The new golden comet thread!!!!


Free Ranging
8 Years
Jan 21, 2016
Hello! :frow and welcome to the new golden comat chat!!!!i had made one before and it died,so here is a new one!

I really love my little one isadora 9 weeks old,and I def. want more!!!

Be were of her cuteness!


They are great, mine are 10-11 weeks old. Slightly slower maturing but on par with the rest of the flock. They are very friendly with each other and myself, I cant recall seeing them act aggressive in any way towards the other birds. I usually call them popcorn chickens haha.
My commets are the sweetest birds ive ever had! They let you just walk up and pick them up ( my marans are another story) i love them. They lay an egg for me every day, and they started laying at 4 months! Thats a bonus! I would totally get more. I have some of their eggs in the incubator right now ;)
We bought 20 Golden Comet chicks from TSC at the beginning of April. Ended up with 1 boy and 19 girls. Most of them didn't start laying until this month. I was worried because everything I read indicated I could expect eggs at 16-20 weeks. We also have BR, RIR, and EE hens. The GC eggs are much bigger and browner except for one of the EE hens. They are also the friendliest breed we have. All day long they come up on the porch to sit on my chair with me and beg for treats. They let our grandkids pet them and get along well with our 5 dogs.
I just brought home two "golden Comet" hens who are on my kitchen porch, waiting to integrate into my "flock" of one Orpington and one Phoenix. They can all see each other through the screen. Everything I read about these Comets was positive until today, when I read in a thread here that red sex-links (which I guess the Red Comets are) would be very aggressive with new birds. Is this true?I did let them out in the chicken yard briefly today, knowing it would be too soon but curious to see what would happen. The more dominant of the two Comets got into it right away with my Orpington so I put them back apart. I realize they should be apart for several days, but have I made a mistake getting this breed?
My RIR hens are more aggressive than any of the other breeds I have. None of my Golden Comets are aggressive to any other bird except my little OEGB. Everybody picks on her because she is so tiny. But, all my RSL's were raised in a brooder on the back porch. When they went in the coop they were the youngest birds in there. When we've added new members to the flock, they didn't cause any trouble at all.
It might be the stress of being relocated. Be patient with them.

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