-The Mythics RP-

snape GIF
"It's not cut all the way through," Raven called back down, "the best course of action would probably be to just replace it." More quietly he added, "A frayed rope is a weak rope."
Quickly, he climbed down the lines and disappeared below, soon returning with another rope. He looped it around his neck and slipped one arm over it so he could haul it back up.
Directing his attention to Coal he asked,
"It doesn't appear you've ever been on a ship before so this might be a stupid question, but do you know how to tie a clove hitch?"
‘A frayed rope is a weak rope.’ Maybe if you’re fat, thought Coal. “No,” said Coal. “But I’ll be spending a lot of time here, so I guess it’s time I learned.”
“Did you live alone?” Coal asked. (goodnight)
"Yes... and no?" Gecko said.
Raven watched with much disapproval as the two harpies cut the ratlines and further observing made it clear that they weren't planning to put them back together.
Vhanya would not be pleased and neither would he if it was put upon him to climb up them for some reason or another and he slipped and fell.
He sighed and began clambering up.
"Hey," he called as he neared them, "you gonna fix that or just leave it to claim some unfortunate soul unlucky enough to require the use of these ropes?"
“Put what back together?” Coal asked. He had barely cut them at all, no more than the usual wear and tear would give them, and certainly not enough to make them unsafe.
Raven fingered the slit in the rope.
"Captain's not gonna be happy, she's awful proud of this boat. I say we fix this before it gets bigger and avoid punishment when she does find it"
Coal sighed. Thanks to Raven, his very small amount of damage that nobody would have noticed if he hadn’t mentioned it, was not going to go unnoticed.
With one last tug he pulled Gecko’s wing through.
“Okay. How are we going to fix it?”
Lupin tipped her head back, watching the spectacle above with amused eyes. So far she had learned that;
a.) Coal liked to help, which was useful
b.) There was a mad harpy aboard, which was creepy
c.) The one called Raven was either the captain's pet or just obsessive, which would not be helpful
d.) The captain was proud of the ship and liked it to be pristine, which meant she could get a spot as a cabin girl

"You could tie it," she suggested loudly, hoping she wouldn't annoy anybody. She hopped from paw to paw, wanting very badly to climb up into the rigging herself, but restraining herself. She wasn't accepted yet.
("Mad?" Or did you mean "crazy?")
"It's not cut all the way through," Raven called back down, "the best course of action would probably be to just replace it." More quietly he added, "A frayed rope is a weak rope."
Quickly, he climbed down the lines and disappeared below, soon returning with another rope. He looped it around his neck and slipped one arm over it so he could haul it back up.
Directing his attention to Coal he asked,
"It doesn't appear you've ever been on a ship before so this might be a stupid question, but do you know how to tie a clove hitch?"
‘A frayed rope is a weak rope.’ Maybe if you’re fat, thought Coal. “No,” said Coal. “But I’ll be spending a lot of time here, so I guess it’s time I learned.”
Gecko fluttered his wings the moment they were free. "Thank you, Coal!" he exclaimed. He smiled at Raven. "If it a problem," he paused and grabbed the slight fray. "We could just fly past it."
As a movement of show, he threw himself off the ratline and spread his freed wings. When he flapped them in, he suddenly yelled of pain. "Ah! My wings!" Gecko dropped down toward the waters below. Gripping the rail as he fell past, his body slammed against the side of the ship. "Ouch!"

(@-Eridanus-, if you want, Lupin can help him now seeing she's closer.)
"I, myself, have never operated on a ship, but I have a deepened knowledge of the sea, and my abilities would be greatly useful in the event of a potential conflict."
Nautalis turned slightly to gesture to Jintao.
"My friend here has experience with sailing-" She pointed to Tay next, "-and this young lass here is quite the sleight of hand, and a feisty one. I'm certain they'll prove themselves useful."
The siren faced the Captain again, gently tugging her scarf away from her face.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing
(I’m only quoting this one for now, since Nautalis is directly addressing Vhanya

Vhanya crossed her arms, looking over each member of the trio.
”I’ll take you, if you’re all willing to join my crew for the time being.“
She pointed towards the varying Mythics that had begun to accumulate at the base of the gangplank, ”you ought to come to my cabin, my crew has arrived and I’d rather you not be in their way.”

She finished her sentence with a pointed sweeping of her hat towards the steerage, directing the Siren and her human companions. She noticed the man’s look of disapproval towards the display of her crazed Harpy in the ratlines. “If you don’t shoot him first, I will,” she chuckled.

Returning the hat to her head, she softly stepped beside the human girl and began to speak in a hushed, direct tone.
“You’d best be glad the bounty on your head isn’t enough to entice me- the fact is, you’ll be safest on this ship where your face isn’t plastered on every flat surface.”
Her eyes flicked down to the girl’s boots, “have you been treating them yourself?”
If this girl has any gift as a medic, I’ll have a surgeon yet. If she’s willing to cut off a leg is another matter….

