The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I won't even figure out how much a doz of my eggs cost, and i try not to tell dh when I go buy feed. :oops:  I figure it is still cheaper than a Psychiatrist :p

That's for sure! And more enjoyable. I've never had a psychiatrist poop on my head while retrieving eggs!
That's for sure! And more enjoyable. I've never had a psychiatrist poop on my head while retrieving eggs!
BDM love the Blog, I've only had brooder chicks 2X since I started keeping chickens and both times was this past spring, so brooding with out a mama hen was new to me, But one of the first things i do is get clumps of grass dirt an all so the chicks get use to the soil they will be living on and also giving them something to do in their spare time, Never used med feed and have not had 1 case of Cocci. Thank you for keeping the blog going, It is really nicely done.
Thank you! I modified the post to reflect this information.

What a great idea!

Glad to see you here!! Hey - has anyone seen Mumsy lately?

LOL! Go, Mama!!
Mumsy is over on the silkie thread. I will harass her to come on over and share info. Last I checked (maybe 5-6 days ago) Johnny and his girls were doing well, but Mumsy couldn't keep up with the thread. Hope she'll come over!~
BDM love the Blog, I've only had brooder chicks 2X since I started keeping chickens and both times was this past spring, so brooding with out a mama hen was new to me, But one of the first things i do is get clumps of grass dirt an all so the chicks get use to the soil they will be living on and also giving them something to do in their spare time, Never used med feed and have not had 1 case of Cocci. Thank you for keeping the blog going, It is really nicely done.

Thank you, Miss Lydia. That means a lot to me! This amazing group of people mean a lot to me, too!

delisha, I don't want to ever look at your imaginary numbers again, (lol) I need to go to bed just reading that! Hubby and I were just talking yesterday that I spent $100.00 in November on my chickens (and 2 turkeys). We do plan on eating some, but it is a hobby mainly. Before chickens, we usually ate 1 doz a week. That doz now costs us &100.00. (That wasn't only feed.)
$100? That's it? Wow.. I remember when my chickens were that cheap.. :p I am always buying feed it seems... and supplies.. I go through a lot of shavings. I do get a discount when I buy in bulk though. My DL is composting SO fast. I have put down 10 bales of shavings since I got the sheep. Maybe 3 were for the sheep. The rest are in the chicken part of the barn.. It may be 2-3 inches thick. It keeps shrinking!

A lot has been spent recently setting up the FF room.

I won't even figure out how much a doz of my eggs cost, and i try not to tell dh when I go buy feed.
I figure it is still cheaper than a Psychiatrist
I love this Miss Lydia.

If I didn't have the birds, I would definitely be going to therapy. I was under a lot of stress, and was having terrible vertigo before I got the chickens. They cured that! Though sometimes it rears it's ugly head. Especially when I was having trouble with that hatch of sickly chicks.

The ones that survived are really healthy though. Huge. Funny all that survived are EEs and one silkie.

Unloading pictures from this weekend. Will be posting.

I agree with Stony, don't quote them please :p

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