The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Gosh there's no more on this thread to read tonight guess I have to go to sleep :( I love this thread it's been great and I try to absorb what all of you say. I've seriously learned so much. Hmmm ill have to try the raw meat
I just have a pretty secure run and don't have a door on my coop at all. They come in and out as they please. In the summer I just leave all the little "hatches" open - it's almost like roosting outside - no hardware cloth or anything over the vents. The bottom of the run is 3 feet high of hardware cloth and the rest is chicken wire. But, I don't have all the varmints a lot of you have. The only thing I really have to watch out for is coyotes, hawks, and skunks. Our yard is fenced in half and during the day when we are home, the dogs stay on one side (mostly just to keep them from pooping everywhere), but at night, I open the middle gate and our dogs roam the entire yard keeping any other critters out. Our dogs would eat the chickens if they got the chance but they don't actively try to get into the run and they don't dig. Most of the time they ignore the chickens and ducks. However, they will kill anything that comes into our yard so they are my night patrolers just in case we get something that tries really hard to get into the run.

I have been wondering about if it would ok to leave the coop door open all the time to the run....? I am fixing this up for my new flock, the run seems fairly secure.....they will also eventually free range some too. Will the be ok?
Something is wrong w/ BYC this morning...posting issues it seems. This post may look weird as we can't seem to view them while editing right now. I imagine it will get fixed before too long!

I live in Wisconsin..mine are out..

You give raw meat? What kind of raw meat?

all raw meat but more liver than anything.

X2...I often get an lb of ground meat - any kind - and throw it out for the chickens. In the summer, maybe 1X / week as they can get more live bugs, etc. In the winter much more often. Since they're not vegetarian, they need that "animal based" protein.

Some people on BYC like to be argumentative and impress everyone with their knowledge.

This right here is exactly why I avoid contributing too much. No matter what the topic someone always comes up and has something better to say....they even track you down on other threads to "comment".

Ash..I sure hope you do not feel you have to worry about that here.
Please have high not let someone stop you from sharing that value.

X2! Please - we want to hear you!!!


I found a new poster for reproductive system

I really like that poster - thanks for posting!
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The sunny and warm have left for a while. Back to rain, cold, and wind. It's batten down the hatches time around here again.

I had to laugh when I back read all the posts I've missed and saw the discussion about pasty bum. My experience with it has been the opposite of del and others. Chilling was the main culprit in my experience. The worse outbreak I had was a shipment of 80 chicks that came through the post during a cold spell. Many of those pasty bottomed chicks died. I haven't had an outbreak like that since. It seems one Silkie chick out of a batch will get it on occasion but that's it for me. I keep ACV in the water. They get FF from the beginning. I raise the heat source every week until they are feathered out. I think pasty butt can come from any of the things mentioned. Filthy litter, too much heat, too little heat, poor nutrition, too high of nutrition. They are new born's if you will. Babies need intensive care and they are susceptible to extremes.

I lock down the last batch of eggs in the incubator today. I set eight Johnny eggs. Eight fertile and now eight with great air cells. The Genesis 1588 was worth every cent. I am so ready to clear out the house of chicks, incubator paraphernalia, and mess.

All the seeds and starts I planted during the warm spell are now being set in with rain. "Plant and it will grow" is my motto. Time to clean out some more pens and get the compost pile started again for the new season. The rain will break it down quickly and I will be able to fill two new raised beds wanting to be planted.

The HRIR shipped chicks are growing so fast, they need to be moved out of the chick house soon. It's too early but I have no choice. An unused pen in the barn will have to turn brooder for another couple weeks. These chicks look like nothing I've ever raised before. They are such stout little chunks. It's been giving me great pleasure to watch them and the Catdance Silkies grow and thrive. So far these two lines were good choices.
Mumsy -

How are you going to use all your different breeds? Are the Heritage RIRs and Silkies for breeding and selling hatching eggs/chicks and showing? Are the "Johnny kids" for egg production?
"I don't know much but I do love my chickens. Everything you have done looks beautiful but one question why the heat lamp on 3 year olds? I'd be more worried about a fire. Best of luck to you"

Mostly because of the cold here and they are only in that tiny thing with thin walls. It isn't the best. And I am weaning them off lighting. The past owner had them in a enclosed/secure lean to and had heat. I want to wean them (also promised her I would do the heat/light) off what they were used to.
Yes I am watching.... the part with the heat lamp only has water and food. The litter is in the unscreened part.
We have all done it..eventually you will stop. Every time you open the incubator, you will learn you eventually kill something. If not the one you are helping, than another egg setting in there you allowed too much heat or humidity to escape...hard lesson to learn...It is always best to be gone the day after you see pips, or have a heavy schedule that day.
Sounds perfect for this time of year..
Thank you..I did not know that about celery
Kelp works great
Hello need to examine your girl..
Give her a bath for sure..and check for lice and mites. You might need to give her a dusting first.
FF for sure!! ACV in her drinking water..
Hard to say what else..start with your plan..see how she is and please keep us updated
Many people like them..I do not because

1. you rely on the door and do not check your birds at night
2. They do not always close
3. what else enter the coop besides the chickens
4. The door has no idea if all the chickens are in
It has benefits...and for some it is necessary if they work second shift and are not home at roosting time.
I'd rather invest in a game cam :D Yep I think I will! Wouldn't it be fun to stream from work and see what your chickens are up to? Oh I'd be on there all the time.. lol
I live in Wisconsin..mine are out..
it still freezes at night..they pile together and keep each other warm

What is that barred bird? Looks like it has pink legs. Is it a CM?
Congrats on the egg!! The first ones are so exciting!!

As for the legs... I don't know what your temps are but mine would all do that in the winter. They just take turns warming up their feet by bringing them up. If it's not cold, then maybe there's something else going on or someone else can suggest some other advice.
I call it the flamingo.

OK all you Sizzle people. I have 8 eggs, 7 viable from a Sizzle hen and a BCM roo. What are my chances for a funny feathered chick?
Anyone comment on this yet?

50 % funny feathered, 50% smooth :)

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