-The Mythics RP-

Gecko's pins poked him as Coal moved each feather. "That's what I-ah thought," he lifted his free wing. "But it only worked fah one." He folded his wing back in. It would be a sad mistake if he tangled it again.
"The forest," he nodded his head toward the South. "Above the cove. I lived neah the boulder that-" His teeth showed through the smile that washed upon his face. It was a memory he had temporarily forgotten. His mind drifted off into silence as he looked in the direction of his old home.
"Yeah, there," he pointed, returning to his current predicament. "Not too, uh, far from he-ah."
“Did you live alone?” Coal asked. (goodnight)
(He's based off a car. A Ghe-O Predator to be exact. :p
Was this from one of your stories? I like it!)

Gecko held the rope for Coal to cut. "Uhh..." he glanced around. The captain was nowhere to be seen. He reached over and took the rusty blade from Coal. "Welly-uh, she might-y not notice?" He slid the knife into its shealth. Coal might have been right, and if he was, they weren't far enough out to sea for Vhanya not to try feeding him to her pet alley cats. Seeing the dock next to the ship reminded Gecko that they weren't out at sea at all, for that matter.
"We could chew the ropes, maybe?" His confidence faded before he finished his sentence. "If only we had the captain's teeth..." he looked to the sky as if imagining how sharp Aqrabaumelu's teeth were. He put a finger to his lip and touched it with his tongue. "Yeah."
Raven watched with much disapproval as the two harpies cut the ratlines and further observing made it clear that they weren't planning to put them back together.
Vhanya would not be pleased and neither would he if it was put upon him to climb up them for some reason or another and he slipped and fell.
He sighed and began clambering up.
"Hey," he called as he neared them, "you gonna fix that or just leave it to claim some unfortunate soul unlucky enough to require the use of these ropes?"
Raven watched with much disapproval as the two harpies cut the ratlines and further observing made it clear that they weren't planning to put them back together.
Vhanya would not be pleased and neither would he if it was put upon him to climb up them for some reason or another and he slipped and fell.
He sighed and began clambering up.
"Hey," he called as he neared them, "you gonna fix that or just leave it to claim some unfortunate soul unlucky enough to require the use of these ropes?"
“Put what back together?” Coal asked. He had barely cut them at all, no more than the usual wear and tear would give them, and certainly not enough to make them unsafe.
“Put what back together?” Coal asked. He had barely cut them at all, no more than the usual wear and tear would give them, and certainly not enough to make them unsafe.
Raven fingered the slit in the rope.
"Captain's not gonna be happy, she's awful proud of this boat. I say we fix this before it gets bigger and avoid punishment when she does find it"
Raven fingered the slit in the rope.
"Captain's not gonna be happy, she's awful proud of this boat. I say we fix this before it gets bigger and avoid punishment when she does find it"
Coal sighed. Thanks to Raven, his very small amount of damage that nobody would have noticed if he hadn’t mentioned it, was not going to go unnoticed.
With one last tug he pulled Gecko’s wing through.
“Okay. How are we going to fix it?”
Coal sighed. Thanks to Raven, his very small amount of damage that nobody would have noticed if he hadn’t mentioned it, was not going to go unnoticed.
With one last tug he pulled Gecko’s wing through.
“Okay. How are we going to fix it?”

Lupin tipped her head back, watching the spectacle above with amused eyes. So far she had learned that;
a.) Coal liked to help, which was useful
b.) There was a mad harpy aboard, which was creepy
c.) The one called Raven was either the captain's pet or just obsessive, which would not be helpful
d.) The captain was proud of the ship and liked it to be pristine, which meant she could get a spot as a cabin girl

"You could tie it," she suggested loudly, hoping she wouldn't annoy anybody. She hopped from paw to paw, wanting very badly to climb up into the rigging herself, but restraining herself. She wasn't accepted yet.
(So I think the harpy and Phoenix rescue of the Centuars might take place a few days in the future, but is it reasonable to start plotting what happens anyway? Otherwise CrestCrazy’s character is just stuck)
Yeah it’s ok! We can wait a few days and I’ll just do a pov every now and then of Shem and the Centaurs!

I’m thinking if the birdfolk have access to explosives maybe they can bring some and blow up a wall for the prisoners to get out, it could either be a battle afterwards or we all escape in the chaos of the crumbling compound. Shem will try to get Aerie out but fail and then feel bad abt it and follow them to undermine where maybe he could successfully free aerie after a good amount of destruction?!
@Amer @Blue Raptor
"You could tie it," she suggested loudly, hoping she wouldn't annoy anybody. She hopped from paw to paw, wanting very badly to climb up into the rigging herself, but restraining herself. She wasn't accepted yet.
"It's not cut all the way through," Raven called back down, "the best course of action would probably be to just replace it." More quietly he added, "A frayed rope is a weak rope."
Quickly, he climbed down the lines and disappeared below, soon returning with another rope. He looped it around his neck and slipped one arm over it so he could haul it back up.
Directing his attention to Coal he asked,
"It doesn't appear you've ever been on a ship before so this might be a stupid question, but do you know how to tie a clove hitch?"
"It doesn't appear you've ever been on a ship before so this might be a stupid question, but do you know how to tie a clove hitch?"
OfCourseIDoIcarlyGIF (2).gif

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