The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I think $20/day to come twice a day and care for chickens and other animals like curious chickee above is a great deal! When we would travel before chickens - just dogs and cats we spent way more than that to board. I can't remember what we paid a day for someone to sleep over and care for the four of them, but I think it was about $40 a day. We would probably pay about $50/day to have someone do what curious chickee is doing and care for our chickens (in three coops), cats and dogs. For you @Leahs Mom I would think $20 a day sounds fair, give or take for your location - maybe even less if it is only one coop and a streamlined system.
Yeah, we didn't discuss location, here in Wisconsin twenty is fair, but in California I would think it's cheap.
I would pay $20/day and I would pay it when I got back and found all my critters alive and well. Plus, they get all the eggs that are laid. Leave them with a contact number so they can call in the event of any problems.

I would also be sure the person was not afraid of chickens. So many people are, I don't understand it. They need to CARE about the birds so they will do a good job.
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Thanks all. Anyone else want to weigh in?

The one person I know can do the job is an adult that has helped me before. But things were a little different the last time....

He was one of my dad's caregivers so he was there at the house every morning w/my dad M-F. Usually he would stay w/my dad if we were out of town so it was all part of the pay he was already getting.

Now he is out of work. I know he will take care of them well so if he wants the job I want him to do it as he already "knows the chickens" and the routine, etc. But it makes it a new thing to figure out how much to pay.

In the future I'd love to find someone walking distance that wants to trade jobs, or that we do the "neighborly" thing helping each other out... or a kid that has proven themselves trustworthy that I would pay. But for now, my caregiver is a great option and I know I can trust him with no problem.
funny that we all think 20/day is good. That is what I have paid the past year, to someone who lives 2 miles from me. In addition to chicken care, she also had to feed the cats including keeping one locked up til the other was finished, and clean the litter box every couple of days. I figure it probably took her about a half hour each time ...she asked for $7.50 an hour. But, I wanted her to come in the morning within a hour of dawn, so that is pretty early, and I told her I wanted to pay her extra because I knew it meant getting up early every single day.

I have paid $20 per visit to a vet tech who pet sits on the side, and she lived probably 20 minutes away, so it was a longer time committment for her.
I've been watching this thread and counting my blessings for having family/indentured servants to take care of this place when I'm away. I don't go but once a year but it is for at least 30 days at a time and they never fact I think they are glad when I'm gone.

I too agree that $20 bucks seems fair if you can get someone to do it right. In fact...getting it done right, it's a bargain. I don't know if it's the same where you folks live but it's so much easier for many to get 'relief' in this state as opposed to working and there really are plenty of jobs that go unfilled. Just not sure what I'd do with out my family...but would certainly not have as many animals on the property.

Good luck getting reliable help!!!


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