
He joined her in shielding the werewolf and when she flew up, he followed.

(Meanwhile, as these characters are rescuing a Werewolf, back at the Quicksilver, a creepy Werewolf fellow is seeking to bite Ember...)
Lucia looked up at the sky and realized it was getting light. I need to go back to my body. Alayna leaves today... She stretched her paws out in front of her, then broke into a steady run. Once she returned to her home, she jumped up onto her bed and laid down on her body's chest, closed her eyes, and felt herself swept into her human form again.

Lucia opened her eyes, in her human body again, and sat up. Still a bit asleep, she petted her cat, who was sleeping on Lucia's left foot. She climbed out of bed, quickly dressed, and set her crossbow on the trunk at the foot of her bed. She hurried to make breakfast and ate a rushed meal with her parents, then grabbed her crossbow and a canvas bag to carry her catch in.
"I'm going hunting," she called on her way out the door. But that wasn't entirely true. Lucia was going to hunt, but she was also going to see Alayna. Wilroc told her that Alayna was leaving, but not why. And Lucia was determined to find out.

(@Blue Raptor )
Alayna finished placing the last of her baking supplies into a crate and sat up. She blew out a breath and pushed her hair behind her ear and studied the baggage that lay in front of her critically. It wasn’t much. It didn’t have to be.
A single large suitcase, and two large crates held her clothes, baking supplies, and other personal items.
Alayna let out a long breath. She’d had a long and sleepless night. Her eyes drooped for what seemed the hundredth time that morning—not even counting the night—when suddenly a knock sounded at the door, startling her and sending her heart into a flight.
Lucia arrived at Alayna's house and knocked on the door.

"Layna? Are you home? It's me, Lucia."
Alayna froze for a moment, before stepping over to the door and opening it.
“Lucia!” She said in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
Alayna finished placing the last of her baking supplies into a crate and sat up. She blew out a breath and pushed her hair behind her ear and studied the baggage that lay in front of her critically. It wasn’t much. It didn’t have to be.
A single large suitcase, and two large crates held her clothes, baking supplies, and other personal items.
Alayna let out a long breath. She’d had a long and sleepless night. Her eyes drooped for what seemed the hundredth time that morning—not even counting the night—when suddenly a knock sounded at the door, startling her and sending her heart into a flight.

Alayna froze for a moment, before stepping over to the door and opening it.
“Lucia!” She said in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
"Wilroc told me you were leaving, but not why. I wanted to visit you anyway, and - wait, you look really tired. What's wrong?"

(@Blue Raptor)
"I keep forgetting how your past is not riddled with shame and failure like mine." She sucked her lips and gave a dull nod. "Lucky."
Jintao frowned. He stopped and turned away. "I'm sorry," he said like he was coming back to reality. He exhauled long and looked to the line of the horizon. Spray struck his coat as he turned back to her. "Let's, uh, just find this ship. It'll get us both out of here."
She hadn't meant for him to apologize.
She'd meant for him to loose it. Or maybe she'd wanted him to slip back into the handicapped state of depression.
He'd done neither and now she hated him more.
"My poster's been up for weeks and you didn't even notice it on your own. What's with that? Aren't you oblivious, following me like a dog, Jintao. I pity you."
Jintao played with the dagger that was in his pocket. He flipped it over a couple of times before letting out a long sigh. He thought about the scout Nautalis claimed to had taken care of. "Maybe I want to be oblivious," he said after awhile. "If I'm oblivious," his tone rose a little as he remembered the predicament he was in. "Then I can't get caught in a lie because I'm trying to help someone."

She's even more nippy than I thought.
The siren stared at the shadows outlined in the bars of moonlight from beneath the dock, irritated that her subtle attempt to get the human's attention had been completely ignored in the heat of their argument.
Nautalis drifted back into the shallows, listening attentively to their little dispute. She pulled herself a few more feet through the water with her hands, gripping the sand to keep herself from being shoved about by the restless waves.
She hated that Jintao was already proving her wrong. He was supposed to be a fugitive or a criminal, not a sad sap trying to get by in life and help other people who didn't deserve it. Nautalis had suspected from their talk in the tavern that he wasn't really a troublemaker. She'd been hoping for a pirate or thug- someone who was a threat to the Rebellion or someone she could manipulate to finish her mission. No, he had to go and be a lost young man caught between his own misery and the dull consciousness of this insufferable young woman.
The siren remained where she was, silent, still focused on the pair.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing

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