The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

My mom works at a kids camp and deals with vegetarian,vegan, gluten allergies etc. Deffinetly shouldnt sneak stuff into it! I like cooking for different dietary issues its a fun challenge

The only problem I have with vegans, vegetarians (not so much), and gluten-free people...

I work at a restauarant/food service place where many of our customers fall into the above categories, and the cooks TRY to cook foods specifically for them. Most of the food we serve is buffet and/or cafteria-line style. What gets me is the people who seem to be vehemently vegan or gluten free (etc) and act like they will DIE if any non-compliant food were to cross their lips. They DEMAND a full listing of all ingredients and get pissy if every server doesn't know every single ingredient in every single dish. All I can say is that if your beliefs are THAT strong, or if your life truly will be threatened if you eat a particular thing, then you should BRING YOUR OWN FOOD. There, that was MY vent!
I have smart chickens! Just sayin' Love me some Swedish Flower Hens! (Even the ones that are roosters.)
Love the fan idea......but please don't tell my girls!!! No fan for my guys and its been in the 90s with high humidity. Tonight there finally a wonderful breeze & the girls are up late enjoying it & not panting. :) I wanted to share a pic of Lucy ......still skittish with me but she is finally standing up to the tots who she towers over. Hmmmm not letting me upload pic :(. She is about 4 months old Sue thinks. Beautiful girl And Aoxa do your white EE ever look white? Edie has been dust bathing a lot and I don't know if her feathers are turning browner/ gray from that or she changing colors as she molts ? She was not impressed with me interrupting her preening. But they do love this shade shelter I added :). I even got a few big girls under here with the tots. Progress in everyone getting along is slow but it is happening.
Love the fan idea......but please don't tell my girls!!! No fan for my guys and its been in the 90s with high humidity. Tonight there finally a wonderful breeze & the girls are up late enjoying it & not panting.

I wanted to share a pic of Lucy ......still skittish with me but she is finally standing up to the tots who she towers over.

Hmmmm not letting me upload pic
. She is about 4 months old Sue thinks. Beautiful girl

And Aoxa do your white EE ever look white? Edie has been dust bathing a lot and I don't know if her feathers are turning browner/ gray from that or she changing colors as she molts ?

She was not impressed with me interrupting her preening. But they do love this shade shelter I added
. I even got a few big girls under here with the tots. Progress in everyone getting along is slow but it is happening.
They looked white in the summer. Not so much in the fall or winter though. White was hard to wash before the show I found. They looked grey from dust bathing so much!
Well I would post a pic but either BYC or my ipad is not letting me :/ I was looking at her last night as she was roosting and she has grayish/brown feathers on her wings back & neck in clumps of color. I am guessing its from dust bathing in the peat moss and wood ash.
It sucks you work so hard and such long hours...I could not do it.

I knew when we bought tjis place I would have to work like this. No other way to give my kiddos this kind of life. It is worth it.

But it's ok to complain once in a while, right? ;-)

Where is joe? Out of town like scott? Men these days! Lol
We could have a ladies night if I wouldn't pass out on you lol[/QUOTE]
You seen me at the camp would be a short contest on who passed out first. You should pack up the kids and come for the day. I will drag out the duck pool and fill it up for them. Do you have any time off ever? Joe will be home Sat and leave again Sunday I think. He does not like being gone and leaving me to my own devises for too long.
Del, my meaties are spreading out!! Caught them in the big coop scratching up the litter :D
woo week they will be foraging all over.
Well I would post a pic but either BYC or my ipad is not letting me
I was looking at her last night as she was roosting and she has grayish/brown feathers on her wings back & neck in clumps of color. I am guessing its from dust bathing in the peat moss and wood ash.
My whites are smutty looking too..
Chickchick, I try not to be a pain when I order out. It was hard in the early on and lots of salads, but I have learned to relax... only out though. Lately my husband has been on a everything meat diet so I am always worried about meat juices in my food. My issue is that it is been so long that my body doesn't like it... all food comes out very quickly!

Hot here again tonight. At 8 pm accuweather was saying it was 91 degrees with a real feel of 102. Girls are in the coop and it is cooler then that in there, but they are still panting. Put the large frozen jugs on the roost for them. Last night accuweather said that we had a low of 85. Craziness.

I was able to upload photos

The coop and shed, shows their run when they are fenced in

Inside the coop

showing ventilation holes on one side, still gets humid when it is humid outside of course.

the older girls. did bumblefoot surgery of the blue again tonight, it moved to the side of her toe. I think we got everything, pretty gross.
a photo of three littles. this wyandotte is much redder then the other.

Night all, been a long day.
The only problem I have with vegans, vegetarians (not so much), and gluten-free people...

I work at a restauarant/food service place where many of our customers fall into the above categories, and the cooks TRY to cook foods specifically for them. Most of the food we serve is buffet and/or cafteria-line style. What gets me is the people who seem to be vehemently vegan or gluten free (etc) and act like they will DIE if any non-compliant food were to cross their lips. They DEMAND a full listing of all ingredients and get pissy if every server doesn't know every single ingredient in every single dish. All I can say is that if your beliefs are THAT strong, or if your life truly will be threatened if you eat a particular thing, then you should BRING YOUR OWN FOOD. There, that was MY vent!
Gluten is an ALLERGY not a choice for a lot of people, and could very well result in medical harm.
Chickchick, I try not to be a pain when I order out. It was hard in the early on and lots of salads, but I have learned to relax... only out though. Lately my husband has been on a everything meat diet so I am always worried about meat juices in my food. My issue is that it is been so long that my body doesn't like it... all food comes out very quickly!

Hot here again tonight. At 8 pm accuweather was saying it was 91 degrees with a real feel of 102. Girls are in the coop and it is cooler then that in there, but they are still panting. Put the large frozen jugs on the roost for them. Last night accuweather said that we had a low of 85. Craziness.

I was able to upload photos

The coop and shed, shows their run when they are fenced in

Inside the coop

showing ventilation holes on one side, still gets humid when it is humid outside of course.

the older girls. did bumblefoot surgery of the blue again tonight, it moved to the side of her toe. I think we got everything, pretty gross.
a photo of three littles. this wyandotte is much redder then the other.

Night all, been a long day.
Your shed is really cute..It looks like a little barn

Are you sure the coop has enough ventilation?
Gluten is an ALLERGY not a choice for a lot of people, and could very well result in medical harm.
I don't get hateful, but it is my money, my body, my choice. There is a reason the government has made food disclosure the law. I am GF by medical necessity not by choice, but even if it was my choice it is still my money and my body and my choice.

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