The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Are there any other symptoms? Any respiratory, depression, or diarrhea?

nope. and he's eating the same FF everyone else is too...

it's seeming more neurological the more I watch him... every now and then he does an odd kind of back-flip-flop lays there a second then sits back up normally...

regardless, I think, much as he's cute, I'm going to cull him. I don't have the brooder space to spare at the moment unfortunately.
kigot, hope your chick improves. let us know if you add vitamins or what....

Hallelujah, the turkey made tracks all around the run but did not fly in. He really wanted to, judging from the tracks - not just a single set but looks like he was going back and forth trying to find an opening. There is just a narrow area where he could get in, but I was worried the food and water would be too much of an attraction for him.

Tomorrow the roofing guy is going to come look at the stove pipe on the roof that got pushed over in the snow. keeping my fingers crossed it isn't too expensive to repair.
Ms jellybean

DL is deep litter. You just keep adding litter (shavings, leaves, pine litter, hay) throught out the year & clean it out once a year. It's wonderful
and yes there is hay in it.

I saw the swing in a magazine online. I'm curious to see if the girls will like it or not
duh! I am familiar with that and plan to do it in my coop. :)

Here is a link to the swing I saw. We have plenty of wood around here due to the ice storm we had in December. I can't wait for Spring to show up and stay!
Karen, if you want to give the little chick a few days, I'm betting that a few good doses of Vitamin E and Thiamine will turn him around. You can use a poultry product that has a good balance, or you can use the liver and brewers yeast, and throw in a drop or 2 of Vit E from a gel capsule intended for human use. My best layer shows some neuro signs, and I just give her a couple doses of Nutri-drench, and then she's ready to go. Her signs are intermittent, and she's a great layer, has a great personality, so I wouldn't cull her, but I wouldn't let her play in the gene pool either. After dealing with chicks last year, and working with this little hen, Nutri-drench is one product that I intend to always have on hand. And I do not own stock in this company, or receive any advertising compensation! Just like to brag up a product when I find that it works well.
After dealing with chicks last year, and working with this little hen, Nutri-drench is one product that I intend to always have on hand. And I do not own stock in this company, or receive any advertising compensation! Just like to brag up a product when I find that it works well.
@lazy gardener
Could you put a link to the Nutri-drench you are using?

Karen, if you want to give the little chick a few days, I'm betting that a few good doses of Vitamin E and Thiamine will turn him around. You can use a poultry product that has a good balance, or you can use the liver and brewers yeast, and throw in a drop or 2 of Vit E from a gel capsule intended for human use. My best layer shows some neuro signs, and I just give her a couple doses of Nutri-drench, and then she's ready to go. Her signs are intermittent, and she's a great layer, has a great personality, so I wouldn't cull her, but I wouldn't let her play in the gene pool either. After dealing with chicks last year, and working with this little hen, Nutri-drench is one product that I intend to always have on hand. And I do not own stock in this company, or receive any advertising compensation! Just like to brag up a product when I find that it works well.

I think something else was going on... he died overnight. I still think it was neurological.
nope. and he's eating the same FF everyone else is too...

it's seeming more neurological the more I watch him... every now and then he does an odd kind of back-flip-flop lays there a second then sits back up normally...

regardless, I think, much as he's cute, I'm going to cull him. I don't have the brooder space to spare at the moment unfortunately.

I agree w/ culling over treating. Since all others are eating the same food, if it is a vit. deficiency it is related to that one chicks ability to absorb rather then the availability of the nutrition, and very likely has other unseen issues going on. jmo though.

ooops should have read further, I see it is a moot point.
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