The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

There are always restaurants dedicated to all GF foods. Sadly not in my city, but lots in Toronto.

Susan and Dylan are smart. They find the ingredient list online prior to ordering (most times). Usually their questions are only about sauces. Obviously breaded chicken HAS gluten.

I can't imagine any restaurant that serves gluten being cross contamination free.

Also: Employees really need to educate themselves as well. Susan asked Tim Hortons if there were any GF options, and the employee said their wraps were GF. Really? Come on... They were not.

I think soup is pretty safe, as it's not cooked on a surface that has not been washed. But I could be wrong...
No most (restaurant or premade) soups are not safe, most either have noodles or flour as a thickening agent.
No most (restaurant or premade) soups are not safe, most either have noodles or flour as a thickening agent.
That's not what I meant Kass. I was talking how they are cooked. Ask if they have gluten, and there shouldn't be any cross contamination, as they have to wash and disinfect the pot the soup is prepared in.

Tim Hortons has a GF chilli :)
Delisha, no I don't think there is enough ventilation in the coop. I leave the door open at night because it is just too warm to close it. Luckily I have been lucky and haven't had any issues with night predators. I want to cut out more holes in it, but my husband is worried it will ruin the structure because we have taken too much out. I think I might try and take the plastic pieces off of the triangles prices at the top(sorry my brain isn't working this morning, I can't think of what they are called) so that the plastic isn't in the way of the air flow. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them. It was part of the reason I posted pictures. I figured if there was an issue someone would mention them. Thank you for confirming my thoughts.

Camellia, congrats on the truck, they come in handy and the first is always exciting!

I tried the bricks in water, they only drank out of it also. They seem to be adjusting to the heat some, they do forage even in the hot part of the day. Some one mentioned sunbathing with the chickens in the heat. I have seen mine do it also. Why?! If I see it I try to move them to cooler areas, but does anyone know why they might sunbath?

Armor and sally8. You two have some beautiful chickens. I am glad the new hen is settling in well and that George has realized he is a he. :)
We built a frame for two of the sides of our shed so we could have two open sides for ventilation. We used 2x4's. The bottom is covered with wood and the top with hardware cloth. Our door on a 3rd side of the coop is also made of wood and hardware cloth for 3 sided ventilation. The coop is actually cooler then the outside at times, but the shed is under trees too. If you add more supports and attach the existing shed to them as you add large windows that would help with the overall structure.

Dietary Stuff:
I can completely relate to those with stomach issues, I have severe lactose intolerance. One thing I can do that those with Celiac cannot is eat milk or other dairy in very small quantities, if I take lactaid pills. I still have to eat very small amounts or I will still get very sick. I also cannot handle fried foods or too much tomato sauce in foods and have IBS at times as well. I don't eat out much and cook a lot at home. I research what I can eat before I go out and always ask for any sauce or dressing on the side. My own two brothers also have stomach issues as well and both have been undergoing testing to see what is wrong with them.

I have a niece that has celiac disease and at just 16 years old she has already had her ileum and part of her lower intestine removed due to damage from gluten. Her sister has chrones. They are only related by marriage, so it does seem that many people in different walks of life have different dietary needs.
We built a frame for two of the sides of our shed so we could have two open sides for ventilation. We used 2x4's. The bottom is covered with wood and the top with hardware cloth. Our door on a 3rd side of the coop is also made of wood and hardware cloth for 3 sided ventilation. The coop is actually cooler then the outside at times, but the shed is under trees too. If you add more supports and attach the existing shed to them as you add large windows that would help with the overall structure.

I have thought about the hardware cloth of the doors. I just need to get my husband to make one, or my neighbor to help me. My daughter had an idea of trying to use two old screen doors, but haven't had a chance to look into the size and how it would fit.

Lynn I like your idea, but I have to think about how to make it work since the roosts are screwed right into the walls. We would have to take them down and start over. Not something I would prefer to do right now.

I think I will look more into the screen door option, seems more doable in a shorter about of time. Thanks for the help.
Do any of you have thoughts about the idea of hanging a japanese beetle trap (with the bag cut off/open) inside the chicken run? I don't know if the scent lure in them might "leak" and if it might be bad for chickens. I've never used the traps, because I know they bring more into your yard than you would normally have, but someone was talking about catching them and throwing them to the chickens and that the hens like them alive--won't eat them dead. I thougth maybe bringing them into the run would be a good way to increase the bug food available to them. Opinions?
I'm so bummed. You have no idea how many hours I've been sitting at this computer trying to get it fixed. I pm'd support last night and have heard nothing. I've tried clicking on the link for support and it messes up my computer so bad I have to shut it down before it crashes! I have no idea what's going on. Two days ago...Everything fine. Today...I'm in exile.

