The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I just love that picture of the mama and her babies!!
thanks. That is her name as well! 2 more Blue Sumatra's started their hatches today. 4 more Sumatra's still sitting, a broody BO sitting on duck eggs and a Runner duck sitting. LOTS of babies on the way . Naturally
thanks. That is her name as well! 2 more Blue Sumatra's started their hatches today. 4 more Sumatra's still sitting, a broody BO sitting on duck eggs and a Runner duck sitting. LOTS of babies on the way . Naturally
Aww! I keep telling my DH I want to stay home so I have time to do all the things I want to do! Lol I would have a farm full of animals, esp babies <3
There is a massive forest fire here.. I am freaking out. Not anywhere near our place, but close to Jamie's house and all his animals. I can smell it here... 50 km away.

It's bringing back flashbacks.

Sorry to hear this! Keep your chin up and know that you are doing well by your friend if he has to evacuate. I remember a while back when Canada was having forest fires. We could smell them down here and I live at least 5 hours from the border. Will keep you all in my prayers tonight!
Justine....calling Justine......

How are you doing? Checked in hoping you were able to update us on your situation. Am hoping you and Susan and all your animals are safe and sound, and hoping for the best for all the farms in the area.

Justine....calling Justine......

How are you doing? Checked in hoping you were able to update us on your situation. Am hoping you and Susan and all your animals are safe and sound, and hoping for the best for all the farms in the area.

The evacuation was lifted. Three houses burnt down. It wasnt near her though thankfully and Im pretty sure Jamie was not affected but I will leave aoxa to confirm that one 100%. As of now it is supposedly contained but not out.

Also the wind felt like it is going to rain tomorrow so fingers crossed that it will. Its very windy which doesent help for fires
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I had 2 young children, 2 small dogs and a cat. No issues with any of them. Those "organizations" can pay my taxes if they want to tell me what to do
. Otherwise they can scratch my right butt cheek .... or the left if they prefer
. It worked out fine for me. I would suggest a smaller critter however. We want goats and that is our plan for daytime activity's at times. The goat will get anchored in an area that needs mowing. BTW PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals
This was a day ago I'm playing catch up, how do you plan on staking your goats? We also want goats for thinning the underbrush but it'll be a while before we can do fencing. So we talked about staking but not sure how, with goat loving to chew through everything...
Moo 've over fella's there's a new sheriff in town.. ...
oh please forgive the ol'west talk..
for some reason i thought i'd name the rooster's after Law and Order kind of men..
Festus ... He's doing what he's hired to do..

Watch'em -
He's been Introduced a bit at a time over the last week..
to the now 3wk old chicks .. and .. today. we took the training wheels off.. < no fence between them >
he's doing a good job..

... did you see that leaping Salmon Favorelle .. in there s/he jumped right at the roo..

above.. just hanging at the new place to check out today..
learnin to perch..
.....and after a long day at play..
mom makes us a bran and DE bath.. to clean up in .. <below>
but we just got to sleep there...

back in the house.. they get a little snack.. and a drink
and peck in the bran.. ( i got the big sac of bran .. to feed meal worms.. but its doing double duty with bedding for the chicks too )
and boy do those chicks smell good.. I can tell who's been sleeping in the bran.. ; )
thanks.. for looking at my brag book.. ; )
Moo 've over fella's there's a new sheriff in town.. ...
oh please forgive the ol'west talk..
for some reason i thought i'd name the rooster's after Law and Order kind of men..
Festus ... He's doing what he's hired to do..

.....and after a long day at play..
mom makes us a bran and DE bath.. to clean up in .. <below>
but we just got to sleep there...

back in the house.. they get a little snack.. and a drink
and peck in the bran.. ( i got the big sac of bran .. to feed meal worms.. but its doing double duty with bedding for the chicks too )
and boy do those chicks smell good.. I can tell who's been sleeping in the bran.. ; )
thanks.. for looking at my brag book.. ; )
I love the photo of the babies in the dust!

How long have you been working with your dog before you took down the fence between?

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