The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I found tracks this morning so out I go with the iPad to compare them. Thanks Leah's mom for posting the chart again. Mine are sometimes close together as well. I know there are outdoor cats around but I wasn't sure if it was them or not. And the squirrels are out now running thru the snow.

I also saw deer tracks at the coop. I'm guessing they were hoping to munch on the hay bales surrounding the coop. To bad they are frozen solid.

Last night I found one of the big girls in the old run bedded down on the plastic bag holding leaves. I picked her up to find an egg under her. This morning 2 more eggs on the bag. Needless to say I dumped the leaves & removed the bag. A few days ago someone got the bag open and laid inside the bag. Thank goodness I looked inside it to see why it was open
I plan on removing the nesting boxes from the old coop & putting them on the hoop coop. They rarely use the plastic box & they pant in it so much during the summer. So I am hoping they will like the old nesting boxes better. Plus more room and air movement.

But first it needs to warm up. The sun is shining beautifully today but it's only 30. Needs to be a little warmer to work OutSide but I am happy its warmer than the single digits

I now have 2 of my girls that want to stay in the nest for long periods of time. Definitely not broody but possibly "thinking about it". In the dog house in the outside pen, one of those 2 keeps going in there and scratching around. I have some pine shavings and grass clippings in there.

Every day I'm down on hands and knees trying to feel around in that grass to be sure there are no eggs
. The top of that thing does snap off but it's kind-of frozen on I think. I had put it out there for the youngers during the day just in case they got stuck outside by the elders.

Once it stays warmer consistently I think I'll take the clippings out so its not so inviting. I usually use it a for hawk cover hiding place to run into during the summer out in the "range" area so it will move out of there sooner or later.
Check this out!


Not sure I believe that it's not a fire hazard but interesting to watch.

ETA: Forgot to say that Lacy Blues posted this on another thread and I thought some folks would find it interesting.
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Check this out!


Not sure I believe that it's not a fire hazard but interesting to watch.

As long as the heating pad is kept around 100*F, it shouldn't catch the straw/hay on fire. I can imagine this not being a fire hazard, but it would have to be watched carefully.
I'm sticking with heat lamps, personally though. ;)
Check this out!


Not sure I believe that it's not a fire hazard but interesting to watch.
I wonder with all the plastic sheeting, if moisture is an issue with the green house concept... I'd thought about doing that myself.

not the heating pad part, but making a greenhouse type place for babies. easier to keep warm in cooler weather I would think, especially if you added some black plastic sheeting on parts facing the sun.
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Check this out!


Not sure I believe that it's not a fire hazard but interesting to watch.

ETA: Forgot to say that Lacy Blues posted this on another thread and I thought some folks would find it interesting.

If I were going to do it I would put it under sand not straw.

Under the sand w/ the feather dusters over is what I was meaning.
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The bigger of my CX girls died suddenly the other day. She laid a triple yolk egg right before as well. I am wondering if it was from a heart attack. She was absolutely fine that morning and gone by after work.

Big Bertha is still kicking, though she is too submissive with the roosters.
The bigger of my CX girls died suddenly the other day. She laid a triple yolk egg right before as well. I am wondering if it was from a heart attack. She was absolutely fine that morning and gone by after work.

Big Bertha is still kicking, though she is too submissive with the roosters.

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