The new A-Frame Coop, generation 2.0! **The NEW PICS are Here!! **


10 Years
Nov 18, 2009
Lugoff, SC
I have finally begun to construct my newest project that has been percolating since last year when my brother gave me the frame he had from his kids swing set. It is roughly 6' x 12' and very sturdy so I looked for all the ideas on A-Frame coops I could find and developed a plan for a structure to house 15-18 birds. I enlisted my cousin Ken's help as he is an accomplished carpenter. Well, yesterday was THE day!! I had bought some 2"x4"x14' boards (14) and acquired some plywood (5/8") and also had numerous scrap peices to use as well. The first order of business, after coffee of course, was the floor. We decided to do hard floor at each end of 4' width and hardware cloth in the center 4' section, where the roosts are planned. Ken then asked if I wanted the walls to slant down from the center beam in a true A-Frame style, or did I want 90 degree walls in standard formation. I had not even considered this but immediately liked the idea. It will give more space for roosts and ventilation and also allow a window to be inserted. I chose option B!! The pitched roof also will allow us to continue the run off of the front side out 16' and cover 1/2 of it. Well, enough of my blabbin'; onto the pics!

This is the "raw" frame prior to construction.

This is the floor joists being put in, and the plywood for the end doors is stacked at the other end than Ken is on.

Once the floor was on, Ken insisted that we could dance on it. Despite not being a dancer, he had us both try it out. Here he is...

...And here is my foot, which supports a frame of 6'1" and 350 #'s!

Here we have the first vertical wall going up...

And now we have both of the backside walls with rafters up.

Here is another view from the front side, where the run will extend out 16'.

Here is a view of the hardware cloth for the roost area which hopefully will save on cleaning effort and time.

Finally we have the front walls up and that was the end of our day. All told it was about 4-4.5 hours of steady labor.

I am quite excited to see this project off of the ground, as my babies are 4 weeks old and will need a good home in 2 more. Now I have to get 6 sheets of 4'x8' 1/4" plywood for the walls and roof, as well as shingles/metal/plastic corrugated PVC sheets. Off to Lowe's!! Updates ASAP!
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It looks really cool. I was wondering about the hardware cloth sections: Will the chickens walk on that? If so, what happens to the manure that falls to the ground, do you compost it? It looks super roomy. Are you going into the egg business?

My run is done, but not my coop, so I'm enjoying going through everyone's ideas. Thanks!! And good luck!! (Keep the pictures coming!)

P.S. Sorry for all the newbe questions! I'm trying to "soak up" as much as I can.
I do plan on selling some eggs, but at best egg sellers may have a minimal profit, so I hope to get enough for the feed and some supplies only. Yes, the chickens will walk on it but we plan to lay down slats and space them about 2-3" apart so they won't need to step ON the wire. Saw that type of floor in a poultry book I read once. The manure is farmer's gold and I always look to use it around the ranch (I use the term loosely). Just got 8 wheelbarrow loads from spring cleaning my first coop last weekend, and that will be tilled into the garden along with compost already prepared.

Don't ever sweat the "newbie" questions as we all were new to this odyssey of the chicken at some point. I am starting my second year in it and have 12 laying and 26 more growing. The A-Frame is for the newest flock. I do encourage all new members to read, read, read! all the info you can here and at bookstores, the library, etc.
I do plan on selling some eggs, but at best egg sellers may have a minimal profit, so I hope to get enough for the feed and some supplies only. Yes, the chickens will walk on it but we plan to lay down slats and space them about 2-3" apart so they won't need to step ON the wire. Saw that type of floor in a poultry book I read once. The manure is farmer's gold and I always look to use it around the ranch (I use the term loosely). Just got 8 wheelbarrow loads from spring cleaning my first coop last weekend, and that will be tilled into the garden along with compost already prepared.

Don't ever sweat the "newbie" questions as we all were new to this odyssey of the chicken at some point. I am starting my second year in it and have 12 laying and 26 more growing. The A-Frame is for the newest flock. I do encourage all new members to read, read, read! all the info you can here and at bookstores, the library, etc.

One thing about the hardware cloth under the perches. You might consider putting a larger mesh down so the bigger poos will go through. I saw one like yours that had a similar setup which I really like by the way. They did a little stair step ladder so the chickens didnt have to walk on it. just a thought.

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