The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!


The bugs do not bother my whole grain ferment! Why is this? Why do they insist on ruining my crumble mix ferment but ignore the whole grains?
I have no clue about that. I started fermenting long before the thread talked about it, and the bycer that I learned it from fermented grains not feed, so that is all I knew until the ferment thread. After that thread I attempted fermenting the feed but it was to cumbersome and I quickly went back to grain only. I do it in large batches and only add new every couple to several weeks. I keep it outside by the coop in a black plastic trash barrel in the summer it is on the east side of the coop, and in the winter the south side of the coop.
how do you feed fermented feeds in the winter. Does it not freeze solid once you put it in the feed bowl in the coup?

I once tried cornmeal mush for my girls in the winter, but it froze quickly, and they didn't/couldn't eat it?
Quote: Aoxa
I DO think soaking is good and I would also do that if I weren't fermenting. In fact, that's how I started out with wet feed. When I was soaking I'd put the feed in the feed dishes the night before and let them soak overnight. It still has the benefit of helping break down some of the anti-nutrients in the seed coat and, IMO, a good practice!!!

I was also able to soak in whey (from cheese or yogurt-making w/raw milk) when it was available and that also has a lot of the benefits of regular fermentation...where I wouldn't put whey in large amounts in a long-fermenting feed batch.
To ferment grains do you have to start with a mother of vinegar, or could you start with a yeast? An ordinary break making yeast?

Yeast fermentation is different than lacto-fermenting.... Yeast fermentation produces alcohol, which is NOT what you want to do.

Take a look at these articles for an sure to read ALL 3 PARTS:

This article specifically talks about the differences:
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I have no clue about that. I started fermenting long before the thread talked about it, and the bycer that I learned it from fermented grains not feed, so that is all I knew until the ferment thread. After that thread I attempted fermenting the feed but it was to cumbersome and I quickly went back to grain only. I do it in large batches and only add new every couple to several weeks. I keep it outside by the coop in a black plastic trash barrel in the summer it is on the east side of the coop, and in the winter the south side of the coop.
You are doing almost exactly what I am doing right now. I am only doing a 5 gallon bucket though, as I feed only scratch in the summer, and right now not many birds to consume it (21 adults + 2 geese).

It lasts about a week before I add more.

Thank you for the pictures.

This is just a theory..

Sometimes that green look is from lack of O2 and the muscle goes into myopathy . I do know that my meat birds sometimes get it in the breast meat when they grow too fast and have to much fat if I do not free range. They stretch and tear muscles and it goes to green color. It is more common in birds that weigh over 5 lbs. She might have injured her spine and it cut off blood supply to her legs too. This is not something that could be prevented. It is not known to be hereditary. It is not from mismanagement. Unless you starve your birds they can have injury's and have the same thing happen..IMO If you raise LF and they weigh over 5lbs it can and does happen.
Thank you del. These layers of mine are big meaty birds. They forage every day all day and are always running through the yard. They are top of the flock pecking order and get to all the food first. I knew they were heavy. I know she was hurt from the moment she jumped off the roost that first day two weeks ago. injured spine and myopathy makes the most sense to me right now. I am having trouble opening the link and will go look when I can. Thank you again for the link and info. I appreciate it very much. Truly.

I really have had my fair share of bizarre and weird things happen to birds over the last four months. My husband puts it in perspective by telling me most people just bury their dead and dying birds and forget about it. I am such a conscientious flock master, I want to do the best I can and learn in the process. So the loss of each and every bird no matter what the cause weighs heavy on me. Every loss has taught me a great deal.

The layers are not going to like being put on diet rations before they are allowed to free range each morning.
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I DO think soaking is good and I would also do that if I weren't fermenting. In fact, that's how I started out with wet feed. When I was soaking I'd put the feed in the feed dishes the night before and let them soak overnight. It still has the benefit of helping break down some of the anti-nutrients in the seed coat and, IMO, a good practice!!!

I was also able to soak in whey (from cheese or yogurt-making w/raw milk) when it was available and that also has a lot of the benefits of regular fermentation...where I wouldn't put whey in large amounts in a long-fermenting feed batch.
I gave them some goats milk yesterday and they refused it. What weirdos. They love goat milk kefir and yoghurt - but refused the regular goat milk.

The goats tried it though, and the kittens LOVED it.

I wouldn't hesitate to mix it in the feed. :) Just didn't think of it at the time and don't have any left!
Quote: Mumsy
I also need to cut back on feed... can you tell us how you're going to feed to accomplish that? I only have 10 birds so I'll have to figure out how that works for that many, but I just want to be sure I'm not cutting back too much. Mine also get the compost too.

ETA: Will you cut back gradually to get them used to less or will you just cut the ration all at once?
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