the new coops, pic heavy, let me know what you think

Fantastic job, I love the design..

thanks Candiss

well, I have been working on the water storage system since my plywood still hasn't arrived, I tried to add pics again but no luck so I put them on photo bucket, the box is recycled and I paid $5 for the tank and about $30 for the wiring and plumbing but to complete the system I need two thermo cubes they are supposed to be in Monday at tsc about $13 each, its all tested and reworked several time but it seems to be working fine now, so tomorrow I will glue all the joints and set it in place, then I will run the supply line to the old coop and put the gutter system in
this is the perfect setup...will definitely have to show my DH
right now we just have a mixed flock for egglaying...but i would sooo luv to breed some buff brahmas and DH wants BJG's....

hmmmm...i think i know where the tax refund is gonna
there has been a hold up, looks like we are moving, we are going to buy the place next door so I have to move my coops
what a beautful set up. What size birds do you breed? standards or bantams? I am wondering how large pens/ houses would need to be for housing tios of silkies?

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