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing
Tay straightened and took in a slow breath, speaking through her exhale, "Oh, you are so creepy." She cleared her throat and let the bangs fall over her eyes. "Yes, yes, on both accounts. You're harboring a fugitive with blisters." She took another breath, then added in a quiet tone, "A grateful fugitive with blisters."
The ship felt sturdy beneath her feet. Trust worthy, even. Memories flooded her mind, and scenes trapped her eyes in a repetitive flow, wringing her thin mind out until is spun with the shallow density of a thread coming loose from its spool. It was tenacious fear that gripped her so heavily, but she did not show it. She could not show it. The world has numbed, and it was simple to make cold again.
She would weep for the past later. But for now, her heart must stay intact.

Vhanya nodded, “good. I’ll speak with you later concerning your position aboard my ship-“ she fixed her eyes towards the waxed boards of the main deck, “-and by the by, I’ve known much worse than blistered fugitives.”
She turned to join the others, slowing slightly to adjust her hat and coat and to gesture for the girl to follow.

@_-Captain BRM-_
@Lacy Duckwing
Tay anticipated the woman's pivoting heel, and she mimicked the movement, shadowing Vhanya's form. "That's grateful blistered fugitive to you," she cocked her head, "Captain."
She turned catlike eyes back to her newfound shadow, “you-you’re welcome?” Her lip curled in the slightest, “no need to thank me yet, girl, you’ve barely set foot on my ship. I’m certain I’ll do something more pressingly deserving of gratitude later.”

She resumed walking.

@_-Captain BRM-_
Jintao gave the Harpy one last look before following the women to the captain's cabin. He remained quiet, keeping his thoughts to himself. The planks was too clean and the materials looked too new. A new ship, he assumed, much to his dislike. She probably hadn't even seen a storm yet, say less a battle like Nautalis was hoping for.

@_-Captain BRM-_
(@-Shade-, I'm quoting the scene starting with your last post to make it easier for you.)
Yeah it’s ok! We can wait a few days and I’ll just do a pov every now and then of Shem and the Centaurs!

I’m thinking if the birdfolk have access to explosives maybe they can bring some and blow up a wall for the prisoners to get out, it could either be a battle afterwards or we all escape in the chaos of the crumbling compound. Shem will try to get Aerie out but fail and then feel bad abt it and follow them to undermine where maybe he could successfully free aerie after a good amount of destruction?!
@Amer @Blue Raptor
Yeeeeaahhhh. :D
“How long will your trip take that you need to keep working?” Martha asked. She sighed. “Well, you know I can only stay until noon, I have the kids to take care of… but as long as I can depend upon Erin to close, I can keep your promise.” Erin was a lad that came as Martha left. He watched the register for a few hours before closing the bakery and preparing everything for the following day.

“Just keep the bakery open as long as you can. It’s fine if it’s only half the normal hours, but don’t forget to tell the regulars about the hour change.” She looked up the street, waiting for the expected supply wagon that agreed to take her down to at least northern Newhale.
“I can’t say how long I’ll be gone, but I’ll try to get back as soon as I can. It’s unfortunate, I know. I have a good business here, but this matter is.. personal. I hope you understand.” She looked down; her eyes turned up towards Martha guiltily.
"Yes... and no?" Gecko said.

("Mad?" Or did you mean "crazy?")

Gecko fluttered his wings the moment they were free. "Thank you, Coal!" he exclaimed. He smiled at Raven. "If it a problem," he paused and grabbed the slight fray. "We could just fly past it."
As a movement of show, he threw himself off the ratline and spread his freed wings. When he flapped them in, he suddenly yelled of pain. "Ah! My wings!" Gecko dropped down toward the waters below. Gripping the rail as he fell past, his body slammed against the side of the ship. "Ouch!"

(@-Eridanus-, if you want, Lupin can help him now seeing she's closer.)
crazy ↑

Lupin was there in an instant, reaching over the sides to grab the harpy. Her claws dug into the wood as she leaned over the edge, and she hoped there wouldn't be a noticeable divot. She grasped the harpy's clawed hand and tugged, feeling his sharp talons digging into her fur.

“Just keep the bakery open as long as you can. It’s fine if it’s only half the normal hours, but don’t forget to tell the regulars about the hour change.” She looked up the street, waiting for the expected supply wagon that agreed to take her down to at least northern Newhale.
“I can’t say how long I’ll be gone, but I’ll try to get back as soon as I can. It’s unfortunate, I know. I have a good business here, but this matter is.. personal. I hope you understand.” She looked down; her eyes turned up towards Martha guiltily.
“Okay,” she said. “I guess between me and Erin we can keep it open, but I can’t keep an eye on it all the time.”
Martha looked at her piteously. “Oh, dear, I understand. You’ve been generous to me when I needed it, and it’s only right to return the favor. Goodbye, Layna.” Martha hugged her.

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