The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

OK on the leg i been looking and couldn't see where it was turned to tape i think it was the pose. but i will keep a close eye on it,

i posted on the re-homing site with pics too. cutest packing peanuts i have ever received but if i wanted to add 22 chicks to my 12 hens i woulda ordered em next time i will make the drive to pick em up myself.

she doesn't want to be put down so i keep putting her in front of water and food about every hour. she eats drinks and climbs back in my hand.

i will figure out how to separate them in the morning.

i have vit/electrolite on hand so i will add that to water tonite.

thank you for the input. it helps
I'm sorry to see that what was once a pretty popular thread has been abandoned.  I was hoping to find a group of natural chicken raisers for some deworming advice.

This thread is still very active. Maybe you can give us the background story so we might be able to answer your questions.

PS - Hi from Boulder!
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Well ironwingOne, there are a couple of recipes for a natural dewormer on this thread.

We talk about all kinds of things on here... doesn't mean we practice them... if you want to do a search for a recipe, you can start at the top of the page just under the title of the thread in big red letters. Underneath that, you have some options, one of which is search this thread and it shows a magnifying glass.

Click on that and then type in deworming or worming recipes and I'm sure you'll find the info you're wanting.

Good luck.
So our Cornish has gotten the job done and so far hatched two chicks and I heard a third pipping. She is a very good mama so far, she even allowed me to move her and the babies into a wire dog kennel set up in the enclosed run with our 5 week olds from our hatch. These pictures were shot right after she had settled in...



Grats Cochix on hatchings.
It's gonna be one of those days, nothing gets into the run or coop but we left chickens in locked down run today while we were outta town and they figured out how to escape and go free ranging on their own when they weren't let out at usual time, not sure how they did it yet either. good news is half of them put themselves back up and they were all accounted for when we got back.
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