The New Way To Hatch And Grow An Embryo ( IT HATCHED WE DID IT!! Huge Thanks to Everyone!!!!!!!! )


16 Years
Feb 7, 2008
Last time I did the Kordon breathing bag experiment and hatched out a little chick named Kordon. Also the same time I did the window project, the window project was me taking a section of the shell off to watch the chick grow inside the egg, but it only made it to day 16. Before last time when I did the Kordon breathing bag experiment and made it to day 19, but I never gave up and 2 months later tried again and had it hatch out. That showed to never give up and I think like last time, this can work.
Next is my new one I never tried is putting 2 duck eggs white and yoke in the same bag (Both Duck).

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39 Chickens Hatched

11 Ducks hatched

Total 121 NEW REC!!!!!!!!!

(New Way To Hatch And Grow An Embryo Videos)

Getting Ready-
Day 0-
Day 1-
Day 2-
Day 3-
Day 4-
Day 5-
Day 6-
Day 7-
Day 8-
Day 9-
Day 10-
Day 11-
Day 12-
Day 13-
Day 14-
Day 15-
Day 16-
Day 17-
Day 18-
(Hatching Time)
Day 19 Pipping-

Pictures Ducks

Day 0-

Day 1-

Day 2-

Day 3-

Day 4-

Day 5-

Day 6-

Day 7-

Day 8-

Day 9-

Day 10-

Day 11-

Ended Duck didnt make it, will put up next time.

Chicken Embryo Pics Day 0-18

Chicken During Incubation:

Day 1:

6 to 10 h - First kidney-like cells (pronephros) begin to form.

8 h -Appearance of primitive streak.

10 h -Yolk sac (embryonic membrane) begins. Functions include: a) blood formation; b) yolk digestion; c) yolk absorption; d) food provision after hatching. Mesoderm appears; embryo oriented at 90° angle to egg's long axis; mesonephros begins.

18 h -Primitive gut begins; primordial germ cells appear in germinal crescent.

20 h -Vertebral column begins.

21 h -Appearance of neural groove, nervous system.

22 h -Appearance of first pair of somites (block-like segments) and head.

23 to 24 h -Blood islands, vitelline (yolk sac) circulation, blood, heart,blood vessels begin (2 to 4 somites).

Day 2:

25 h -Appearance of eye; vertebral column visible; embryo begins to turn on left side (6 somites).

28 h -Ear begins (7 somites).

30 h -Amnion (embryonic membrane around embryo) begins. Primary function is to protect embryo against shock and sticking; also responsible for some albumen absorption. Chorion (embryonic membrane that fuses with allantois) begins; heartbeat begins (10 somites).

38 h -Cranial flexure and torsion evident; heartbeat moves blood (16 to 17 somites).

42 h -Thyroid begins.

48 h -Anterior pituitary and pineal glands begin to develop.

Day 3:

50 h -Embryo turns on left side; allantois (embryonic membrane that fuses with chorion) begins. Functions of chorioallantois are: a) respiration; b) albumen absorption; c) absorption of calcium from shell; d) storage of kidney excretions.

60 h -Nasal pits, pharynx, lungs, anterior limb buds begin.

62 h -Posterior limb buds begin.

72 h -Middle and outer ear, trachea begin; amnion completes growth around embryo.

Day 4: Tongue and esophagus begin; embryo separates from yolk sac; allantois grows through amnion; contractions occur in amnion wall; adrenal development begins; pronephros (nonfunctional kidney) disappears; metanephros (definitive or final kidney) begins; proventriculus, gizzard, ceca, large intestine begin. Pigment visible in eye (dark eye).

Day 5: Reproductive system and differentiation of sex appear; thymus, bursa of Fabricius, duodenal loop begin; chorion and allantois begin to fuse; mesonephros begins to function; first cartilage present.

Day 6: Beak appears; voluntary movement begins; chorioallantois (chorion fused with allantois) lies against shell near large end of egg.

Day 7: Digits appear; comb growth begins; egg tooth begins; melanin produced; absorption of mineral from shell begins. Chorioallantois is attached to inner shell membrane and growth around the inner surface is progressing.

Day 8: Father tracts appear; parathyroid begins; bone calcification begins.

Day 9: Growth of chorioallantois about 80% complete (still open at small end); mouth opening appears.

Day 10: Beak begins to harden; digits completely separated.

Day 11: Abdominal walls established; loops of intestine begin to protrude into the yolk sac; down feathers visible; comb and wattles visible; claws and scales appear on toes; mesonephros reaches maximum level of function, then begins to degenerate; metanephros begins to function.

Day 12: Chorioallantois completes enclosure of egg contents; embryo water content begins to decrease.

Day 13: Cartilaginous skeleton is relatively complete; embryo heat production and oxygen consumption begin to increase rapidly.

Day 14: Embryo begins to turn head toward large end of egg; long bone ossification becomes rapid. Turning of egg no longer essential.

Day 15: Intestinal loops easily seen in yolk sac; contraction of amnion ceases.

Day 16: Beak, claws, and scales relatively cornified; albumen is practically gone and yolk increasingly important as food source; down feathers cover body; intestinal loops begin to retract into body.

Day 17: Amniotic fluid decreases; embryo positioning head toward large end, toward right wing with beak toward air cell; definitive feathers begin.

Day 18: Blood volume decreases, total blood hemoglobin decreases. Embryo should be in proper position to hatch: embryo's long axis the same as long axis of egg; head in large end of egg; head to right and under right wing; beak pointed toward air cell; feet toward head.

Day 19: Intestinal loop retraction complete; yolk sac begins to enter body cavity; amniotic fluid (swallowed by embryo) disappears; beak may pierce air cell and lungs begin to function (pulmonary respiration).

Day 20: Yolk sac completely drawn into body; air cell pierced, followed by functioning of pulmonary respiration; embryo makes sounds; chorioallantoic circulation, respiration, and absorption decrease; embryo may pip shell.

Day 21: Hatching process: chorioallantoic circulation ceases; embryo breaks shell over air cell with egg tooth; embryo slowly rotates in egg counterclockwise, chipping and breaking shell as it does; embryo kicks and attempts to straighten neck, pushes shell open; kicks free of shell, rests, straightens, dries.

>Day 21: Some embryos are unable to hatch but survive beyond the normal hatching time.
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What kind of eggs? chicken? My incubator is full, it has duck and guinea eggs in it. I don't know if the guinea eggs are going to be any good I will candle them in 10 days to find out.
70/70 Chicken Eggs Set 6/5/12 Hatch 6/26/12

51/51 Duck Eggs Set 6/5/12 Hatch 7/3/12

Total 121 NEW REC!!!!!!!!!
I have muscovy duck eggs due to hatch 7-3 we can do a hatch along

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