The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I try to keep watch on it. You could also send me a pm if you like. Can you tell me the circumstances - when was she last normal. How does she look now? Symptoms? Can you feel her crop? Describe. Do the other birds pick on she bottom of pecking order? Is she able to walk normally when she does walk? I think if you would send a personal message, I'll get notification more quickly that just on the thread.
is still alive and kicking her just didn't feel like it for some time, need an opinion though as I live in Cold northern state would this work for nesting boxes? saw it posted as they had made that for their dog, y chickens owuld use it and might cut down on frozen eggs in the winter time, sure would be easy to clean out and move em when needed for easy clean up.


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I don't know why it wouldn't. Pretty pricey though, if you don't already have an old one kicking around. I think I'd put the hole in the middle, so the birds could use each end for nesting. (Go in the door, and turn left or right) You might also need to weight it down b/c when they stand on that lip, it will be likely to tip.
yeah got friends that have old ones they've replaced offering them to me, my RIR hens see to be related to curious george lol. They took over the dog igloo and the carriers so doubt they'd have much trouble with something new like this. They are pretty funny come knocking on the door thinking they need in like the dogs and cats. . The other flock hated spinach but these guys really love it.

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