The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Congrats!! It is rare to have a chicken that friendly. I only have one like that, and it's Margaret. She is a real pet. Such a sweetie. She will start a fight, but when they come back to get her, she hobbles as fast as her stubs can take her back to me for protection. She makes me laugh!
I have one like that--Millie the Mille Fleur D'uccle--she is the 2nd smallest in the coop of big girls, flies up on my back when I bend over to pick something up and ignore her--she must be petted when she wants it! She is having a ball getting after all of the spring chicks who are larger than she, and pecking them to show them who the queen of the coop is.
Do you grind it up? or just give it whole and then do they eat the bones? or do you end up tossing them?
I really wish I had a bone grinder. I would grind all kinds of bones for them. I feed them bones and all. I have to pull the bones out of the yard after they pick them clean or the dogs will attack the chickens over them the next morning. I do toss them because of the dogs.
I made a good find today while trying to find a fresh turkey today (unfrozen) for dinner.
One local grocery store had chicken hearts gizzards packaged for sale very cheap. I picked up 4 packages for now. The hens couldn't tear them up whole so I put them in the food processor to cut in smaller pieces. Froze most of it raw and gave some to the hens. Big girls loved it and even the tots found out they liked it as well. They didn't eat all I gave them so I put it back in the fridge for tomorrow, I plan on picking up more packages to freeze so that they have it over the winter. I try to give them animal protein a few times a week, and different varieties like fish, liver and now chicken parts. They all had full crops tonight.

Edie the EE laid another pretty lit blue egg today but on the floor. Apparently the nesting box she wanted was occupied by red. She is fun to watch when she decides she needs to lay an egg. She played musical nest boxes for 20 minutes

Delisha you have BCMs .......I noticed tonight when checking crops that Sophie's keel seems very prominent when I was examining her. She is 13 weeks old. I know she eats I watch her. They are also foraging all day. Is it because she is so young? She's at least twice the size of when I got her. I was going to see if Lucy's was the same since she is about 3 weeks older but she is still flighty around me. Thanks
My pullets have a prominent keel yet, it is no longer sharp at around your chicks age. It starts to cover nice when they are a solid 5 months old and continues to enlarge till they are over a year. They are slow developers. They look full with that deep keel and profuse feathers, but they weigh in at maturity at only 6-7 lbs for a hen. That is one of the smaller birds here. I also have cross leg horns. They are a smaller bird. 5lbs tops. They rarely eat feed and lay huge eggs. Nasty mothers and will kill other birds if they peck or bother one of their chicks. They are the only hens I have that will draw blood on me when they are broody. I love them. I never worry about then with chicks. They have never lost a chick. However they have killed other hens chicks so I only let them brood when no one else has chicks. My leghorn crosses are a big bang for my buck. I do not know what I am going to do when these last two are gone. They are young yet, only three years old. I should breed them to an Ameracauna and see how the chicks lay. Ameracuana's have small eggs and it would be nice to develop a large blue egg.
I made a good find today while trying to find a fresh turkey today (unfrozen) for dinner.
One local grocery store had chicken hearts gizzards packaged for sale very cheap. I picked up 4 packages for now. The hens couldn't tear them up whole so I put them in the food processor to cut in smaller pieces. Froze most of it raw and gave some to the hens. Big girls loved it and even the tots found out they liked it as well. They didn't eat all I gave them so I put it back in the fridge for tomorrow, I plan on picking up more packages to freeze so that they have it over the winter. I try to give them animal protein a few times a week, and different varieties like fish, liver and now chicken parts. They all had full crops tonight.

Edie the EE laid another pretty lit blue egg today but on the floor. Apparently the nesting box she wanted was occupied by red. She is fun to watch when she decides she needs to lay an egg. She played musical nest boxes for 20 minutes

Delisha you have BCMs .......I noticed tonight when checking crops that Sophie's keel seems very prominent when I was examining her. She is 13 weeks old. I know she eats I watch her. They are also foraging all day. Is it because she is so young? She's at least twice the size of when I got her. I was going to see if Lucy's was the same since she is about 3 weeks older but she is still flighty around me. Thanks

Geez, that's criminal to feed gizzards and hearts to the animals.... Them in a pressure cooker... It is 5am and you've made me hungry!
LW!!!!!! Good to see you!!!!!!

Give us an update :D
Same here!!

I was hoping he'd come around so I could tell him how his rainy half dead chick experience helped me come to the rescue of my own. :)

Who are all fine by the way. It's raining buckets all day and I refused to let them out. I am not going through that again now!

Annnnd Susan is back!

We've set a wedding date guys :D September 7th. Finally.
Ok, all this talk of ill birds and culling has me doubting my decision with a hen. I took a video this morning, so please let me know your opinions. I have put animals to sleep before, but one I had doubts about. So I guess because of that and this being my first cull, I want to make sure I am doing the right thing.

. I think I did it right.

Yes, my husband would right the chickens over those hearts!
Congrats! Justine. I thought you were already married. I loved living with my husband before we were married, things were so simple then. It is so good to hear your chicks are doing well.
Ok, all this talk of ill birds and culling has me doubting my decision with a hen. I took a video this morning, so please let me know your opinions. I have put animals to sleep before, but one I had doubts about. So I guess because of that and this being my first cull, I want to make sure I am doing the right thing.

. I think I did it right.

Yes, my husband would right the chickens over those hearts!
I don't have sound, but what is wrong with her? I don't see anything out of the ordinary.

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