The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

You are welcome.

I forgot to mention something about the digital temperature/hygrometer built into the lid of the Genesis 1588. I set the temp at 99.8 degrees so it kept a close temp of 99.5 throughout the hatch. I did not pay attention to the built in hygrometer. It was 10% off on my bator. I use a dual purpose one that I bought in the reptile section at the pet store. I costs around $20 and hasn't let me down yet. I set it level with the top of the eggs. I also like to insert a probe digital meat thermometer through the holes I use for syringing water. I like the added comfort of knowing my 99 degrees is holding. Not needed but I like it.
Mumsy, would you discuss the temperatures that you use as a guide? I know the thermometer on the floor of the bator will read less than the one on the top of the eggs, and both may be different from the probe. What temperature do you keep at each level? Thanks for all your help!!
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I only take PART of the litter out when I it gets too deep or too full. I've only had to do that during winter when they've been in close quarters. I also don't have a dirt floor which would make a difference in how it breaks down to some extent.

I try to leave it as long as possible but the point of the dl is NOT for the purpose of COMPOST. It is to create a good healthy bacteria balance. If you never take it all out it's kind of like putting a culture in milk to make yogurt. The healthy bacteria that is there will continue to innoculate the new batch. Ideally you'd leave it as long as possible then take a good amount out for garden, etc.

Take a look at this article - it may help explain better than I can:

i read tha tarticle. very interesting. That's quite an informative site. What's your opinion of the open air coups that he recommends in there?
Mumsy, would you discuss the temperatures that you use as a guide? I know the thermometer on the floor of the bator will read less than the one on the top of the eggs, and both may be different from the probe. What temperature do you keep at each level? Thanks for all your help!!
Yes. This is one of my favorite topics.
In my still air LG I use any where between four to five thermometers. One on the floor on the right and the left. This is so I can see them through those small windows. One level with the tops of the eggs. One inserted into my home made water weasle for interior egg temp reading using the probe. In the still air I need to get a rounded temp reading from all the thermometers in all corners. Some will read lower, some higher. The one I never ignore is the dual reptile expensive one. Twice a day, whether I am using the LG or the Genesis incubator, I will move the dual one from the left side of the bator to the right. I run both my bators so that the temp reads about 99.8 to 100 degrees. I have found that styrofoam incubators give better hatch rates and closer to on time when the temp runs a little higher than reccomended. This very well could be because I live at sea level in a very humid place.
The Genesis has made it unneccessary for me to use all the bells and whistles I need with the still air LG but I still use the same techiniques. I move my eggs around the inside of the bator each time I turn. I go from carton to floor too.

I just finished doing my fourteen day candle of my Ron Fogle HRIR eggs. Two blood rings and fourteen viable embryos! Two eggs have developing embryos and they have large saddle air cells! It will be amazing if they hatch! These are the largest and most expensive eggs I've ever set. They came a very long distance across country and in the postal system for over three days. I am amazed so many are developing.
Quote: I love the idea of the open coops. If you look at jacke's coop here on byc, he built a really nice one. He inspired me to purchase and read the book: Fresh Air Poultry Houses by Prince T. Woods. I'm glad I got it and read it so that I understand the principles of how they are built. My hen house is not open however.

Here's a link to Jacke's coop... and if you have questions, if you PM him he's really good to converse with you on the topic.
Sorry things have been stressful. Keep us posted on your new birds!

I am actually a little worried about the new additions. I found the guy on CL, he said I was on a waiting list nut he would have a bunch more in a week. My maintenance man is meeting him at an auction barn to pick them up.... all 1 year old, all hens, all laying.... for $3.50 each....
Too good to be true.
What are my fears? Mareks for 1.... I have bought and rescued from small farms.... but an auction barn?
Condition, I can deal with.... a little fresh air, free range and feed.... sickness..... I will get a look at them tonight and make a decision.
Well...I have a question about curious Silkie chick behavior. One chick (the Paint) is chirping in distress loudly. Jumps straight up and acts like fire ants are biting his whole body. The other chicks are not. He is biting his legs and wings frantically. This is really out of the ordinary, even for Silkie chicks in my experience. My gut tells me this chick may be experiencing an allergic reaction to my FF chick starter. I added Cayenne, Garlic, and dried flaked Oregano this morning to the mix. He eats and drinks normally but I noticed projectile pooing an hour ago.

Help! I have 6 - 8 week old chicks. I'm running out of room in the house for them. DH built that nice growing pen for our screened in porch. I have it set up for a lamp inside the box part and a small door for the run. The room I'm keeping them in is about 60 degrees. No way that I can get it colder with creating a draft. Our nights are still getting down to 20 and today it was sunny but 30. Will the transition kill them? They will always be able to get in the coop part that will be warm. Can I safely move them? sue I'd like to move them right now.

Another poult hatched today. Someone once told me how hard they were to hatch.

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