OH...I'm having no problems on any of the other forums or any other web page. Just BYC. So I know the problem is with this site.

I just read a post with several people who are having the same problem as you It appears that the engineers have fixed the problem for posting pics for mobiles but nothing about there being a fix for pc's yet.

The problems are coming from a software update they did yesterday.

Hang in there Mumsy, they will get it sorted out I am sure, please don't go away, you will be really missed.

Can you connect to the site via a mobile phone / tablet and see if you can contact support that way instead of using your pc as it appears that they have fixed the problem for mobiles?
Isn't that kind of the beauty of this group? We all draw our own lines on what we feel is natural or not. I have not taken every suggestion ever presented here but I am grateful for every bit of information either way.

I won't be looking for new birds for a while anyways. Need to wait for results, cull, disinfect and wait. Test other flocks... Etc. not even sure how we will dispose of so many birds.

I suspect that the grow out pen is not infected as the younger birds are always hit harder and they are fine. Hopefully we can keep the 18 Blue/Black Amerecaunas and 6 Black Silkies. Of course half are roosters. Also have 3 white chanteclers in the brooder with 6 guineas. Pretty sure at least 2 chanteclers are roosters.

So if I have to wait until next spring for some new Silver Laced Polish oh well.

Also trying to decide which dark egg layer to go with. Leaning towards Welsummers as I understand that they are more productive layers than the Marans. Has anyone tried both?
I've had Welsummers and have bred Marans (Black Copper) for over 7 years now; the Wellies I had were obnoxiously loud, and didn't lay a very dark egg, but they were friendly. My Marans are the best layers of any of my breeds; they are the first to start up in the winter, and the last to stop in the fall (I do not use supplemental light), and they are the most docile breed I've owned. I can't say enough about them.

Welsummers seem made to free-range, they are independent, noisy and great foragers. Many times their eggs are speckled. I've found the Black Copper Marans to be skittish and not so bright (one of mine drinks by plunging her entire head under water, eyes open... and when the head comes out of the water the nictitating membranes twitch like crazy, it really is hysterical/pathetic to watch), and also aggressive towards other birds. Your mileage may vary.
That's so interesting that you have had the opposite experience with your Marans. I have never had an aggressive Marans on my property, hen, cock bird, cockerel, or pullet. And as far as them being not so bright...I don't find any breeds to be particularly intelligent, but I can't say that I would call any of them dumb, either. Just my personal experience. OH - actually, I did have Tomaru Longcrower for a couple of years; now those birds were definitely a bit brighter than most other breeds I've had. I miss them!
I just read a post with several people who are having the same problem as you It appears that the engineers have fixed the problem for posting pics for mobiles but nothing about there being a fix for pc's yet.

The problems are coming from a software update they did yesterday.

Hang in there Mumsy, they will get it sorted out I am sure, please don't go away, you will be really missed.

Can you connect to the site via a mobile phone / tablet and see if you can contact support that way instead of using your pc as it appears that they have fixed the problem for mobiles?
Thank you Alibabe. I don't have a mobile phone. At least I can still read this forum and post comments. But it feels like I am the unloved ugly step child right now. Not as much fun as it was two days ago.
Hello all my BYC peeps,

For the last couple days, I have been unable to post pictures. Been having increasing troubles ever since BYC changed their software. I'm not the only one.

I did all the troubleshooting suggestions. When I changed my default setting to Google Chrome, I had to re-login. So of course I couldn't remember my password. No problem I thought. I requested a new one. Well, now it seems BYC is unable to send me email. In fact this has become so messed up, any request I make for support is not answered. I keep getting the same message. "Check your email for new password instructions". I get no email. I've done this so many times now, I'm sick of the whole thing.

Last night I thought I would try and start over with a new profile. Thus the MumsyII. Same thing. I can't even upload images on my new profile! The only image I could get on was a new avatar. And still no email from Support of BYC. Something is seriously wrong with my connection to BYC now and before they changed the soft ware, everything was fine. So I doubt I'll be here much if I can't get help with getting this fixed. Sorry everyone. I really enjoyed this forum and especially this thread.

I've alerted Administration about your issue.
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