The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I don't mean to rain on anybody's parade or anything but
... "OTs welcome" means Old Timers welcome. Altho straying off topic seems to be allowed on this thread, and pretty well tolerated by most, lol. (I think BDM was trying to encourage knowledgeable and long-time chicken people to chime in on this thread
, since 2 other active threads that had a lot of OT input were locked not that long ago).
Thanks for all the great DL info guys. I'll have to be rethinking how I approach my run.

One of you posted a picture of your incubator a few thousand posts ago. It had a water weenie in it and a separate little circle in it. Was that you Delisha? I'm curious about all the stuff in there and the reasons. I haven't totally decided yet whether we will broody hatch, incubate or a little of both so I am trying to educate myself. I'm still worried that if we broody hatch the chicks won't be as people friendly as our flock is now. But I need incubator info just in case.
Mumsy, I am looking forward to your detailed information about show cages and how to make them ..I have only one..can you also talk about cage and show conditioning please..
Axoa..can you also give a step by step in show preperation

I probably need improvement in my training

The chickens I plan on showing, I pick them up at least once a day. I gradually start to stroke them, touch feet, open wings.I have a table I place them on. The cockerel is a freek show and i had to put food on the table to get him to stay. He still is a freek show about the table but is getting better. Right now i can't cage train because i am using it for a brooder. I will start putting them in the cage for a short time to longer and longer time.

Bath day before show..keep dry and off ground.

What do you pack?

Blow wipes..paper work..nail file..vasaline. clean bedding.. gloves..empty cages..
Thanks for all the great DL info guys. I'll have to be rethinking how I approach my run.

One of you posted a picture of your incubator a few thousand posts ago. It had a water weenie in it and a separate little circle in it. Was that you Delisha? I'm curious about all the stuff in there and the reasons. I haven't totally decided yet whether we will broody hatch, incubate or a little of both so I am trying to educate myself. I'm still worried that if we broody hatch the chicks won't be as people friendly as our flock is now. But I need incubator info just in case.
sorry hun..I think it was Mumsy
Broody chicks can be friendly if the mom is. All chickens rely on you for food..all you need to do is hand feed mom and the babys copy.
I'm having a terrible chicken night.. My turkeys nearly killed my cochin rooster. They ate up a lot of his comb, and he has lost a whole lot of blood. He's eating like a champ right now and I have him all cleaned up and in the basement in a big dog kennel until he can regain some composure. He is very weak from the blood loss. 

Also one of my Ameraucana bantam chicks in the outside brooder was FREEZING. Brought her in as well. I think Carlton will be okay. Once I get my breeding pens built this weekend, he can have one of those to recover in. *sigh*

Oh and one of my broodies chicks died. Not sure what happened there. So she has one lonely chick. What a day...

So sorry!!

x2...big hugs
X3 :)
Ok since we're sharing cute pictures, (Stoney's gonna kill us!) Here's one of my favorite pictures of my girls walking out their pony Fergie. She is 28 years old and has been my best school pony since 1998. She has taught countless little girls how to ride and is now teaching my daughters all the lessons they need to learn. She is a saint!
Oh my! Love love love it! The little one in the pink tu tu reminds me of my third born! Always in the pink and girly clothes no matter what animal she was playing with! (Maybe Stoney will post of pic of himself as a kid playing with a pony too?) Hey! If ya can't beat um, join um...Right?
Adorable pic
:woot Hooray for horse people!!!

I've done a lot of different horse stuff over the years but I could NEVER be a jockey.  You are soooo brave or soooooo crazy.  I can't imagine that kind of speed with all that raw equine power all around me.  Gives me shivers to think about it.  It must be an incredible rush.


I used to be a horse person!  I showed Arabians at the regional and national level in my teens.  I haven't ridden since I started college though :(
:frow I won a lot of races on Arabians
Since we were talking about horses earlier- I have to show these pictures :) & I do have a chicken question too :ya Can 15 week old chicks be put in with older chickens? 2 8 1/2mo. old roo's, 2 8 1/2 mo. old pullets & 3 older hens? It's a nice size coop & a big run.......

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