The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Yes, you have to feed it
.I toss in all my vegetable and fruit matter in that pile and the hot chicken poo, the chickens keep it all stired up. The material is so fine and powdery after they compost for a bit. the top is layers with wood chips to help keep it moist.

I dug(not me, a little cat)about 3 feet down and filled the bottom with a few rocks, the sides with bricks and rocks..inside of that is old pallets slats.

not this elaborate but it gives you an idea of air flow. mine is pretty small. the inside is filled with wood chips, paper, straw, old cardboard, paper, chicken bedding. I started with about 3 dozen worms.(I think they are red tails) I have no idea how many are in there now. I know I have crawl out, but I imagine as long as I keep feeding they will keep happy. I also scoop some of this and put it in the coop for the chickens during the winter. Some use an old tire instead of wood to keep the worms. I did not want to bury rubber.
Are wild birds attracted to this especially at this time of year? Looks like a nice set up and fairly simple to do
You always want at least an inch of liquid covering the feed (once it settles) for a proper ferment. You can feed it right away (it will be wet feed) but it should have a good ferment going in a couple days. When you're ready to feed, lift the top bucket up a bit to let it drain and then scoop the feed out. If your "holy bucket" doesn't drain fast enough for your liking, you can get a mesh colander and scoop some out. I find stirring the feed with a plastic spoon helps it drain faster. It's all personal preference.

Good for you for taking the plunge!
Thanks for the advice! I think mine is fine then =)

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