The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Thank you @Leahs Mom - I didn't think I would have to make these tough decisions so soon into having chickens. I was hoping to enjoy them a bit first! And of course, it's the sweetest ones in this group that are sick and I think need culling. It's so tough to make that call though. I only did the abx in the hopes that we would see improvement and at the very least it would buy me some time. I guess not. Thankfully, my husband has generously offered to take care of it. We also have a cockerel in with the main coop - all Marans, that needs to go. He was sold as a splash but I'm pretty sure he's a Blue Copper, which is what I was hoping to breed for if he was a splash. He has been one of our favorites up until recently when he has become aggressive. He is really beautiful but I certainly can't keep an aggressive rooster with young children around - and me! He hasn't gone after my husband but has myself, my 9 yr old son and my 5 yr old daughter. Thankfully he didn't make contact with any of us. I can't rehome him in case he is a carrier for MG and since he's shown aggressiveness. So, he and the two sickies that I like are on the chopping block unfortunately. As much as I would love to feed my family and make some gorgeous bone broth with these birds, I'm not so sure I can do it.

@armorfirelady I am definitely going to keep the mint in mind for planting around the coops. I've had 2 local people tell me now that if we have chickens we have rodents- and I don't want rodents!

@Maria G I looked up the Hedemora and they are beautiful birds. The qualities you mentioned are what I am after in my flock as well. Please do post some pics of your flock when you get a chance. I especially would love a heritage breed that has docile roosters! I see pics of kids holding roosters sometimes and I would love to have roos like that. The Marans we have were handled a lot before we got them at 4 weeks (especially the mean one since he was the only light one, but he wasn't mean then) and then we handled them and were in their run with them for a while and then we got a bit too busy and in the last 2-3 weeks the big guy got aggressive. We have another cockerel in there too, who we thought was going to be a pullet but he doesn't seem to be aggressive. I'm hoping he doesn't turn aggressive after the other one is gone.
Another gentle breed in case you need it, depending on how the other cock starts to behave, is the Buckeye. I will say the majority, like 95% are gentle. They are also a beautiful bird and don't have feathered feet if that would be an issue for you... it is for me. I love cochins but I cannot handle the feathered feet.
@Lacy Blues

Do you have buckeyes? I have considered them ever since starting with chickens but have never gotten any yet. I know there is a lot of controversy among the breeders re standards which I just don't care to get involved in.

But I've really liked the idea of getting good quality Buckeyes and just breeding my own.
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@Lacy Blues

Do you have buckeyes? I have considered them ever since starting with chickens but have never gotten any yet. I know there is a lot of controversy among the breeders re standards which I just don't care to get involved in.

But I've really liked the idea of getting good quality Buckeyes and just breeding my own.

I have had Buckeyes for a couple years and will always have them now. Same with the my second favorite breed and will have them as long as I keep chickens as well. My third breed and third favored is the Dark Cornish....if they didn't go broody so often they could vie for first or second place.
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@hellbender & @Lacy Blues

Where did each of you purchase your Buckeyes?
I got mine from Cackle Hatchery. They are quite large birds and I'm quite impressed with them. Of course the folks who show would find at least a hundred faults but For my purposes (capons, both as pure stock and as hybrid over Dark Cornish).

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