The NEW Crazy 24hr AUCTION thread

Arg! In my excitement, my comment was embedded up in your says MINE, ALL MINE!!!

Awesome thanks!!!! I will get them ready for shipping now
4 (exact) Toulouse Goose eggs. Ends tomorrow (Friday) at 8pm, EST. Payment should be made by 9pm or you run the risk of not getting your eggs on time.
Starting bid - $20, plus $15 shipping.

I have my sebastopol trio running with my Toulouse trio, so there is a slight chance of sebbies/sebbie crosses. One of the Toulouse has been caught laying and I've never seen the sebbie gander breed them, but the chances are there. The one sebbie goose is on a set of eggs, so she's definitely not laying, lol.
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Up for auction: 10+ blue isbar eggs. Blue roo over 4 blue and one black hen. I will update with pics later today. Starting bid is $20 + $18 shipping. Auction ends tomorrow (Friday 5/8) at 2pm EST
Up for auction: 10+ blue isbar eggs. Blue roo over 4 blue and one black hen. I will update with pics later today. Starting bid is $20 + $18 shipping. Auction ends tomorrow (Friday 5/8) at 2pm EST
Are your Isbars from the first import or the second? Did you get them directly from Greenfire Farms?
Up for auction: 10+ blue isbar eggs. Blue roo over 4 blue and one black hen. I will update with pics later today. Starting bid is $20 + $18 shipping. Auction ends tomorrow (Friday 5/8) at 2pm EST

Are your Isbars from the first import or the second? Did you get them directly from Greenfire Farms?

They are from GFF last year - she didn't say which line, so I'm not sure. I'm assuming the newer line, but some are smaller than others, so I don't know if it's a mix from both.
15 Jill Rees Greenfire Farms lines Legbar chicks

I hatched a batch of Legbar chicks from my Jil Rees lines on 04/25 and 04/26. They will be two weeks old this weekend. I have two pens: Pen 1 is a male with better coloration over females with better body type. Pen 2 is a male with better body type over females with better coloration. Chicks come from both pens. This is the perfect chance to get some great quality Legbars and add new blood to your lines. You'll be able to pick a great male from over 10 choices and you'll have a few females to add to your flock.

I have way too many males. So, I am offering the following: 12 males and 3 females. I normally sell them $15 each males or $25 each females on BYC (a BYC discount). I'm willing to offer them for much less than that. Bidding will start at $150 including 15 chicks, priority shipping, and box charge (I can ship through Express for an additional fee if you'd prefer that option). Bidding will end on Saturday, May 9th at 5:00PM EST.

24 hour auction. Ends at 11:00 pm Central time. Shipping is $13.00 a dozen They will probably ship out Saturday, assuming payment has been received. Send it via paypal to [email protected] Please include a note with your BYC username, address and phone number.
I guarantee your eggs will arrive unbroken. I can not guarantee your hatch in any way.

Auction number one.
1 Dozen Egyptian Fayoumi eggs.

Original stock came from Sandhill Preservation Center. Excellent layers. They mature incredibly fast! My hens start laying aroung four and a half months of age.
Starting price $15.00

Auction number two.
1 Dozen Norwegian Jaerhorn eggs.

They are a auto sexing breed. I love the fact that you can tell males and females aprart at hatch. Good layers. Original stock came from Ideal Poultry. They were horrible. The auto sexing gene was not even correct. They have improved vastly since I started with them!
Starting price $20.00

Auction number three.
1 Dozen assorted purebred bantams.
Pet quality only. Breeds could include White Silkie, Black Silkie, Black tailed White Japanese, Red Cochin, White Frizzle Cochin, Mottled Cochin, Golden Laced Cochin, and Barred Cochin.
Starting price 12.00

Auction number four.
1 Dozen Fawn and White Runner duck eggs.

Original stock from Metzer farms. Fairly nice birds. Good layers!
Starting price $12.00

Last auction for now.
1 Dozen White Runner eggs.

Original stock came from Dave Holderread. Very nice posture. Great layers.


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